Audio: Jerry Jones lays down the law!!!

Chocolate Lab;3045287 said:
I do, too... And if anything, it looked like Wade had more say this offseason with Igor, Brooking, and Joe D all being brought in. Even Pacman and Tank being sent packing after Wade IMO didn't want Pacman back after the Joule incident and reportedly wanted Siavii instead of Tank last year look like Jerry relinquishing a bit.

It's just the way that Jerry insists on everyone knowing HE should get credit for things... Ugh. All it does is give more fodder to the Bachs of the world.

Its Jerry's toy and we all just get to watch him play with it.
Hypnotoad;3045271 said:
I don't know if that's what happened. I really think spencer getting drafted had wade's fingerprints on it. I also think some of the defensive players not getting their contract resigned this year was also influenced by wades eye for defensive talent. Probably telling Jerry 'oh this player can be replaced with mid draft talent.' Of course this is pure speculation.
Jerry Jones is all about semantics. He likes to trumpet loud and hard when the team is successful. When that's the case, he's the GM, he's the owner, he's the one calling the shots. If this were the opposite, he wouldn't be talking much about his role and what degree it really is.

When he says he has the final say, he does. But that doesn't mean he is the ultimate decision maker on his own. It is clear he can be influenced by coach input, especially on draft decisions. He would not have taken dozens of Miami Hurricanes, stocked the team full of Parcells Guys or import Phillips favorites if he wasn't convinced. On the other hand, he has gone out of his way to force several of his prize plums on the coaching staffs (Peerless Price, Eddie George, Drew Henson) with often horrible results. He might even be tempted to do the same now with Roy Williams. He makes up his mind and does listen, but if he doesn't, his way goes.

In short, he isn't a talent evaluator and needs to keep himself out of situations where he overrules those more equipped to know if a player is going to fit or if they should play more or less. Hold the coaches accountable for those decisions. Because if you don't and cloud the situation with your own interjections when you don't like what they do, what is the point? Make yourself head coach then.
Chocolate Lab;3045287 said:
It's just the way that Jerry insists on everyone knowing HE should get credit for things... Ugh. All it does is give more fodder to the Bachs of the world.

This is what I was saying the other day in another thread. I really dont think Jerry makes all the decisions or even has the majority of the input, but for whatever twisted reason, he wants people to believe its that way. He just wants the credit.
speedkilz88;3045290 said:
Only Jerry never said anything like that about Ogletree.

Huh, what do you mean? He said O-Tree was going to play ST and be on the field for the Offense.
dcfanatic;3045206 said:
Jerry Jones lays down the law!!!

By dcfanatic, October 30, 2009 1:15 pm

Here's the Cowboys 'real' head coach letting you fans know he has decided Kevin Ogletree needs to start playing and so that is exactly what will happen this Sunday.

I think that's what he said.

And Oh yeah. He makes all the decisions. All of them! He will take into consideration what the 'football coaches' say but when it really comes down to it he will be deciding who plays on Sundays.

And we wonder why it's been thirteen years...

Jerry Jones on The Fan

It's called being the boss and letting everyone know it.

And I gotta say. I knew this was how things were being done at Valley Ranch, but to hear him being so vocal about it and basically telling the fans that this is how it is and that he could care less if we like it or not kind of made me feel sorry for Wade Phillips.

I have killed Wade on many occasions.

I think from now on I may not do that as much.

Dude can you paraphase anything more wrong than you do? Jerry said he thinks we will see Ogletree but that depends on some things in practice, etc.

He also talked that the GM makes the personnel decisions and that the Owner is the only person who can overrule the GM. What I find interesting about this comment is that it leave room for that the GM could one day be different than the Owner.

"Do you know anyone that owns something and doesn't make all the calls? If you wrote a 80 million dollar check, wouldn't you make the call?":lmao2: Good one Jerry, set these people strait.

Dude you are like the TO of Cowboyszone.....
Doomsday101;3045292 said:
oh please child, now you are just making crap up please show me where this convesations took place beyond your own mind.

It is not a secret Jerry has final Jerry has never denied that. Jerry has also talked about listening to those he has hired but I guess that does not fit your own agenda so why not exaggerate right? :lmao2:

Jerry has never been so adament about letting us know he makes the final decisions on who plays from week to week.

Stop being naive.

Be a fan. Not a homer.
Everlastingxxx;3045280 said:
My problem is it appears that Jerry feels he knows more than the coaches. If Wade says player X is not ready...but Jerry thinks he is, player X is playing. Jerry thinks he knows more than Wades 30 years of experience. I have a problem with that.

