Back from NYC...(A few pics)

Are we talking about uber-hot Kirsten Dunst?


Sooooo hot. Want to touch the
Juke99 said:
The Quintuplets...uh, check out that "cat that swallowed the canary" look on the face of the guy with the Staubach jersey...

Yes, our very own Hos...

And Vanessa from Plano...the "redhead"


BTW, the fake Troy is not looking too qb like. Looks like a cross between Cundiff and Cortez the kicker.
p1_ said:
BTW, the fake Troy is not looking too qb like. Looks like a cross between Cundiff and Cortez the kicker.

"Michael Irvin" looks like a younger Kirby Puckett...
superpunk said:
Are we talking about uber-hot Kirsten Dunst?


Sooooo hot. Want to touch the

Slow Down Billy Madison.:D
"Never got a voice mail from you Hos.

Eh, it happens. I wasn't serious with my comments. I met a guy from another board two years back, total freak show, I think he molested children by the looks of him.


Juke99 said:
You met BrainPaint?

Someone had to give you props for this but it hasn't happened yet. Cheers to you. :D
Avery said:
"Never got a voice mail from you Hos.

Eh, it happens. I wasn't serious with my comments. I met a guy from another board two years back, total freak show, I think he molested children by the looks of him.


Someone had to give you props for this but it hasn't happened yet. Cheers to you. :D

Quit picking on perverted humping stormtrooper:cool:
Juke99 said:
And Vanessa from Plano...the "redhead"


Meow !! Here kitty kitty kitty.....

Excellent recap of the Hos/Jukie weekend. Really guys. You did a great job. Some excellent stories and even better pics.

We certainly missed you both this weekend.

Props to Hos for the RedHead.....

Did you guys stay at the draft the whole time or can you come and go as you please .
Also is the seating reserved or do you sit where ever you want ?
Do they sell food and drink at the draft?
I am going to try to make it next year and I am going to NYC at begininning of summer so I may try to get some tips from you if thats ok ...
Dallas said:
Meow !! Here kitty kitty kitty.....

Excellent recap of the Hos/Jukie weekend. Really guys. You did a great job. Some excellent stories and even better pics.

We certainly missed you both this weekend.

Props to Hos for the RedHead.....

Dallas, the rest can drool. You are the man when it comes to redheads. That pic is for you.
Hostile said:
Hi everyone. I gotta tell you I missed this forum and the Chat sessions with Dale especially, but man I had a ball.

First thing I want to do is thank Juke99 for being a wonderful tour guide of Manhattan. Even if he just kept rolling his eyes when I asked if that was the building King Kong climbed. I thought it was a simple question. Who knew?

I met Juke's girlfriend. Boy oh boy is he ever out of his league there. She's stunning and she's very nice.

Friday we took in the city. The Wax Museum was a blast. Some of them are great, some are so so. The best one was the Dalai Llama. They have a picture of the actual Dalai Llama next to his wax sculpture and the likeness is scary. Friday night we went to the Yankees game against the Blue Jays. The entire stadium was shocked to learn of the death of Steve Howe in a car wreck. There was a moment of silence. I almost bought a Dimaggio jersey. I'm not a Yankees fan but I've always liked him and Mantle.

Juke has some pictures to post. His camera is actually good (more on this later). We got pictures of the 3 guys who showed up in full uniform. I gave them cards and invited them to the site. I hope they drop by. They came back on Day 2 as Marcus Spears, Roy Williams, and T. Holmes. I have no idea who T. Holmes is, but they were cool guys.

When taking their picture a very pretty red head, Vanessa, (shout out to my fellow red head lover Dallas) with green eyes wanted to be in the picture. I asked her why and she said she was a Cowboys fan from Plano. When I asked her if she'd have any objections to us posting her picture she said no that she has been in a few magazines. I can believe it, wow. Gave her a card too and hope she'll join the site. I think she said she works for NBC.

Times Square is amazing. Especially at night. It's like an ant farm, it never stops moving. I dig architecture. That to me is art. Saint Patrick's is almost too much to take in it's so detailed. It's a shame it isn't on a hill somewhere overlooking the city instead of surrounded by skyscrapers. Grand Central Station was great too. Loved the solid marble stair case and mural of the constellations on the ceiling.

Okay the Draft.

