...beautiful actresses...

trickblue said:
Oh yes... I used to have this poster of her when I was young...

and Jeannie (Barbara Eden)... no explanation needed LTN... ;)

A big YES to Raquel, a big NO on Eden - her face was way too long, tho I realize her naval was the attraction. Not in the Great Beauty class like Welch.

But Jeannie aged great - I think she''s more attractive NOW.
I always thought Dolly Parton was pretty....and I am not talking about the beach balls.
LaTunaNostra said:
A big YES to Raquel, a big NO on Eden - her face was way too long, tho I realize her naval was the attraction. Not in the Great Beauty class like Welch.

But Jeannie aged great - I think she''s more attractive NOW.
...she was also married to the great Michael Ansera who played some of the most believable Indians on TV... as for Edith Head....was there ever a woman so aptly named...my sister (three years older) than I used to sit in front of the TV and cheer wildly when she picked up her alottment of 4 to 5 Oscars each year...my dad,noticing my terminal giddyness,told Mom...no more ballet lessions for his son...
Eliza Dushku and Elisha Cuthbert and Jessica Simpson ....Enuff Said...... :D
BrAinPaiNt said:
I remember thinking she was the hottest thing...now I look back and just do not see what I saw in her then.

well when you were 12 a great mouth full of teeth and a mop like Farrah's were something.

She's the one, I think, epitomized the cultural shift in sex symbols the best. From over-arched eyebrows to hiking boots.

From T and A and femininity to legs and teeth and boy next door looks.. who was Farrah but a female Robert Plant?

A major step down, imho, from this


MM had been gone for about 15 years when that Fawcett poster came out, I think, but the kind of looks considered "beautiful", with some Twiggy interruptions, still tended toward the voluptuous. Brook Shields's unplucked eyebrows (true beauty , at least, unlike Farrah) and FF's teeth finally won out over 50's-60's artificial glam.
This was a major cultural war won by the hippies, unshaven arm-pitted feminists, and method actors whose frame of reference began with Brando and James Dean.

Now we've got Mr. Blackwell telling us the only real woman is RuPaul.
RoyWillisill said:
Eliza Dushku and Elisha Cuthbert and Jessica Simpson ....Enuff Said...... :D

There is something about Eliza Dushku that just does it for me...I think mostly it is her eyes and attitude...but man alive she is just so hot.

You can have Jessica Simpson..sure she is eye candy but the whole dumb as a brick thing (whether it is an act or not) annoys the hell out of me.
ibis said:
....I tell you a woman I liked,Sophia Loren...La Loren had a body of work....errrr Blue Dolphin and yada yada yada..here's the thing I liked about Sophia...she was married to Carlo Ponti...Carlo was a good 20 years older,a director by trade,he ran afowl of the Italian tax collectors...(how that could be is one of life's major mysteries since NO ONE pays taxes in ITALY)...Carlo,short,balding and on the lam...he ended up in Monte Carlo...home incidently of Bjorn Borg...my wife 's favourite tennis player...Ms. Loren stayed by him...she also passes the linguini test...invented by me...it simply means...that when you date a girl/women...and you start to eat spagetti...if she smiles when you eat the pasta WITHOUT benefit of a spoon to twirl...you have a keeper...so yes Sophia Loren...ACTOR non pariel..

Loren constititutes proper penance, statuesque, cat eyes and talent galore, not to mention Ponti, but you KNOW she had her flings.

Are you a Eugene O'Neill devotee?

Hollywood flat out butchered Desire Under the Elms but Sophia seducing Anthony Perkins was amusing enough. She was as regal the unsatisfied rural housewife as Streep was in Bridges of Madison County, and he was half in Norman Bates mode, half in Jimmy Piersall.