So O-Tree is playing because Jerry says so? I am happy he is, but id rather a real coach make that decision. No wonder we have a been a joke the last decade.

Who says this is happening though? I don't believe there is any hurt in playing a player before he's ready unless its the quarterback position. Otherwise, where is the hurt? This team lives and dies by Romo and the secondary IMO which maybe even the pass rush should be included when talking about the secondary. I don't see 1 player in either that is not ready to play.
Chocolate Lab;3045287 said:
I do, too... And if anything, it looked like Wade had more say this offseason with Igor, Brooking, and Joe D all being brought in. Even Pacman and Tank being sent packing after Wade IMO didn't want Pacman back after the Joule incident and reportedly wanted Siavii instead of Tank last year look like Jerry relinquishing a bit.

"More say" implies a method of control. Use "more influence". It fits better.

Wade Phillips didn't have any "say". He simply was able to convince Jones better. This isn't a situation where power is bestowed periodically.
speedkilz88;3045227 said:
With Rossum hurt it was pretty much a given that Ogletree would be active for STs.

Why is this a given? Olgletree is a WR not a CB?
Alexander;3045307 said:
Jerry Jones is all about semantics. He likes to trumpet loud and hard when the team is successful. When that's the case, he's the GM, he's the owner, he's the one calling the shots. If this were the opposite, he wouldn't be talking much about his role and what degree it really is.

When he says he has the final say, he does. But that doesn't mean he is the ultimate decision maker on his own. It is clear he can be influenced by coach input, especially on draft decisions. He would not have taken dozens of Miami Hurricanes, stocked the team full of Parcells Guys or import Phillips favorites if he wasn't convinced. On the other hand, he has gone out of his way to force several of his prize plums on the coaching staffs (Peerless Price, Eddie George, Drew Henson) with often horrible results. He might even be tempted to do the same now with Roy Williams. He makes up his mind and does listen, but if he doesn't, his way goes.

In short, he isn't a talent evaluator and needs to keep himself out of situations where he overrules those more equipped to know if a player is going to fit or if they should play more or less. Hold the coaches accountable for those decisions. Because if you don't and cloud the situation with your own interjections when you don't like what they do, what is the point? Make yourself head coach then.

Jerry also changed his mind on TO, evidently after talking with others he changed his tune from TO would be here to shipping TO out and eating the 9 million.
Smith22;3045235 said:
When asked about our 13 year playoff win drought, he mentioned our previous 3 Superbowls of the 90's and he also mentioned that bringing in BP didn't get us a Superbowl either.

Man, I wish Newy had pressed Jerry more on this answer and others.

He let him off the hook with his standard "Did you like those 3 super bowls" reply. He should have said hell yes, I liked those super bowls and I wish you'd get back to doing things like you did back then, empower your coach with some authoity and don't undermine his credibility. I wish he would have pressed him by saying you don't really expect me or fans to believe the Cowboys are being run the same way they were in the Super Bowl years do you?

He also missed an opportunity to reply to Jerrys comment that Parcells didn't bring us any super bowls. I wish Newy had said, no he didn't but he got the team competitive again and the team showed remarkable improvement over what had been put on the field 10 years prior to his arrival and much of the team that is playing today is the direct result of the work Parcells did. To dismiss Parcells because he didn't win Super Bowls is ridiculous in my opinion.

I'm as hard on Jerry as anyone, but all I think he really has to do (and there appears to be evidence he may be doing so) is empower his coaches, give credit where credit is due (Jerry may sign off on all decisions, but he isn't making all the decisions, play calls, etc) and quit trying to spin everything in such a ridiculously positive light. I think its good for the man in charge to make it clear publically that anything less than excellence will not be tolerated, all positions are constantly evaluated, no job is safe and if any player or coach thinks they are, then they should just take a look at where To is playing now.

Patrick Crayton is a good example of what can happen when a players job is not firmly secure. Crayton said it all when he said he practiced harder and had more motivation than he's had in a long time. I think it's good for players to feel a little insecure and play with a chip on their shoulders.

We all know Jerry is going to be the front man for the organization, I just want him to set a high standard, preach the team concept and not let contracts or draft location determine who plays, establish a strong chain of command so that players don't think they can make end runs around their coaches, etc.

These are not drastic adjustments and I believe they could make a big difference in how the team performs.

