Belicheat, Brady claim ignorance; NFL Statement Post #434


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it was just now the second story on NBC nightly news. Spent several minutes on it and made fun of BB and TB. This is going to be fun to watch.

Yea, pretty much everybody thinks Brady was lying his arse off saying he never even noticed the balls being any different....................yea, take 15% of the air out of a football and a HOF QB cant tell the difference.:laugh:


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With all that has gone on--bad calls, picked up flags, deflated footballs--I think we should just redo the playoffs.

NFL took a major credibility hit this season.

Honestly I love the Cowboys and have always loved all the NFL games, but this year has brought me close to the tipping point.

I absolutely cannot stand the way the league does things and I cannot stand Goodell. It is taking a lot of the fun out of it for me.

I'll likely revert to when I was much younger, just watching the Cowboys games and rooting for them and not taking part in all the other nonsense.


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NFL took a major credibility hit this season.

Honestly I love the Cowboys and have always loved all the NFL games, but this year has brought me close to the tipping point.

I absolutely cannot stand the way the league does things and I cannot stand Goodell. It is taking a lot of the fun out of it for me.

I'll likely revert to when I was much younger, just watching the Cowboys games and rooting for them and not taking part in all the other nonsense.

You should probably stay away from basketball then. The blatant rigging and favoritism of superstars is disgusting.
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Much of the discussion this post-season has been about the refs and about deflate gate. Not nearly as much about the quality of the games, the performances, or the upcoming match-ups and strategies. It reflects poorly on the league.



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It would be nice to know if the the people on the Colts sideline who initiated the investigation actually could tell by feeling the ball the pressure was low, or if they tested it with a gauge to find out. It would also be helpful to know if the official actually tested the balls with a gauge or just felt them to see if they had any give. Also, if the officials don't actually test each one with a gauge, is this common knowledge? At what pressure can one actually squeeze the ball and tell it is under-inflated?

H E L L O, where have you been? Did you just wake from a coma this morning?


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I am sure the Pats have already destroyed all the surveillance footage from the sideline if there was something on tape..................unless the network TV crew got a picture of something.

Any team security tape of the sideline has long since been destroyed, I am 100% confident about that.

Those are network and NFL films cameras. NE can't destroy that video. Any known team video that they can no longer produce just proves their guilt.


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H E L L O, where have you been? Did you just wake from a coma this morning?

Well, I put that post up last night, so whether or not I woke out of a coma this morning would probably be irrelevant. The NFL answered the questions about testing this afternoon - sort of - but I still don't know how the Colts on the sideline discovered the ball was not inflated correctly. I was just trying to determine if they could actually tell it was not inflated correctly by just holding it (when the refs hadn't noticed), or if they just checked the ball with a gauge the first chance they had because they had been tipped off before the game. That's all. If you have the answer, I'm all ears. :)


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Well, I put that post up last night, so whether or not I woke out of a coma this morning would probably be irrelevant. The NFL answered the questions about testing this afternoon - sort of - but I still don't know how the Colts on the sideline discovered the ball was not inflated correctly. I was just trying to determine if they could actually tell it was not inflated correctly by just holding it (when the refs hadn't noticed), or if they just checked the ball with a gauge the first chance they had because they had been tipped off before the game. That's all. If you have the answer, I'm all ears. :)

The answers you seek are everywhere. TV. Internets. Etc. The refs didnt just squeeze the balls to see how they felt. They checked all of them with a gauge at halftime. Google is your friend.


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I'm no Pats fan....that's for sure.
I know I'm almost alone here, but I actually don't think Brady told anyone to deflate the balls below the legal limit.
Someone already told me my head was buried in the
What can I say, it's just how I see until proven otherwise.

The facts of the story are already changing.
Reports at 1st said the Indy LB who made the pick noticed the ball had less air. But he said he couldn't tell it was deflated at all.
Then there were reports that even though the balls had air added at halftime,they were below standard after the game. Again,not true. They were fine.

Brady just doesn't seem like the type who would flat out lie about this, but I've been guilty of taking the high road on judging people before. Could be wrong here.

We do know the balls were below the limit before halftime. That we do know as fact.
That's it.


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I'm no Pats fan....that's for sure.
I know I'm almost alone here, but I actually don't think Brady told anyone to deflate the balls below the legal limit.
Someone already told me my head was buried in the
What can I say, it's just how I see until proven otherwise.

The facts of the story are already changing.
Reports at 1st said the Indy LB who made the pick noticed the ball had less air. But he said he couldn't tell it was deflated at all.
Then there were reports that even though the balls had air added at halftime,they were below standard after the game. Again,not true. They were fine.

