*** SPOILERS *** Avengers Endgame Discussions

Perhaps he also missed the original Thor film.

Seriously. Odin could not have been any more clearer about who and how anyone could wield Mjolnir.

Yep, Odin was pretty clear in that scene. Kind of mucked things up in Ragnarok when he asked Thor if he was the king of thunder or the king of hammers(or something to that affect). Basically Thor is Thor with or without a hammer. Anyone wielding Mjolnir(be they worthy) can also possess similar powers to Thor. Yet Thor seemed convince he needed another hammer in Infinity War.
Yep, Odin was pretty clear in that scene. Kind of mucked things up in Ragnarok when he asked Thor if he was the king of thunder or the king of hammers(or something to that affect). Basically Thor is Thor with or without a hammer. Anyone wielding Mjolnir(be they worthy) can also possess similar powers to Thor. Yet Thor seemed convince he needed another hammer in Infinity War.
Hela destroyed Mjolnir in Thor: Ragnarok, which is why he asked Eitri the Dwarf to create Stormbreaker.

He did retrieve Mjolnir on his time travel trip to Asgard though. Having two hammers to fight Thanos likely felt like a good idea to Thor at the time.
By comparison, Avengers: Endgame trailed Star Wars: The Force Awakens after 17 days in release by less than $19 million ($742M to $723M). SW:TFA is the all-time domestic box office champion at just under $937 million accumulated during a 168-day release run. I wonder if A:E has the potential of reaching the all-time domestic mark and/or exceeding $1 billion in North American box office?
I think it's pretty clear it will fall short of TFA domestically, but will surpass Avatar globally.
But nobody is going to be suckered in to another Star Wars movie like that ever again.


I do wonder if bringing Palp back is just to please the fans


My hope is, they tie all 9 movies together in a great way?
Palp, “tragedy of Darth plagueis...”?
My daughter's patrol shift finally ended, so she took the opportunity yesterday to see the movie on her off day. She said she enjoyed it about the same as Infinity War. When I asked about the "girl power moment", she said the sequence seemed integrated well into the entire movie. She recognized the scene could be taken as pandering to her and the female audience but did not feel slighted by it personally.

That is two female perspectives down, counting my wife's assessment. Now if I can only wait out six other women I know who said they definitely plan to go see the movie but are dragging their feet. :rolleyes::(
A female co-worker, someone I had not even asked to let me know what she thought of Endgame, cornered me to let me know she FINALLY saw the movie. She disliked most of the movie. Her dislike focused mostly on the time travel and pacing of the film. I told her I got what she was saying but to put all that aside for a moment and let me know what she thought of The Girl Moment.

She stopped for a second, thought about it, suddenly remembered the scene and said she did not think much about it. I asked her if the scene seemed overly pandering or demeaning to her. She simply shrugged and said no. I started laughing and she asked me what was funny, so I told her about other reactions I have read--mainly from males relaying what females thought of the scene. She rolled her eyes, snorted and started laughing too.

What gets me are the few females I know who have either not seen the movie or refuse to go see it. I need more female input! :mad::laugh:

Edit: I forgot! She said she almost fell asleep halfway through the movie and that she had never done that before.
A female co-worker, someone I had not even asked to let me know what she thought of Endgame, cornered me to let me know she FINALLY saw the movie. She disliked most of the movie. Her dislike focused mostly on the time travel and pacing of the film. I told her I got what she was saying but to put all that aside for a moment and let me know what she thought of The Girl Moment.

She stopped for a second, thought about it, suddenly remembered the scene and said she did not think much about it. I asked her if the scene seemed overly pandering or demeaning to her. She simply shrugged and said no. I started laughing and she asked me what was funny, so I told her about other reactions I have read--mainly from males relaying what females thought of the scene. She rolled her eyes, snorted and started laughing too.

What gets me are the few females I know who have either not seen the movie or refuse to go see it. I need more female input! :mad::laugh:

Edit: I forgot! She said she almost fell asleep halfway through the movie and that she had never done that before.
She doesn't sound like someone with a particularly knowledgeable opinion, if she didn't even like the movie, and nearly fell asleep. Wouldn't surprise me if the girl power moment was the only part she liked.
She doesn't sound like someone with a particularly knowledgeable opinion, if she didn't even like the movie, and nearly fell asleep. Wouldn't surprise me if the girl power moment was the only part she liked.
:laugh:I do NOT think I will be relaying your opinion of her any time soon--like never. :muttley:
She doesn't sound like someone with a particularly knowledgeable opinion, if she didn't even like the movie, and nearly fell asleep. Wouldn't surprise me if the girl power moment was the only part she liked.

Every girl I’ve talked to loved that part. Seems like the only people who didn’t were guys, and they’re not the target audience for it anyway.

I didn’t mind because the guy heroes get the majority of the screen time anyway.
Every girl I’ve talked to loved that part. Seems like the only people who didn’t were guys, and they’re not the target audience for it anyway.

