Babe Laufenberg: Amendola's Made The Team


Kane Ala
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iceberg;2163682 said:
it was one of the more fun threads. : ) and you're right - churning the bottom sometimes means letting go of last years (or even the year befores) crowd favorite to make the team and we have to grab onto a new one.

It's one role this forum fills. I'd love for someone to come out of no where and become a starter for this team. It's been awhile and someone is due.


A Mere Flesh Wound
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We have been hoping for the past two years for someone to step up at WR...and no one has really distanced himself from the pack. Austin and Hurd must do something this year or they can move on....three years is enough for potential to not develop. Stanback will have one more year (3 yrs). Perform or cut them loose after three...

Dallas will address WR next year for sure -- if not addressed before the season this year.


rock music matters
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Disturbed;2163727 said:
We have been hoping for the past two years for someone to step up at WR...and no one has really distanced himself from the pack. Austin and Hurd must do something this year or they can move on....three years is enough for potential to not develop. Stanback will have one more year (3 yrs). Perform or cut them loose after three...

Dallas will address WR next year for sure -- if not addressed before the season this year.

given the talent on this team and that we had TO last year and witten also taking his share, did anyone really have a chance to step up?

this year more than any other we'll see. if these WRs can't find their way up this time around, i'd say the questions are answered and we run off to another batch of newbies to hope for. : )

Bob Sacamano

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TheCount;2161886 said:
I agree. Still shocks me how we went from being desperate at secondary to having a surplus so quickly, Jerry and the gang really attacked our CB problem this off season.

If I had one critique, it'd be just wishing we'd tackle problems like that before they become problems, rather than after. I see our WR situation being approached in a similar way. If it suffers this year, then next year we'll probably end up being wowed by what the gang comes up with, but once again, a little too late. I hope that's not that case though.

we tried to improve the current WR situation, not much was out there, a weak WR crop in the draft, slim pickings in FA, franchises understandably tentative in trading some of their top WRs etc.


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AsthmaField;2162768 said:
Yeah, things change with my prediction if we make a trade for a WR.

Even then, if they like Amendola enough, I could see maybe Austin going out the door. That is assuming Amendola really impressed all through training camp, though.

Stanback should be packing. He can't catch the clap in a Bangore ***** House.

big dog cowboy

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fortdick;2164104 said:
Stanback should be packing. He can't catch the clap in a Bangore ***** House.
I'd love to see the source of that misinformation.


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fortdick;2164104 said:
Stanback should be packing. He can't catch the clap in a Bangore ***** House.

I think the purpose of that post was to add what the poster thought was a witty little phrase and should not be construed as fact...


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5Countem5;2164130 said:
I think the purpose of that post was to add what the poster thought was a witty little phrase and should not be construed as fact...

Again, hyperbole is wasted here.

Fact is, all I read about Stanback is he is dropping everything. Give me a receiver with hands over a guy with "potential" any day.

Bob Sacamano

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fortdick;2164135 said:
Again, hyperbole is wasted here.

Fact is, all I read about Stanback is he is dropping everything. Give me a receiver with hands over a guy with "potential" any day.

fact is, it's Stanback's 2nd year, 1st offseason, after making the switch from college QB to NFL WR, everyone knows it's going to be a process

patience, grasshopper


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fortdick;2164135 said:
Again, hyperbole is wasted here.

Fact is, all I read about Stanback is he is dropping everything. Give me a receiver with hands over a guy with "potential" any day.
Funny, Austin's biggest knock has been his hands, but he was kept around because of his "potential."


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5Countem5;2164130 said:
I think the purpose of that post was to add what the poster thought was a witty little phrase and should not be construed as fact...

Well it was somewhat witty, in a way, but probably would have been more effective if he'd chosen Bangalore, rather than "Bangore." Maybe it was a Freudian thing...:D Anyway I've not honestly heard all that much about Stanback in this TC, except today I think he dropped a ball in his hands. Maybe he was citing that instance. Regardless the Org seems infatuated with the dude. He sticks. Hope he pays off someday(soon).


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theogt;2164147 said:
Funny, Austin's biggest knock has been his hands, but he was kept around because of his "potential."

I may not be fond of Austin, but if it came down to it right today, I would keep Austin before Stanback. At least Austin has made some improvements. Stanback still can't catch.


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fortdick;2164161 said:
I may not be fond of Austin, but if it came down to it right today, I would keep Austin before Stanback. At least Austin has made some improvements. Stanback still can't catch.
This is Stanback's first training camp. How could he possibly make improvements? Improvements over what? I'd hope a receiver in his 3rd camp after playing receiver his whole life would be a bit better than someone in his first full season of playing receiver.

If they drafted him thinking he'd be ready to go this year at training camp, that draft pick was beyond stupid.

Either way, it's a pointless discussion as they're both making the team.


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fortdick;2164161 said:
I may not be fond of Austin, but if it came down to it right today, I would keep Austin before Stanback. At least Austin has made some improvements. Stanback still can't catch.

Yes, and Austin's had two more year's of experience and played WR in college.

When we drafted Stanback, we knew it would take a while for him to develop. Every team keeps guys on the roster to develop.


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fortdick;2164161 said:
I may not be fond of Austin, but if it came down to it right today, I would keep Austin before Stanback. At least Austin has made some improvements. Stanback still can't catch.
Larry Lacewell, is that you?


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Patience! This grasshopper has moved on to Lowber.

And if anyone around here is getting pushed into a locker, dogberry is the one. Well, except the berry went to high school in the 60s, and all the thugs were weeded out in junior hi.


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the kid 05;2162452 said:
you wanna talk about apples to oranges, your saying Amendola can't produce in this system of ours? where as Welker could have with THAT dolphins team? with out looking who was their starting quarterback? (hint there was more then one, but i'll take any one of the three)

Amendola is put in a position if he makes the team he could put up numbers (not huge gouging numbers like terrell and crayton) but he could put them up

You missed what I was trying to say with the apples to oranges mention in regards to Moss. I was referring to the baggage of Moss bringing down his trade value. People knew Welker was a solid reciever, they didn't think he was a Randy Moss caliber, even if WW was traded for more than Randy Moss required.

I think you misunderstood all of my post really, as wasn't comparing production ability of DA and WW. But after his production in Miami, how many people really thought Welker was going to have 100+ receptions and 1100+ yards in New England? Most probably expected similar numbers to what he did in Miami, but he had much more and was the surprise of the season.

I am confused why you thought I was saying
Amendola can't produce in Dallas. Because I agree with you that he can (and I think he will), but I won't call him the #3 WR right now. We have the same expectations, good production by Amendola for the Boys if given the right chance.


A Mere Flesh Wound
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Bizwah;2164168 said:
Yes, and Austin's had two more year's of experience and played WR in college.

When we drafted Stanback, we knew it would take a while for him to develop. Every team keeps guys on the roster to develop.

I thought those guys were on the "practice squad" as developmental projects....not on the active team being counted on to perform.