Brady just doesn't seem like the type who would flat out lie about this, but I've been guilty of taking the high road on judging people before. Could be wrong here.

We do know the balls were below the limit before halftime. That we do know as fact.
That's it.

Brady went to the league in 2006 and demanded that visiting teams be allowed to provide their own balls. He mentioned in 2011 he preferred an under-inflated ball and yesterday he said again he liked the ball at 12.5 psi which is the lowest allowed.

But we are supposed to believe he knows nothing about inflation and just picks up the balls they provide. Pro athletes know their equipment down to the last stitch. The idea that someone besides Brady did this on his own is preposterous. And Brady would never break a rule without Bill's blessing, no way no how.


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I think he made a mistake on this one. Brings to mind a line Harrison Ford used in the movie "Clear and Present Danger" when discussing how the President should react to the news that someone he was associated with was killed by members of a Colombian drug cartel. The initial inclination was to deny knowing the person, or distance himself at the very least. Harrison Ford's character suggested the exact opposite, get in front of the story, tell everyone they weren't just good friends, but GREAT friends. That way, it looks like the President has nothing to hide, and the media won't have anywhere to go with the story.

Brady should have done the same thing -- admit he told the ball boy to let some air pressure out, but say it was an honest mistake -- "I thought I could tell the difference between a legal ball and one that was too soft simply by gripping it and I made a mistake. I should have ensured that they were still fully compliant with the rules, and I apologize. I will definitely make sure this doesn't happen again."

Story over.

Except the rules expressly prohibit the balls being tampered with in any way after being approved by the officials.

Unless of course you fall on the ignorance card which NOBODY would believe.

Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than open it and remove all doubt.


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Phil Houston former cia "deception detection" expert was just on FoxNews and he doesn't believe either. But went into more detail with what Brady said.


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The NFL has announced that referee Walt Anderson checked all the footballs with an air gauge provided by the league prior to kickoff and all balls were of regulation inflation.

The balls were then rechecked at halftime and all the Colt balls were still regulation, but 11 of the 12 Patriot balls were deflated.

The balls were then inflated to regulation and after the game all the balls were checked again and they all were still of regulation inflation.

So these are the facts as we know them...............the Patriot balls were checked before the game and were regulation, were checked at halftime and were deflated, and then checked at the end of the game and were regulation. So the balls were not leaking air, it was not an atmospheric disturbance that caused it since at no time did the Colt ball lose any air, there is only one logical conclusion that can be made. Somebody on the Patriot sideline let air out of the footballs during the first half.

There is no other logical explanation that can be made for how the balls magically lost air in the first half and didn't in the second half.

See I didn't hear that. I heard that, according to the Colts LB, that they started taking balls before half and were looking for balls at one point. Then he figured out they were testing because NE was using Indy balls before half. So it's not as cut and dry. The newly inflated balls were then brought back before half. The refs say they check them and then hold them until 10 min before kickoff. So all we know so far is everyone is saying they did their job. Again no excuses but I just want to see the investigation before being an jerk about calling people out like the media! Hell there is an ESPN NY guy that was confused and he wrote SB article saying that Brady should have felt a 2 lb difference compared to a 2 psi diff.
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Yea, pretty much everybody thinks Brady was lying his arse off saying he never even noticed the balls being any different....................yea, take 15% of the air out of a football and a HOF QB cant tell the difference.:laugh:

Again I'm not letting them off the hook but here is what bothers me. The refs handle the balls as much as anyone. They test them. Then all of them said there was no way to tell a difference at game time because of the rain, cold and pace of game. So why are we assuming that in the same conditions that Brady, while reading a D, getting a snap and throwing is knowing this? Dan Marino and Theisman said they couldn't tell. Just Devils advocate


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Brady went to the league in 2006 and demanded that visiting teams be allowed to provide their own balls. He mentioned in 2011 he preferred an under-inflated ball and yesterday he said again he liked the ball at 12.5 psi which is the lowest allowed.

But we are supposed to believe he knows nothing about inflation and just picks up the balls they provide. Pro athletes know their equipment down to the last stitch. The idea that someone besides Brady did this on his own is preposterous. And Brady would never break a rule without Bill's blessing, no way no how.

Who said we were supposed to believe he knows nothing about inflation? The opposite actually.
Not sure what you're talking about.


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Again I'm not letting them off the hook but here is what bothers me. The refs handle the balls as much as anyone. They test them. Then all of them said there was no way to tell a difference at game time because of the rain, cold and pace of game. So why are we assuming that in the same conditions that Brady, while reading a D, getting a snap and throwing is knowing this? Dan Marino and Theisman said they couldn't tell. Just Devils advocate
the refs HANDLE the balls. The QB has to THROW it. And you cannot get the difference?