Belicheat, Brady claim ignorance; NFL Statement Post #434


Proud Native Texan, USMC-1972-79, USN-1983-2000
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Hope the Pats are giving playing time to their backup QB during practice.

Suspensions will never happen before the SB, if at all. I would be shocked beyond shocked if that were to happen.

The Quest for Six

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Hope the Pats are giving playing time to their backup QB during practice.

The league isn't going to punish the Patriots until AFTER the Superbowl, the released statement by the NFL clearly shows they're stalling this investigation until after the Superbowl.. the league knows who doctored the balls, it's a two day investigation that could determine it, this is all about money, the league doesn't want to give their big game(advertising) a black eye by suspending Brady for the game, but I'd bet he's going to be suspended for part of next season, along with a fine and draft picks.....


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Thanks for the info. If they are confident the balls left the officials properly inflated, then the next step would be to talk to Tom Brady and the people who handle the equipment for the Patriots. Yet, as of yesterday, they hadn't talked to Brady at all. That makes one wonder which 40 people are they interviewing. Maybe they already have their answers and are just slow-walking the investigation until after the Super Bowl.

To be fair, if they (the NFL investigators) immediately went straight to Brady or Belichek it would seem as if they were targeting those two individuals. They might be trying to get all the referees, equipment crew guys, and anybody who would handle the team's gear (including the Colts equipment guys) out of they way first before they start asking specific people about their role in this incident, also to possibly see if maybe there was the off chance there was some natural cause for the deflation. They are probably just getting all that junk in order before going after the most likely suspects in a tampering scandal and seeing what they say.

I think if they already have their answers and are just waiting until after the Super Bowl the NFL is shady as hell... probably just as much as the last time when they destroyed the evidence of spygate.


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I'm surprised they even let Brady up there to lie through his perfect teeth.

I think he made a mistake on this one. Brings to mind a line Harrison Ford used in the movie "Clear and Present Danger" when discussing how the President should react to the news that someone he was associated with was killed by members of a Colombian drug cartel. The initial inclination was to deny knowing the person, or distance himself at the very least. Harrison Ford's character suggested the exact opposite, get in front of the story, tell everyone they weren't just good friends, but GREAT friends. That way, it looks like the President has nothing to hide, and the media won't have anywhere to go with the story.

Brady should have done the same thing -- admit he told the ball boy to let some air pressure out, but say it was an honest mistake -- "I thought I could tell the difference between a legal ball and one that was too soft simply by gripping it and I made a mistake. I should have ensured that they were still fully compliant with the rules, and I apologize. I will definitely make sure this doesn't happen again."

Story over.


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Sometimes cheaters cheat not because they don't think they can win without cheating, but because they're insecure. Kind of like the kid in class who makes all A's, scores extremely high on tests, but cheats anyways because he wants to leave nothing to chance on getting a high score. I think that's what applies here.

You think Tom Brady is insecure about his ability? Okay...


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You know what the sad thing is, NFL is trying to take things slow to avoid any issues before Superbowl.Kind of a cover up. Man oh man. I am disgusted. I will not watch Superbowl or any other football game until I believe Pats are punished properly. I for one will not allow NFL treat me like an idiot.


Proud Native Texan, USMC-1972-79, USN-1983-2000
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You think Tom Brady is insecure about his ability? Okay...

Where did I ever say Brady was insecure? Where did I ever even say Brady cheated? In fact, where did I mention Brady, at all? Someone posted that people cheat because they don't think they can win otherwise. I pointed out that there are other reasons people cheat and being insecure is one of them.


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Where did I ever say Brady was insecure? Where did I ever even say Brady cheated? In fact, where did I mention Brady, at all? Someone posted that people cheat because they don't think they can win otherwise. I pointed out that there are other reasons people cheat and being insecure is one of them.

Sometimes cheaters cheat not because they don't think they can win without cheating, but because they're insecure. Kind of like the kid in class who makes all A's, scores extremely high on tests, but cheats anyways because he wants to leave nothing to chance on getting a high score. I think that's what applies here.

You think that applies here? Applies where? Oh, that's right, to the Tom Brady incident. Did you just have a brain aneurysm or something? You just said this. And now you're suggesting you didn't?


Proud Native Texan, USMC-1972-79, USN-1983-2000
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Sometimes cheaters cheat not because they don't think they can win without cheating, but because they're insecure. Kind of like the kid in class who makes all A's, scores extremely high on tests, but cheats anyways because he wants to leave nothing to chance on getting a high score. I think that's what applies here.

You think that applies here? Applies where? Oh, that's right, to the Tom Brady incident. Did you just have a brain aneurysm or something? You just said this. And now you're suggesting you didn't?

Look bud, I'm not going to waste my pm arguing with you about this, I was referring to reasons, in general, why some people cheat. You're the one (and the only one to my knowledge) referring to this as the "Tom Brady incident", not me. This is a "rules violation incident" to me. I have no idea who's complicit in this. Nowhere did I say Brady cheated. I don't know if he did or didn't. Read my post again and you won't find Brady's name in there. If you're a Brady fan and hurt that some are questioning his character or qualities, then I suggest you find another thread topic to focus on. Having said that, I do not find it impossible to believe that Brady or anybody else that is ultra competitive may have a fear of failure and do something stupid. Maybe the NFL will get to the bottom of it, maybe they won't.


