*** SPOILERS *** Avengers Endgame Discussions

I didn't know he had an upcoming series. That could be cool.

Three rumored:
  1. Loki
  2. WandaVision
  3. Falcon & Bucky
And talk if a Hawkeye series as well but I haven't seen anything definitive on that one. Oh and there will also apparently be a "What If" series that deals with stories ending differently. I'm guessing that would be animated.
I don't think so. I think that's ultimately how Tom Hiddleston's Loki is "brought back from the dead" in Infinity War for his new Disney + series that's in development.

With that cube, he can bounce anywhere to create mischief.
I didn't know he had an upcoming series. That could be cool.

Watching Loki’s face when suitcase mysteriously threw itself across the floor was funny
Like I said, I have no problem with all female teams, or any strong female characters. That scene was just so blatantly pandering and unnecessary, it took me out of the film for a minute.
Not a problem. Different people have their own takes about all types of entertainment. Personally, I do find it more meaningful when I get feedback from folks I know in everyday life, whom I have already had many discussions about all kinds of subjects and formed a self-understanding of their likes and dislikes.
I can already see the "adjusted" movie poster for AsGuardians of the Galaxy. Hemsworth loves the comedy aspects that have been added to the Thor character and that fits right in with what Gunn does in the Guardians films.

I'm not sure if you're familiar with the comics, but there was a John Byrne story where Vision was disassembled and reassembled and came back "not himself" and he had a journey where he "re-learned" who he was, and who he cared about. If he does return, I expect them to revisit that storyline

It happens to me too, I just make an effort to forgive things like that. But I love stuff like Back to the Future II where we see familiar scenes from a whole new viewpoint, like they did in Endgame.

I read somewhere that Shuri had all but downloaded vision when in Wakanda
He plays the role extremely well!

The casting has been a strength of this 3 phase marvel juggernaut. Outstanding casting.

Except for Norton as Banner/Hulk. Horrible!
Wish Ruffalo had TIH movie.

Not crazy anout Holland. (Garfield was not part of MCU. But didn’t like him for SM either.
I read somewhere that Shuri had all but downloaded vision when in Wakanda
A Wakanda technological re-created Vision would be too awesome. Just consider all the added tech Shuri could give him. A new Vision might even put Stark's techno-suit for Parker to shame. :muttley:
The casting has been a strength of this 3 phase marvel juggernaut. Outstanding casting.

Except for Norton as Banner/Hulk. Horrible!
Wish Ruffalo had TIH movie.

Not crazy anout Holland. (Garfield was not part of MCU. But didn’t like him for SM either.
Side note: At the end of the movie, actors and actresses were showcased especially for their parts in the MCU movies. Does anyone remember seeing Ed Norton or Liv Tyler getting credited by name or a glimpse of either from micro-scenes of The Incredible Hulk movie? I do not remember seeing anything for them.

I like Garfield a good bit also (and a LOT more than Maguire) but Holland has been the best Parker adaptation for me.
From what I've read, he's not "signed up for" any more, but the changes made to the Thor character have rekindled his love for playing the role and he's said that he's open to sticking around as long as they have stories to tell.

I was surprised that it was all about Sam too considering his history with Bucky.

I was thinking T'Challa's sister Shuri.

Yeah, that bar is sky high!

It's always messy but I find ît fun, especially when you see an event happen from a different point of view. I try not to think about any potential paradoxes because then I detract from the enjoyment and drive myself nuts.

I don’t like Sam for Captain America.
I don’t like Bucky for Captain America.

Sam has a pretty cool gig/identity in Falcon. Plus Sam, no super serium. The wings and the shield and Halloween costume that is his captain America. Not a fan.

Bucky, well... his best identity was cured as The Winter Solider. Arguably the best MCU movie of them all.
I don’t like him for cap or HIS Halloween costume version of cap suit. Looks silly. Plus he’s white wolf,
Same here. In fact, I was a little proud seeing that moment. I have enjoyed reading comics featuring all-female, all-male and/or mixed hero groups equally, so seeing it on screen was a personal treat for me, even if it was for only a few seconds.

My only female audience input about the scene I have gotten so far has been from my wife, who saw the movie with me. No other female family member ( :rolleyes: ) other than my daughter even plans on seeing the movie. Hopefully she will see the movie this weekend like she has planned so I can get her thoughts.

Several of my female co-workers have told me they want to see the movie but have not yet. I keep bugging them to go see it so they can tell me what they thought of the scene. It has gotten to the point that my egging might persuade them into not going. :laugh::(
I would have liked more kick but from them. Individually and team-wise. Whats 10 more seconds to a 3 hour movie lol
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I don’t like Sam for Captain America.
I don’t like Bucky for Captain America.