I didn’t mind because the guy heroes get the majority of the screen time anyway.
I've only spoken to one female about it, and she rolled her eyes and said something to the effect of, "It was so in your face that it had the opposite effect of what was intended." I don't remember her exact words, but she was almost embarrassed by the scene.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against strong women. I loved Captain Marvel. That whole scene just seemed incongruous to the film, and forced, as if the writers asked their 12 year old daughters what should happen next.
Every girl I’ve talked to loved that part. Seems like the only people who didn’t were guys, and they’re not the target audience for it anyway.

I didn’t mind because the guy heroes get the majority of the screen time anyway.

Like I said previously, both my wife and my daughter didn't like that scene and said it made no sense in context with the rest of the battle.
Every girl I’ve talked to loved that part. Seems like the only people who didn’t were guys, and they’re not the target audience for it anyway.

I didn’t mind because the guy heroes get the majority of the screen time anyway.
I have not yet spoken with a female viewer who had an issue with the scene but my survey size has been limited to only three so far admittedly. As time passes, I am becoming more convinced the scene also served as a test for reactions to a possible group female team dominated cast film down the line--perhaps some version of A-Force or another heroine team.
I have not yet spoken with a female viewer who had an issue with the scene but my survey size has been limited to only three so far admittedly. As time passes, I am becoming more convinced the scene also served as a test for reactions to a possible group female team dominated cast film down the line--perhaps some version of A-Force or another heroine team.

I think you nailed it.

An all female cast for something.
saw it last night with my grandson. He has been chomping to go for weeks and I decided to take him last night. I am not too keen on action movies and would much rather watch two great actors go at it. But for an action movie I thought the last hour was about as good of a war movie/action movie as I have seen. I much preferred that hour of battle over the winterfell and dead action. I could at least make out what was going on. I dont think I would spend 3 hours watching it again even if I came across it on HBO. But it was still pretty good.
I think you nailed it.

An all female cast for something.
Here is a good Marvel.com article featuring seven all-female teams (click on link at GREAT peril @Runwildboys !!! :muttley: )


Not sure how viable any of these already precedented and/or established comic book teams would be for integrating into the MCU but we know Disney/Marvel plan all their film phases well in-advance.

I think the MCU Avengers has set the method of interconnecting characters for a series of group team movies. First, they showcased original comic book Avengers team members in their own movies, which were Iron Man, Thor and Hulk. Black Widow and Hawkeye were not original team members but were supporting characters in MCU movies leading up to the first team movie and were meshed in with the aforementioned characters. Captain America was an atypical source to include with the team, namely not an original comic book team member but was given his own series of movies since he has always symbolized the best leader of the team in print.

Exiting Phase Three and entering Phase Four, Disney/Marvel has already created potential source characters--Earth based or Earth origin and currently living choices--options for an all-female team:

  • Scarlet Witch
  • Valkyrie
  • Okoye
  • Captain Marvel
  • Rescue
  • The Wasp
Here are a few of my thoughts:

A - I do not think Disney/Marvel will continue strong ties going as far back as Phase One, so I do not think of Rescue/Gwyneth Paltrow as a strong consideration. Paltrow is likely ending her run anyway if it has not already been announced.

B - A potential group would likely be as singularly diverse as the original group team's concept. So I think Shuri would be a "copy" Wakanda character link to Okoye's and would not make the cut.

C - The original group team had a good mixture of six members. Continuing a customary numbering of six would require the introduction of at least one new female character to the big screen to join the roster. Upcoming MCU films include Spider-Man: Far From Home, Black Widow, The Eternals, Black Panther 2, Doctor Strange 2, Shang-Chi and Guardians of the Galaxy 3.

I think it is safe saying scratch Natasha returning to a group team franchise. The strongest female character in Spider-Man is Mary Jane Watson, so she would not be an option. There could be an embedded strong female S.H.I.E.L.D. tie-in (Agent Sharon Carter/Emily VanCamp perhaps?) but an agent main character has already been done before. BP2 character source(s) are already established. I doubt DS2 will supply a strong female option, especially with The Ancient One being out of commission. GOTG3 is almost exclusively off-Earth based and I doubt any more female hero characters will be introduced in that franchise soon.

That leaves (in the upcoming Phase Four) two source options in The Eternals and Shang-Chi. I am not really knowledgeable about Shang-Chi to comment about a female hero possibility. On the other hand, The Eternals could be an interesting source for another member. The Earth Eternal Sersi has even been an Avenger in the comics. It would be a stretch but not out of the question depending on how that movie franchise storyline will play out, given that it might originate in the ancient past.

D - I think A-Force is a possibility but I also believe Disney/Marvel is flexible enough to consider banding characters together under a different banner. Such a move would also distance itself from the pre-Endgame association with the Avengers.

Personally, my wish would be for a certain group of mutants could be possible source material but it seems that possibility would not even present itself in the near future. :(

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