Come to think of it he always was. :rolleyes:
In the movie from Dusk till Dawn...when salma Hayek came out with that snake wrapped around her....I wanted to jump and yell...Myomo Salchcha Granda Senorita Hayek. :p
ibis said:
...she was also married to the great Michael Ansera who played some of the most believable Indians on TV... as for Edith Head....was there ever a woman so aptly named...my sister (three years older) than I used to sit in front of the TV and cheer wildly when she picked up her alottment of 4 to 5 Oscars each year...my dad,noticing my terminal giddyness,told Mom...no more ballet lessions for his son...
LMAO, Elton Johns' dad never stopped him.

But, really!

I did not know that the genie was married to Cochise.

He's one of my all time fave character actors, tho they didn't give native Amerians any character save a sage nod and a grunt.
LaTunaNostra said:
TH, I know Kelly was only wardrobed by Edith Head and Helen Rose in her film career, and of course, in a Hitchcock film, The Master picked out each dress himself.

I read something about that dress a while back - either the original was auctioned off or some replica made up for some diva. I hope not to see that dress on Oscar night next, worn with army boots.

Grace certainly was the haute couture queen, along with Audrey, and amazingly, in those days a beautiful woman in film did not have to be at least 5'8" to wear a Dior, and look good in it.

I know the scene well - will watch the film over and over just to see Kelly in the fashions again.

Like Bergman, she measured up to Hitchcock's ideal of a female lead - elegant and carefully coiffed blonde. Kim Novak came close, and he invented Tippi Hendron, but Grace was the real deal.
I am so glad that someone commented on Grace.

Have you ever seen her in High Noon as the Quaker wife of Gary Cooper's character, Kane the Marshall?

She is completely covered from head to toe and absolutely stunning. Few women could pull that off as spectacularly.

Too often beauty is defined by the vamp or femme fatale. There's nothign wrong with that. I do it too. Marilyn Monroe, Marlena Dietrich, and the ultimate femme fatale, Barbara Stanwyck, all can tug at my heart strings in their slinky gowns and sultry walks.

My biggest problem with movies today is that they take so much away form teh imagination. Psycho is the ultimate example of this. You ever see the gore? Nope. But the sight of that lifeless eye and the blood circling down the drain is chilling. Hitchcock was the master.

What he found in Grace Kelly is nothing short of breathtaking. Every movie of hers that I have seen played to her beauty. None better than Rear Window.

Directors portrayed her as a fragile socialite heiress. In real life she was anything but. She was an accomplished athlete much like her father.

For me, she will always be the ultimate beauty. She did it without gaudy jewelry, tacky tattoos, sleazy outfits, and centerfold photographs.

If I had ever seen her walk into a room I am sure every head would turn just as I have sat up and taken notice when she walks on the screen.

The woman was stunning, all the more so because she portrayed that girl next door innocence and grace. Her name was truly fitting.
LaTunaNostra said:
Loren constititutes proper penance, statuesque, cat eyes and talent galore, not to mention Ponti, but you KNOW she had her flings.

Are you a Eugene O'Neill devotee?

Hollywood flat out butchered Desire Under the Elms but Sophia seducing Anthony Perkins was amusing enough. She was as regal the unsatisfied rural housewife as Streep was in Bridges of Madison County, and he was half in Norman Bates mode, half in Jimmy Piersall.

Come to think of it he always was. :rolleyes:
... I am neither a fan of Eugene O'Neill or the word "devotee"..I'm from Brooklyn don't forget...if I ever used the word "devotee" on Flatbush avenue..my nose would dribble over to Bedford (avenue)...I am NOT howver deficient in the Arts...I am a fan of Paul O'Neill,outfielder for the Reds & Yanks....and as for her (the lovely Sophia) having flings....my fingers are in my ears...I didn't hear that...
I am shocked at you Hos....I figured you would have brought up the name...Maureen O'hara. :cool:
Hostile said:
I am so glad that someone commented on Grace.

Have you ever seen her in High Noon as the Quaker wife of Gary Cooper's character, Kane the Marshall?

She is completely covered from head to toe and absolutely stunning. Few women could pull that off as spectacularly.