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Sorry I'm not reading all 23 pages but what if this happened:

Refs have sucked all post season...Lions/Cowboys; Cowboys/Packers, etc. What if the refs didn't inspect the balls properly or have them at their specs pregame? Sure it was only on one side but they did have them a majority of time. Now the league put out a memo with how they have interviewed 40 people so far, how they have a forensics groups looking at video, etc. CYA by the NFL. Then they come back..."we found nothing." Please don't take this as a pro-Pats cheating post. Just more of a what if that popped into my head after reading the NFLs memo about their crack investigation.


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Have not really read threw the thread. But, My Pats are in the SB.

Just so you guys no, I believe you guys where robbed. And I was pulling for you guys to come out of the NFC. Really like your guys team.


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Nice theory that takes the heat off their team. Too bad it's unprovable and the refs already stated the balls were checked properly meaning they checked the PSI and they were to league specs. There is no doubt that the ball boys deflated the balls at the direction of either Brady or Belicheat. They could do this in a matter of seconds with a needle each time they reached in the bag to get a ball. They already know what number to count to in their head once the needle goes in. I bet if someone watched the sideline cameras from the time the balls come out until the end of the 1st quarter, they'll see the ball boys doing something fishy.

I am sure the Pats have already destroyed all the surveillance footage from the sideline if there was something on tape..................unless the network TV crew got a picture of something.

Any team security tape of the sideline has long since been destroyed, I am 100% confident about that.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan


The NFL issued a statement Friday to provide an update on the league's investigation if the Patriotsintentionally deflated footballs in the AFC Championship Game against the Colts.

The league announced that the investigation is being led by NFL executive vice president Jeff Pash and Ted Wells, an attorney from the Paul Weiss law firm. Wells was tapped to conduct the league's investigation concerning allegations of workplace misdconduct with the Miami Dolphins in November 2013.

The statement is below in full:

"Our office has been conducting an investigation as to whether the footballs used in last Sunday’s AFC Championship Game complied with the specifications that are set forth in the playing rules. The investigation began based on information that suggested that the game balls used by the New England Patriots were not properly inflated to levels required by the playing rules, specifically Playing Rule 2, Section 1, which requires that the ball be inflated to between 12.5 and 13.5 pounds per square inch. Prior to the game, the game officials inspect the footballs to be used by each team and confirm that this standard is satisfied, which was done before last Sunday’s game.

"The investigation is being led jointly by NFL Executive Vice President Jeff Pash and Ted Wells of the law firm of Paul Weiss. Mr. Wells and his firm bring additional expertise and a valuable independent perspective. The investigation began promptly on Sunday night. Over the past several days, nearly 40 interviews have been conducted, including of Patriots personnel, game officials, and third parties with relevant information and expertise. We have obtained and are continuing to obtain additional information, including video and other electronic information and physical evidence. We have retained Renaissance Associates, an investigatory firm with sophisticated forensic expertise to assist in reviewing electronic and video information.

"The playing rules are intended to protect the fairness and integrity of our games. We take seriously claims that those rules have been violated and will fully investigate this matter without compromise or delay. The investigation is ongoing, will be thorough and objective, and is being pursued expeditiously. In the coming days, we expect to conduct numerous additional interviews, examine video and other forensic evidence, as well as relevant physical evidence. While the evidence thus far supports the conclusion that footballs that were under-inflated were used by the Patriots in the first half, the footballs were properly inflated for the second half and confirmed at the conclusion of the game to have remained properly inflated. The goals of the investigation will be to determine the explanation for why footballs used in the game were not in compliance with the playing rules and specifically whether any noncompliance was the result of deliberate action. We have not made any judgments on these points and will not do so until we have concluded our investigation and considered all of the relevant evidence.

"Upon being advised of the investigation, the Patriots promptly pledged their full cooperation and have made their personnel and other information available to us upon request. Our investigation will seek information from any and all relevant sources and we expect full cooperation from other clubs as well. As we develop more information and are in a position to reach conclusions, we will share them publicly
That statement comes right out of the CYA playbook.


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Sorry I'm not reading all 23 pages but what if this happened:

Refs have sucked all post season...Lions/Cowboys; Cowboys/Packers, etc. What if the refs didn't inspect the balls properly or have them at their specs pregame? Sure it was only on one side but they did have them a majority of time. Now the league put out a memo with how they have interviewed 40 people so far, how they have a forensics groups looking at video, etc. CYA by the NFL. Then they come back..."we found nothing." Please don't take this as a pro-Pats cheating post. Just more of a what if that popped into my head after reading the NFLs memo about their crack investigation.

The NFL has announced that referee Walt Anderson checked all the footballs with an air gauge provided by the league prior to kickoff and all balls were of regulation inflation.

The balls were then rechecked at halftime and all the Colt balls were still regulation, but 11 of the 12 Patriot balls were deflated.

The balls were then inflated to regulation and after the game all the balls were checked again and they all were still of regulation inflation.

So these are the facts as we know them...............the Patriot balls were checked before the game and were regulation, were checked at halftime and were deflated, and then checked at the end of the game and were regulation. So the balls were not leaking air, it was not an atmospheric disturbance that caused it since at no time did the Colt ball lose any air, there is only one logical conclusion that can be made. Somebody on the Patriot sideline let air out of the footballs during the first half.

There is no other logical explanation that can be made for how the balls magically lost air in the first half and didn't in the second half.


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it was just now the second story on NBC nightly news. Spent several minutes on it and made fun of BB and TB. This is going to be fun to watch.