Back From Dallas...

If I really cared about your rebuttal I would have read it Mega-tron , But I don't. You can have this discussion with me in Dallas or better yet I will be there in a week on a business trip, How about we get together and discuss this then?
superpunk;1726050 said:
Also, to add more confusion to the discussion - I heard a radio interview of Chris Cooley on DC101 last year, and they asked him where the toughest place to play was. He said Dallas, because the crowd is so geared up and alot of times it's incredibly hot and nasty on the field. He actually thought the Dallas crowd was the toughest to play against.

Who knows what is correct? I don't.
Maybe thats the one team Texas stadium gets really pumped up for.
ilovejerry;1729103 said:
If I really cared about your rebuttal I would have read it Mega-tron , But I don't. You can have this discussion with me in Dallas or better yet I will be there in a week on a business trip, How about we get together and discuss this then?

Three things here:

1) It's an autobot, not a decepticon, insignia, and megatron isn't hyphenated.

2) Whether or not you've read my rebuttal has no bearing on whether or not I've schooled you. In fact, I'll interpret your refusal as a concession.;)

3) Why would I drive 2 hours to meet you and "discuss this" when we can "discuss this" just as well right here? Furthermore, why should I think you would listen to my rebuttal in person when you aren't even willing to read it? If you can't match wits with me on a message board, you won't likely be able to do it in person.

Oh, wait!

Is this the infamous east cost-tough guy routine, in which you promise to fly to my doorstep and meet (read with an ominous voice inflection) me for a little discussion (again, read with an ominous voice inflection)?

Wow! I normally only read this from Eagles and Giants fans on the AOL message boards.

scipio.... sounds like ilovejerry is going to "take you out"..... :D
1fisher;1729203 said:
scipio.... sounds like ilovejerry is going to "take you out"..... :D

His preying mantis is no match for my drunken master.;)

However, in the event that it is a match, do you have the number for the witness protection program?

Tony Soprano is coming to Dallas and he wants me!:eek:

ScipioCowboy;1729218 said:
His preying mantis is no match for my drunken master.;)

However, in the event that it is a match, do you have the number for the witness protection program?

Tony Soprano is coming to Dallas and he wants me!:eek:


LOL..... Give Tank a call and maybe you can room with him for a week?:D
ScipioCowboy;1729154 said:
Three things here:

1) It's an autobot, not a decepticon, insignia, and megatron isn't hyphenated.

2) Whether or not you've read my rebuttal has no bearing on whether or not I've schooled you. In fact, I'll interpret your refusal as a concession.;)

3) Why would I drive 2 hours to meet you and "discuss this" when we can "discuss this" just as well right here? Furthermore, why should I think you would listen to my rebuttal in person when you aren't even willing to read it? If you can't match wits with me on a message board, you won't likely be able to do it in person.

Oh, wait!

Is this the infamous east cost-tough guy routine, in which you promise to fly to my doorstep and meet (read with an ominous voice inflection) me for a little discussion (again, read with an ominous voice inflection)?

Wow! I normally only read this from Eagles and Giants fans on the AOL message boards.


I dont have the time nor energy to sit here and play games with you autobot or whatever. Never said anything about a tought guy act or routine, sit and play computer comando by yourself,
ilovejerry;1729348 said:
I dont have the time nor energy to sit here and play games with you autobot or whatever. Never said anything about a tought guy act or routine, sit and play computer comando by yourself,

Apparently you do; otherwise, you would've stopped responding a long time ago.;)
well mr. decepticon this was my post you hijacked in the first what ever you have comming to you deserve it
.i was merely making a point as a total outsider that i was not impressed with the dallas/ft.worth area as it regards to the comparison to any other city i had travelled or lived in with a pro-ball team....then you chimed in with your .02 cents with who am i ,and what players i know etc......

how about some advice....when you see NO.9 with the ball DO NOT get loud ....when you see OUR defense on the field then you can scream and yell......

BEMYDADJERRY;1729394 said:
well mr. decepticon this was my post you hijacked in the first what ever you have comming to you deserve it

What is this?

Jersey tough guy week?

Who knew that the some people in Jersey were so sensitive and completely unable to handle a difference of opinion?

Oh, please stop with all the cyber-threats, JERRYSMYDADDY. I'm shaking in my chair over here.


.i was merely making a point as a total outsider that i was not impressed with the dallas/ft.worth area as it regards to the comparison to any other city i had travelled or lived in with a pro-ball team....then you chimed in with your .02 cents with who am i ,and what players i know etc......


You chimed in with the current and former players you allegedly knew. If the topic makes you uncomfortable, you probably shouldn't have mentioned it.