There was a Broncos fan who was an absolute nut. He was sloshed from the minute he walked in. He said he was a stand up comedian. I believe it. His joy over the impending exodus of Jake Plummer was hilarious. He had some great jabs at Jets fans.

I wish the Jets had taken Vernon Davis. I wanted to see them explode. They had a great draft and were way too happy for my tastes. Best chant of the Draft was the Giants fans telling them to get their own stadium. A close 2nd was the Jets fans describing the rape of the Commanders in the trade they made. Everyone agreed, the Commanders again, gave up too much.

Juke posted a picture of Michael Irvin's tie. It had to be a clip on right? I couldn't stop laughing. He was a riot. When he saw the Triplets guys he was funny.

Kiper takes a lot of crap from people yelling. The guy was really cool though. He never stopped studying. He didn't eat during the Draft at all. He smiled when people taunted him.

Mort likes Jets fans. You can tell. They'd yell at him for a tip and he'd act like he was calling on his cell phone and then would tell them the line was busy.

Yesterday the highlight was Mike Golic scarfing Krispy Kreme donuts for the fans during one of the breaks. Mort, Mel and Suzy were all laughing. BTW, Suzy is very cute in person. Much cuter live. The difference in her on screen and live is evident. My camera sucks. The picture I took of her was way too dark. It is one of the reasons I am going to buy a nice digital and pass this camera along to my kids.

When I got there Sunday some of the guys from NFL Network were discussing Day 1. I enjoyed a comment about the Cowboys Day 1 that I thought might be interesting for you. One guy said, "the team that was flying under the radar was the Cowboys." Jason Hatcher was a sleeper on a lot of team's radar screens and he said we stole him. The comment was "Dallas didn't try and get cute or screw around. They targeted their guys and took them." Overheard one guy for ESPN say Jaws is very high on Fasano. Just passing that info along. Interpret it however you wish.

I hope Juke got the picture of the Steelers fan. I can't describe him other than to say, I wouldn't be caught dead dressed like that in NYC. He had a Steelers towel as a cape, and Steelers underwear on outside of some black tights and a yellow S on his chest. I guess he is Super Steelers Fan or something.

I got interviewed yesterday but the guy never told me who for. So I have no idea where to look for it. The guy asked me to grade Day 1 and tell me what I hoped for on Day 2. I gave us a B and said I wanted a Free Safety, thank you Pat Watkins and welcome. Amazing our mocks had him in the 3rd and we got him in the 5th.

I don't know who (Gosselin) actually has the most accurate mock drafts, but I will say this. Having seen this event live, there's no way these guys know what teams are thinking. Speaking of that, what were the Bills thinking? I'm still scratching my head on their top 2 picks. It is obvious to this Draftnik that teams do not grade players off of any scouting reports. They don't even look at them. There's no other way you can explain to me the meteoric fall of some players. Speaking of which, bad day to be a USC Trojan huh?

Anyway, I'm back in my comfort zone. Hope to rap with you all soon. I'll do this trip again if the chance comes. It was a blast. I talked to total strangers for 2 days and the subject was football. It doesn't get any better.

Thanks Hostile. You make a trip to the Big Apple for the big event live much more appealing. I never thought I would enjoy the draft in person but now I wouldn't mind going. Sounds like a lot of fun. Well, we will enjoy going vicarously through your reports.
leonargized said:
Did you guys stay at the draft the whole time or can you come and go as you please .
Also is the seating reserved or do you sit where ever you want ?
Do they sell food and drink at the draft?
I am going to try to make it next year and I am going to NYC at begininning of summer so I may try to get some tips from you if thats ok ...
There were concessions but where we were in the VIP section it was catered. Beer, soft drinks, bottled water and eats were all free as long as you had that pass around your neck.

No assigned seating, it's 1st come 1st served. Day 2 there is no charge and plenty of room.

They had a gift bag for everyone who came in. It had some Tops 2005 football cards, some draft stuff, and an FM radio so you could tune in to either ESPN or NFL Network.

It was an all around great venue for the draft.
Tags announcing the selection of Carpenter....

bbgun said:
In the animal world, that redhead is "presenting."

Well, Hos was presenting also...but...well, poor fella...uh, it doesn't show.

when did you guys initially get in line for the draft. Im seriously thinking about going to the draft next year.
Cowboys on the clock...all the way to the bottom, left is Suzy Kolber...


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