Too often beauty is defined by the vamp or femme fatale. There's nothign wrong with that. I do it too. Marilyn Monroe, Marlena Dietrich, and the ultimate femme fatale, Barbara Stanwyck, all can tug at my heart strings in their slinky gowns and sultry walks.

My biggest problem with movies today is that they take so much away form teh imagination. Psycho is the ultimate example of this. You ever see the gore? Nope. But the sight of that lifeless eye and the blood circling down the drain is chilling. Hitchcock was the master.

What he found in Grace Kelly is nothing short of breathtaking. Every movie of hers that I have seen played to her beauty. None better than Rear Window.

Directors portrayed her as a fragile socialite heiress. In real life she was anything but. She was an accomplished athlete much like her father.

For me, she will always be the ultimate beauty. She did it without gaudy jewelry, tacky tattoos, sleazy outfits, and centerfold photographs.

If I had ever seen her walk into a room I am sure every head would turn just as I have sat up and taken notice when she walks on the screen.

The woman was stunning, all the more so because she portrayed that girl next door innocence and grace. Her name was truly fitting.
..I didn't know you had such a well developed Feminine side....LTN has to open her windows just to keep from swooning...
Hostile said:
I am so glad that someone commented on Grace.

Have you ever seen her in High Noon as the Quaker wife of Gary Cooper's character, Kane the Marshall?

She is completely covered from head to toe and absolutely stunning. Few women could pull that off as spectacularly.

Too often beauty is defined by the vamp or femme fatale. There's nothign wrong with that. I do it too. Marilyn Monroe, Marlena Dietrich, and the ultimate femme fatale, Barbara Stanwyck, all can tug at my heart strings in their slinky gowns and sultry walks.

My biggest problem with movies today is that they take so much away form teh imagination. Psycho is the ultimate example of this. You ever see the gore? Nope. But the sight of that lifeless eye and the blood circling down the drain is chilling. Hitchcock was the master.

What he found in Grace Kelly is nothing short of breathtaking. Every movie of hers that I have seen played to her beauty. None better than Rear Window.

Directors portrayed her as a fragile socialite heiress. In real life she was anything but. She was an accomplished athlete much like her father.

For me, she will always be the ultimate beauty. She did it without gaudy jewelry, tacky tattoos, sleazy outfits, and centerfold photographs.

If I had ever seen her walk into a room I am sure every head would turn just as I have sat up and taken notice when she walks on the screen.

The woman was stunning, all the more so because she portrayed that girl next door innocence and grace. Her name was truly fitting.

She also got more leeway in the Rear Window role to be something more than what a woman lead always was in the notoriously chauvinistic Hitchcock's films - a cool elegant appendage to the male lead. There is spunk, nuance, and grit in that portrayal and that role is often pointed to as the best developed female Hitchcock character.
Not to be naughty....but LaTuna talking about these women...makes me feel funny. :p
LaTunaNostra said:
LMAO, Elton Johns' dad never stopped him.

But, really!

I did not know that the genie was married to Cochise.

He's one of my all time fave character actors, tho they didn't give native Amerians any character save a sage nod and a grunt.
....that's the FIRST thing you didn't know in over two weeks....give the ibis a cookie....
ibis said:
... I am neither a fan of Eugene O'Neill or the word "devotee"..I'm from Brooklyn don't forget...if I ever used the word "devotee" on Flatbush avenue..my nose would dribble over to Bedford (avenue)...I am NOT howver deficient in the Arts...I am a fan of Paul O'Neill,outfielder for the Reds & Yanks....and as for her (the lovely Sophia) having flings....my fingers are in my ears...I didn't hear that...
Well now that you've once again established your manly man credentials :rolleyes: , may I recommend O'Neil?

He had the black Irishman down like no other, and he makes the perfect foil for Tennessee Williams. Reveling in guilt vs reveling in decadence.

Marcello Mastri..., nyah nyah nyah!!

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