That isn't the reason. And honestly it isn't about Henson either. It is about PRIDE. People go public with their take on a player and then they have a PERSONAL INVESTMENT (as crazy as that sounds) in the outcome matching their prediction. If their prediction comes to pass it makes them FEEL knowledgeable. If their prediction doesn't come to pass it makes them FEEL like a loser.
So, no matter the evidence just be prepared for some people to hate on Henson during the NFLE experience.
If he does poorly, they will certainly rain down with their wisdom, but here is the crazy part, IF HE DOES WELL they will shoot down every positive performance. And if nothing else works they will always pull out the NFLE club, that is, these are a bunch of backups.
I laugh when guys give their take on Henson based on his NFL ATTEMPTS, seeing that the guy hasn't even been given a chance. Honestly, AND I'M SAYING THIS AS A HENSON SUPPORTER, I don't know how ANY OF US CAN ACCURATELY JUDGE THE GUY RIGHT NOW. He just simply hasn't played.