And I didn't hijack anything. I'm discussing the very topic you started. If you dislike the direction it went, I suggest you make better arguments.
no your the real tough guy chimed in my post ...i stated what i felt and what i if you are a jealous guy i'm sorry .i'm sure you can find a nice girl who will like you for yourself and for all of you tranformer comics.....

you know if you would put as much effort in rooting for the cowboys and learning how to cheer,i prolly would of never posted my impression of texas stadium and the lack of fanbase in and around the dfw area.....
BEMYDADJERRY;1729526 said:
no your the real tough guy here......

I am? Really?

Interesting theory, but to my knowledge, I'm not the one promising to "meet" people or telling other posters "they deserve what's coming to them."

I reserve that behavior for Jersey Tough Guys (JTGs) such as yourself.;)

you chimed in my post ...i stated what i felt and what i if you are a jealous guy i'm sorry .i'm sure you can find a nice girl who will like you for yourself and for all of you tranformer comics.....
If you define "chiming in" as "challenging your opinions and assertions," I suppose I did chime in. However, if you find it troublesome when people disagree with you, I suggest you avoid message boards all together.

And for the record, I own no Transformer comics or any other comic books. It's simply not my thing. My wife actually enjoyed the new Transformer movie more than I did. She received the DVD as a birthday gift from her parents.

And of what, pray tell, am I jealous? Silly Internet threats and empty bravado?


you know if you would put as much effort in rooting for the cowboys and learning how to cheer,i prolly would of never posted my impression of texas stadium and the lack of fanbase in and around the dfw area.....
And what am I putting effort into instead of rooting for the Cowboys?

Rarely will you find a person as emotionally involved in the Cowboys as I am. As I said earlier, when I lived in St. Louis, the Cowboys fielded some very poor teams, yet I went to the sports bar each week and watched the final seconds of every 30 point blowout loss, enduring insult after insult from drunken Steeler and Rams' fans. I've missed, maybe, one Cowboy game in the past fifteen years.
I'm sorry your intimidated by my proposal to meet, I should have been more specific. All I wanted to do is meet you and talk Cowboys like go for a beer not a Trunk Ride,( not yet anyways,). Hey I'm willing to drive the extra couple of hours to wherever you are, I have nothing but time in my line of work.
I never thought it would turn to this Jersey tough guy thing. Maybe you watch too much TV, were not all the way were portrayed on TV

You know this is my dirty little secret this message board as much as I try to avoid it it just keeps pulling me back in here, Its a great way to find new victims I mean new friends

And for the record, I own no Transformer comics or any other comic books. It's simply not my thing. My wife actually enjoyed the new Transformer movie more than I did. She received the DVD as a birthday gift from her parents.

So that's why you decided to puta transformer as your I.D sig blaming the wife huh, uh-huh. Look whatever your into its cool come-on out of the closet I wont judge just don't blame the uh-hum "wife". Significant other is cool too.:D

Exactly computer commando's That is why I always try and get a glimpse or try and meet characters I chat with online when there willing to be exposed for the funny little creatures they are ( not that I think your a funny little creature its just a figure of speech) . I'm sure your a very bright socialistic human being who is well adjusted you would have to be, your a Cowboy fan..........
ilovejerry;1730248 said:
I'm sorry your intimidated by my proposal to meet, I should have been more specific. All I wanted to do is meet you and talk Cowboys like go for a beer not a Trunk Ride,( not yet anyways,). Hey I'm willing to drive the extra couple of hours to wherever you are, I have nothing but time in my line of work.
I never thought it would turn to this Jersey tough guy thing. Maybe you watch too much TV, were not all the way were portrayed on TV

You know this is my dirty little secret this message board as much as I try to avoid it it just keeps pulling me back in here, Its a great way to find new victims I mean new friends

And for the record, I own no Transformer comics or any other comic books. It's simply not my thing. My wife actually enjoyed the new Transformer movie more than I did. She received the DVD as a birthday gift from her parents.

So that's why you decided to puta transformer as your I.D sig blaming the wife huh, uh-huh. Look whatever your into its cool come-on out of the closet I wont judge just don't blame the uh-hum "wife". Significant other is cool too.:D

Exactly computer commando's That is why I always try and get a glimpse or try and meet characters I chat with online when there willing to be exposed for the funny little creatures they are ( not that I think your a funny little creature its just a figure of speech) . I'm sure your a very bright socialistic human being who is well adjusted you would have to be, your a Cowboy fan..........

can I have that 33 seconds of my life back???:D

1fisher;1730254 said:
can I have that 33 seconds of my life back???:D
If I can't get it back, you sho'll can't get it back.

What a lame turn this thread has taken...
WoodysGirl;1730330 said:
If I can't get it back, you sho'll can't get it back.

What a lame turn this thread has taken...

You speaketh the truth WG.......:D

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