Belicheat, Brady claim ignorance; NFL Statement Post #434


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Tom Brady Hopeful His Legacy as a Cheater Isn’t Forever Tainted by Being a Liar

DJ Gallo Jan 23rd, 2015

New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady addressed allegations at a press conference Thursday that he played in the AFC Championship Game with illegally deflated footballs.

During a 20-minute media session, Brady insisted he had nothing to do with the footballs and said that he had no idea how they got deflated. The massive lie could threaten to derail the quarterback’s enduring legacy as a career-long cheater.

“When you think of Tom Brady, you first and foremost think of a guy who cheated to win his only Super Bowls,” said the quarterback. “Well that, and the fact that I lucked out to even get through my first playoffs thanks to the ‘tuck rule.’ And, of course, the greatest sports punchline in history: 18-1. But I am NOT a liar,” continued the liar. “I’ve cheated my way to get here, that’s the God’s honest truth. But don’t say I lie.”

Brady’s press conference performance did not get positive reviews, and the vast majority of viewers and media members believed him to be lying. But head coach Bill Belichick cautioned that Brady should not quickly be dismissed as a liar.

“It’s unfair to him,” said the coach. “It’s very complicated. People these days are so quick to just paint someone as this or that. Good or bad. But everyone is a little bit of many things. Tom Brady is a cheater and a liar and forever tainted and overrated. Okay? Let’s be fair and look at his entire body of work and not just focus on just the very latest incident of him lying a lot.”


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What do you guys think about below chart? Looks like cheaters have been doing this for a long time now.


That chart is a stunner. If the numbers are correct it does me seriously wonder if the Pats have been cheating in this regard for a long time.


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“It’s unfair to him,” said the coach. “It’s very complicated. People these days are so quick to just paint someone as this or that. Good or bad. But everyone is a little bit of many things. Tom Brady is a cheater and a liar and forever tainted and overrated. Okay? Let’s be fair and look at his entire body of work and not just focus on just the very latest incident of him lying a lot.”

Best laugh of the day. Good stuff.


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Belichick can never get away from all the corruption that went down in the past four years, he's ultimately responsible for. No excuses or whipping boys allowed.


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Tom Brady Hopeful His Legacy as a Cheater Isn’t Forever Tainted by Being a Liar

DJ Gallo Jan 23rd, 2015

New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady addressed allegations at a press conference Thursday that he played in the AFC Championship Game with illegally deflated footballs.

During a 20-minute media session, Brady insisted he had nothing to do with the footballs and said that he had no idea how they got deflated. The massive lie could threaten to derail the quarterback’s enduring legacy as a career-long cheater.

“When you think of Tom Brady, you first and foremost think of a guy who cheated to win his only Super Bowls,” said the quarterback. “Well that, and the fact that I lucked out to even get through my first playoffs thanks to the ‘tuck rule.’ And, of course, the greatest sports punchline in history: 18-1. But I am NOT a liar,” continued the liar. “I’ve cheated my way to get here, that’s the God’s honest truth. But don’t say I lie.”

Brady’s press conference performance did not get positive reviews, and the vast majority of viewers and media members believed him to be lying. But head coach Bill Belichick cautioned that Brady should not quickly be dismissed as a liar.

“It’s unfair to him,” said the coach. “It’s very complicated. People these days are so quick to just paint someone as this or that. Good or bad. But everyone is a little bit of many things. Tom Brady is a cheater and a liar and forever tainted and overrated. Okay? Let’s be fair and look at his entire body of work and not just focus on just the very latest incident of him lying a lot.”

Just because he's great a one thing doesn't mean he's a good person...

He would have been better off saying. I like the football at 12.5 and if they were found to be lower than that then I have to be held responsible for allowing the team/ownership to be put in a position where the NFL will rightfully make a determination on what the penalty should be...

That's what a " real man" and a person " of integrity" would say and do.
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BTW: People haven't mentioned that this is the only team with a former player curently indicted for murder. Opening statements set for Tuesday!


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The Saints organization was slammed in Bounty-gate. So yes, especially after Spygate, the whole organization should be punished. It's the same thing that happens to college teams when they get NCAA violations. The whole program suffers.

This is the misguided faulty logic that two wrongs make a right. The precedence set is wrong. Repeating the wrong is just more wrong doing.


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BTW: People haven't mentioned that this is the only team with a former player curently indicted for murder. Opening statements set for Tuesday!

There are many examples of former NFL athletes indicted for murder and even some convicted. Does OJ Simpson or Rae Carruth ring a bell?