I see evidence that some of this is occurring and hope it continues, Jerry isn't completely clueless and he's certainly not as bad as Snyder or Al Davis. Hopefully he'll improve because we all know he's not going anywhere.
arync;3045318 said:
Why is this a given? Olgletree is a WR not a CB?
Rossum is a CB in name only, where you been? Ogletree was the kickoff returner in the KC game. Then they picked up Rossum to be the returner. Now Rossum is hurt. You think maybe the odds have turned in Ogletree's favor to be active again?
dbair1967;3045308 said:
This is what I was saying the other day in another thread. I really dont think Jerry makes all the decisions or even has the majority of the input, but for whatever twisted reason, he wants people to believe its that way. He just wants the credit.

He just used the word 'frequently' when citing times he has made decisions that put younger players on the field.

Now he's saying what's going on and you are saying he's just saying it to trick us into giving him credit.


So it's not what he actually says. It's really about what you think he wants us to believe?

Doomsday101;3045319 said:
Jerry also changed his mind on TO, evidently after talking with others he changed his tune from TO would be here to shipping TO out and eating the 9 million.

He was "convinced". That doesn't mean he had the right idea all along. Even he stated how anguished he was over the decision. In retrospect, it was a no-brainer move. Thankfully, Stephen Jones (and Garrett or whomever) was forceful and persuasive enough.
Alexander;3045307 said:
Jerry Jones is all about semantics. He likes to trumpet loud and hard when the team is successful. When that's the case, he's the GM, he's the owner, he's the one calling the shots. If this were the opposite, he wouldn't be talking much about his role and what degree it really is.

When he says he has the final say, he does. But that doesn't mean he is the ultimate decision maker on his own. It is clear he can be influenced by coach input, especially on draft decisions. He would not have taken dozens of Miami Hurricanes, stocked the team full of Parcells Guys or import Phillips favorites if he wasn't convinced. On the other hand, he has gone out of his way to force several of his prize plums on the coaching staffs (Peerless Price, Eddie George, Drew Henson) with often horrible results. He might even be tempted to do the same now with Roy Williams. He makes up his mind and does listen, but if he doesn't, his way goes.

In short, he isn't a talent evaluator and needs to keep himself out of situations where he overrules those more equipped to know if a player is going to fit or if they should play more or less. Hold the coaches accountable for those decisions. Because if you don't and cloud the situation with your own interjections when you don't like what they do, what is the point? Make yourself head coach then.

Ultimately, you are right. Most of the known decisions that were taken credit for by Jerry ended up as duds. In recent memory, I don't recall a single one being a success.

Whats frightening is a situation such as Brad Johnson can arise. A situation where a person recommends a horrible player and other staff agree and the ultimate POOR decision is made by the GM. Even the fans knew he was washed up. The decision makers (I think: garrett jerry on this one) didn't until it was too late.
rocyaice;3045315 said:
Who says this is happening though? I don't believe there is any hurt in playing a player before he's ready unless its the quarterback position. Otherwise, where is the hurt? This team lives and dies by Romo and the secondary IMO which maybe even the pass rush should be included when talking about the secondary. I don't see 1 player in either that is not ready to play.

Yea i agree, but shouldn’t a coach with 30 years football experience be making those calls? If he can’t, then he shouldn’t be the coach.
sacase;3045312 said:
Dude can you paraphase anything more wrong than you do? Jerry said he thinks we will see Ogletree but that depends on some things in practice, etc.

He also talked that the GM makes the personnel decisions and that the Owner is the only person who can overrule the GM. What I find interesting about this comment is that it leave room for that the GM could one day be different than the Owner.

"Do you know anyone that owns something and doesn't make all the calls? If you wrote a 80 million dollar check, wouldn't you make the call?":lmao2: Good one Jerry, set these people strait.

Dude you are like the TO of Cowboyszone.....

Yeah, we have a few in here who do this kind of thing.
dcfanatic;3045313 said:
Jerry has never been so adament about letting us know he makes the final decisions on who plays from week to week.

Stop being naive.

Be a fan. Not a homer.
I've actually heard pretty much word for word from Jerry multiple times over the years.
Alexander;3045316 said:
"More say" implies a method of control. Use "more influence". It fits better.

Wade Phillips didn't have any "say". He simply was able to convince Jones better. This isn't a situation where power is bestowed periodically.

Most teams do have to convince the GM. I have seen other GM's listen to debating sides about a player and when there is not a consensus the GM will make the final call.

According to reports that took place with Spears and Ware when the head of scouting felt Ware should be selected instead of Spears with our 1st pick in the end we got both but Jerry did over ride the coach on that call. Jerry does not want to be HC and has said that and when things do not work out Jerry has stood up and taken the heat.

There is no doubt this is not standard situation where the Owner is the GM.

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