Sam has a pretty cool gig/identity in Falcon. Plus Sam, no super serium. The wings and the shield and Halloween costume that is his captain America. Not a fan.

Bucky, well... his best identity was cured as The Winter Solider. Arguably the best MCU movie of them all.
I don’t like him for cap or HIS Halloween costume version of cap suit. Looks silly. Plus he’s white wolf,
Frankly, I was surprised Marvel hinted (obviously very strongly) at Sam assuming the role of Captain America. It is a bold move on their part. General audiences will not 'get it' but Marvel has portrayed Sam as Captain America in the comics, although it was only temporary until Steve got his super-soldier powers back.
Side note: At the end of the movie, actors and actresses were showcased especially for their parts in the MCU movies. Does anyone remember seeing Ed Norton or Liv Tyler getting credited by name or a glimpse of either from micro-scenes of The Incredible Hulk movie? I do not remember seeing anything for them.

I like Garfield a good bit also (and a LOT more than Maguire) but Holland has been the best Parker adaptation for me.

I didn’t but I wasn’t looking. They left on somewhat bad terms.

I liked McGuire especially Superman 2 with doc oc

Top 5 for me

1. Winter soldier
2. Spider-Man 2 doc oc version (not MCU)
3. Iron Man 1
4. Captain America 1
5. Avengers 1
Frankly, I was surprised Marvel hinted (obviously very strongly) at Sam assuming the role of Captain America. It is a bold move on their part. General audiences will not 'get it' but Marvel has portrayed Sam as Captain America in the comics, although it was only temporary until Steve got his super-soldier powers back.

It was ceremonial at best.

He has tv series with TWS.
I would have liked more kick but from them. Individually and team-wise. Whatsb10 more seconds to a 3 hour movie lol
I feel the same way. Even so, I almost yelled (which would have been VERY embarrassing :laugh: ) when I watched Thanos' ships aim their cannons at the sky. I knew INSTANTLY who was about to make her re-entry into the movie as the guns were re-aiming. Absolutely fantastic scene in my book. Loved it.
I didn’t but I wasn’t looking. They left on somewhat bad terms.

I liked McGuire especially Superman 2 with doc oc

Top 5 for me

1. Winter soldier
2. Spider-Man 2 doc oc version (not MCU)
3. Iron Man 1
4. Captain America 1
5. Avengers 1
Norton and Tyler may have left on bad terms but The Incredible Hulk was the second MCU movie in the chain that ended with Endgame. They deserved acknowledgment for that reason alone. It almost seems like Disney/Marvel does not care that the movie existed.

Top five huh? Let's see (for me):

1. Avengers: Endgame
2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
3. Avengers: Infinity War
4. Black Panther
5. Marvel's The Avengers
I feel the same way. Even so, I almost yelled (which would have been VERY embarrassing :laugh: ) when I watched Thanos' ships aim their cannons at the sky. I knew INSTANTLY who was about to make her re-entry into the movie as the guns were re-aiming. Absolutely fantastic scene in my book. Loved it.

Yes. I was expecting more after this now infamous girl scene. In AIW. They showed more fighting. I think it got cut.

Marvel scene was reminiscent to Admiral Holdo in TLJ. Not for me necessarily but my friend thought so. Lol

What I get from AEG ...

The studio/$$$ forced too much in trailers.
The studio had a say in content we saw in movie.
And the Russo brothers couldn’t really say anything.

At the end of the day. I think that...

Infinty Wars 1 (one snap)
Infinity Wars 2 (few more snaps and failed attempts)
End Game (then end Game quote from Dr. Strange)

Yes, 3 movies was a better play here. You have soooooooo many characters. It could work and a lot of us geeks would be wayyyyy ok with an extra movie with goodies that we didn’t get here ultimately.
2. Spider-Man 2 doc oc version (not MCU)
I will add this though.

The scene where Tony Maguire/Spider-Man saves the train is one of the BEST scenes in any comic book movie adaptation I have seen in my lifetime. I put it CLEARLY above the Tom Holland/Spider-Man attempting to save the ferry scene after The Vulture splits into two and Iron Man arriving in the nick of time to help at the end (copy spider! copy spider! :muttley: )
Norton and Tyler may have left on bad terms but The Incredible Hulk was the second MCU movie in the chain that ended with Endgame. They deserved acknowledgment for that reason alone. It almost seems like Disney/Marvel does not care that the movie existed.

Top five huh? Let's see (for me):

1. Avengers: Endgame
2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
3. Avengers: Infinity War
4. Black Panther
5. Marvel's The Avengers

I like black panther but you know what really bothered me.... kill monger was about to kill t’challa. If not for uncle. He dies.

I didn’t like that part at all.

I love Forest Whitaker. But not his role in this movie.
I didn’t like his role in rogue one either.

The guy is an A list actor. Needed better part/script.