Belichick will take away half of Dallas's offense. Which one will it be?


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He is going to try and make us drive the field and eat clock and keep the score down.....GOD please let him leave the secondary 1v1 all game...unless its raining a flood this will kill his offense....We can only hope he leaves 1 saftey high and plays us 1v1 all over...
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which 1? the run game. He will make Dak beat them.

I hope so because he can not stop the run with that front 7 against our O-line...gonna be a high scoring game if he leaves 1 saftey high and 1v1 outside....I pray he does this but know he is too smart to do it...he is going to keep us driving eating the clock and hope for mistakes period....he knows he has NO SHOT if this score goes north of 21 and if he plays 8 man fronts its going to 21 and quick.


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I hope so because he can not stop the run with that front 7 against our O-line...gonna be a high scoring game if he leaves 1 saftey high and 1v1 outside....I pray he does this but know he is too smart to do it...he is going to keep us driving eating the clock and hope for mistakes period....he knows he has NO SHOT if this score goes north of 21 and if he plays 8 man fronts its going to 21 and quick.
and we better watch the weather. Can't rule that out as a factor.


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Rain will be his best friend for sure...he will want it as ugly as he can get it for sure.

Bad weather is the only chance the Pats (or anybody) has of stopping this offense. Now that Moore has figured out how to call running plays and every running play isn't some boring up the middle handoff from shotgun the running game is completely different. Handing them guys the ball deeper and on the move has greatly improved our efficiency running the ball. It lets them see the defense better and it allows them to hit the hole with some momentum.


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He will try to take out the running game and dare Dak to beat them. He'll wait patiently for the Cowboy offense to make mistakes in route running and pass blocking. He'll have disguised blitz packages and try to force Dak into bad choices on third and long.

It's the normal Belicek stuff....keep it close and wait for the opponent to make a mistake.
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looked it up, last time was in 1996 lol, so about 25 years ago !
Everything points to dallas winning, but if your sure of that you should bet your house or life savings on this game, make some money!

more than likely dallas wins, but with nfl games you never know, especially if it rains during game.
thanks for that info , it also felt like we have not beaten the patriots since ages. we need this win . it turns a page.


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He'll do what he always tries to do.
Take away the run, and your TEs.
Forces you to throw, and put pressure on the QB.
I think Dak will do some scrambling against the pats.


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Considering the possibility of rain, I think Bill will shutout the Cowboys running game. They will force Moore and Dak to throw more than they are accustomed too.

Which part of this offense will Bill shutdown?
We dictate what we want to do, not Billy.
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Big D

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You guys keep convincing yourself that the Patriots can stop this offense because of there master mind HC. I'll laugh as we do whatever it is we need to do on offense to them. You need players to beat the other players. Belichick can put his guys in the right spot sure, but then they gotta go win there match-up. They won't.
I watched all their games today. They seem to be vulnerable vs the run while having trouble protecting their young qb. As long as we dont try to get tricky and out coach ourselves we should roll them.
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