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I still haven't seen any evidence that anyone from the Patriots did anything wrong. Aaron Rodgers said the officials are always removing air from their balls, so it seems it is up to the NFL to ensure the pressure is right before the game. Right now, I haven't heard anything about the officials actually checking the air pressure of the balls before the game in New England. If the officials didn't actually check the air pressure, the Patriots didn't do anything different than the Packers by sending up balls that weren't inflated to spec. (It seems unlikely to me the balls were tampered with after the officials inspected them, and the press conferences yesterday show Bill and Tom are confident that didn't happen.)


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“Our office has been conducting an investigation as to whether the footballs used in last Sunday’s AFC Championship Game complied with the specifications that are set forth in the playing rules. The investigation began based on information that suggested that the game balls used by the New England Patriots were not properly inflated to levels required by the playing rules, specifically Playing Rule 2, Section 1, which requires that the ball be inflated to between 12.5 and 13.5 pounds per square inch. Prior to the game, the game officials inspect the footballs to be used by each team and confirm that this standard is satisfied, which was done before last Sunday’s game."

The Quest for Six

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The NFL issued a statement Friday to provide an update on the league's investigation if the Patriotsintentionally deflated footballs in the AFC Championship Game against the Colts.

The league announced that the investigation is being led by NFL executive vice president Jeff Pash and Ted Wells, an attorney from the Paul Weiss law firm. Wells was tapped to conduct the league's investigation concerning allegations of workplace misdconduct with the Miami Dolphins in November 2013.

The statement is below in full:

"Our office has been conducting an investigation as to whether the footballs used in last Sunday’s AFC Championship Game complied with the specifications that are set forth in the playing rules. The investigation began based on information that suggested that the game balls used by the New England Patriots were not properly inflated to levels required by the playing rules, specifically Playing Rule 2, Section 1, which requires that the ball be inflated to between 12.5 and 13.5 pounds per square inch. Prior to the game, the game officials inspect the footballs to be used by each team and confirm that this standard is satisfied, which was done before last Sunday’s game.

"The investigation is being led jointly by NFL Executive Vice President Jeff Pash and Ted Wells of the law firm of Paul Weiss. Mr. Wells and his firm bring additional expertise and a valuable independent perspective. The investigation began promptly on Sunday night. Over the past several days, nearly 40 interviews have been conducted, including of Patriots personnel, game officials, and third parties with relevant information and expertise. We have obtained and are continuing to obtain additional information, including video and other electronic information and physical evidence. We have retained Renaissance Associates, an investigatory firm with sophisticated forensic expertise to assist in reviewing electronic and video information.

"The playing rules are intended to protect the fairness and integrity of our games. We take seriously claims that those rules have been violated and will fully investigate this matter without compromise or delay. The investigation is ongoing, will be thorough and objective, and is being pursued expeditiously. In the coming days, we expect to conduct numerous additional interviews, examine video and other forensic evidence, as well as relevant physical evidence. While the evidence thus far supports the conclusion that footballs that were under-inflated were used by the Patriots in the first half, the footballs were properly inflated for the second half and confirmed at the conclusion of the game to have remained properly inflated. The goals of the investigation will be to determine the explanation for why footballs used in the game were not in compliance with the playing rules and specifically whether any noncompliance was the result of deliberate action. We have not made any judgments on these points and will not do so until we have concluded our investigation and considered all of the relevant evidence.

"Upon being advised of the investigation, the Patriots promptly pledged their full cooperation and have made their personnel and other information available to us upon request. Our investigation will seek information from any and all relevant sources and we expect full cooperation from other clubs as well. As we develop more information and are in a position to reach conclusions, we will share them publicly


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Thanks for the info. If they are confident the balls left the officials properly inflated, then the next step would be to talk to Tom Brady and the people who handle the equipment for the Patriots. Yet, as of yesterday, they hadn't talked to Brady at all. That makes one wonder which 40 people are they interviewing. Maybe they already have their answers and are just slow-walking the investigation until after the Super Bowl.


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The nfl's statement contained something I've been waiting for. The first mention of reviewing video. There are dozens of cameras in that stadium pointed at everything. If the balls were tampered with on the sidelines, its on video for sure. They may see a ball boy with his hands in the bag for an unusual amount of time. They may see a ball boy take balls somewhere out of view for a few seconds. They may see a ball boy hiding balls under a towel for no apparent reason. Who knows, but they will catch something on video if those balls came out of the tunnel with the correct pressure.


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According to an NFL source with direct knowledge of the situation, referee Walt Anderson inspected all 24 of the Patriots’ footballs with a pressure gauge supplied by the league, as well as all 24 footballs from the Colts. All 48 footballs were found to be inflated within the allowable range of 12.5-13.5 pounds per square inch.

The story is definitely looking more nefarious now - these balls were doctored AFTER league inspection. That's pretty underhanded.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Hope the Pats are giving playing time to their backup QB during practice.