Best places to live in North/South Carolina?

Cowboy Junkie;4678019 said:
as for the concerts Asheville has a very big music scene. lots of local bands and at least 2 concert venus for bigger bands, The Orangepeel and civic center. recently The Killers playedd at The Orange Peel ,the only place they are playing in the states this year. Asheville is about a 2hr drive to Charlotte
Cowboy Junkie,what do you do in Asheville? I'm there pretty often.
Hostile;4677833 said:
Was I telling the truth about how beautiful the area is?

I actually got to feed some swans on one of the lakes up there. You talk about jazzed. I was a punk 20 year old kid and had never seen a swan in my life and here I was feeding one.

If my writings sell, I will buy one. Just to have it.

Yup ,you didn't lie! Absolutely beautiful. Why do you think we moved here?
ologan;4678266 said:
Asheville......Little Austin!!!! Very neat town. Google Bele Chere for the "block party" mentioned earlier,and info on the music scene. You will be impressed.

Will do, thanks!
Sounds like suberb Charlotte is the OP's first choice due to proximity to relatives combined with his main criteria. Not a bad choice.

I fly into there a lot when i go to see my parents--who retired on the NC/VA border on the Blue Ridge Parkway. I've been in town some to see old grad school biddies. It's pretty nice in some areas for sure. Very green!

As for visiting Ashville....always a great idea. It's very unique. Lot's of writers and artists move there, yet there's also a college there. I guess it's a cross between Santa Fe and (like someone said) a much smaller version of Austin.

I went high school on the Outer Banks. That was wild. I count count the number of times I've been surfing and had a school of dolfins swin around me and even let me pet them. Another great place to visit, but a long haul from Charlotte. They are 5x the beaches compared to something like Myrtle, mainly due to being about 100 miles further out to sea, closer tot he shelf edge, and much less crowded.

I'm a Texan now (21 years and counting with both kids born here) and it has it's own charm.
But I envy anyone moving to NC.
DFWJC;4678375 said:
Sounds like suberb Charlotte is the OP's first choice due to proximity to relatives combined with his main criteria. Not a bad choice.

I fly into there a lot when i go to see my parents--who retired on the NC/VA border on the Blue Ridge Parkway. I've been in town some to see old grad school biddies. It's pretty nice in some areas for sure. Very green!

As for visiting Ashville....always a great idea. It's very unique. Lot's of writers and artists move there, yet there's also a college there. I guess it's a cross between Santa Fe and (like someone said) a much smaller version of Austin.

I went high school on the Outer Banks. That was wild. I count count the number of times I've been surfing and had a school of dolfins swin around me and even let me pet them. Another great place to visit, but a long haul from Charlotte. They are 5x the beaches compared to something like Myrtle, mainly due to being about 100 miles further out to sea, closer tot he shelf edge, and much less crowded.

I'm a Texan now (21 years and counting with both kids born here) and it has it's own charm.
But I envy anyone moving to NC.

Yep you're right, Charlotte is most likely the choice. Now I need to find a good suburb. I have looked at Huntersville, Matthews, Fort Mill, and Rock Hill. Anyone have any opinions on those or ones that I haven't mentioned?
pjtoadie;4676501 said:
Will do :)

Yeah I think Charlotte or Raleigh/Durham are what we are looking at. Hos mentioned Matthews, NC and the school district is really good by what I have just read. Does anyone know of any other good suburbs near Charlotte besides Matthews and Huntersville?

Pineville and Matthews are both in South Charlotte, and it is right on the line of the south Carolina border, maybe within 15 minutes. Weddington is another small area right there as well, albeit it is a little bit more country in my opinion, bt not really. The ballantyne area is also an upscale area in South Charlotte as well. South Charlotte itself is pretty much a suburb in my opinion, depending on which side there are some very good public schools there. Depending on price ranges, Ballantyne, Providence Plantation, Raintree are some large neighborhoods that could be considered that are still in the city limits but are def suburbs. Prob 20-25 minutes from downtown. Let me know if you want to know more, I grew up in this part of town, lived there about 15 years. I highly recommend the South Charlotte Area.
JustDezIt;4678422 said:
Pineville and Matthews are both in South Charlotte, and it is right on the line of the south Carolina border, maybe within 15 minutes. Weddington is another small area right there as well, albeit it is a little bit more country in my opinion, bt not really. The ballantyne area is also an upscale area in South Charlotte as well. South Charlotte itself is pretty much a suburb in my opinion, depending on which side there are some very good public schools there. Depending on price ranges, Ballantyne, Providence Plantation, Raintree are some large neighborhoods that could be considered that are still in the city limits but are def suburbs. Prob 20-25 minutes from downtown. Let me know if you want to know more, I grew up in this part of town, lived there about 15 years. I highly recommend the South Charlotte Area.

Thank you so much for the info! My brother in law and family live in Lake Wylie so I think we want to be close to them. Ballantyne, Providence Plantation, and Raintree are areas I haven't looked at yet but will. I might end up sending you a PM down the road. Thanks again and I love your sig!
pjtoadie;4678449 said:
Thank you so much for the info! My brother in law and family live in Lake Wylie so I think we want to be close to them. Ballantyne, Providence Plantation, and Raintree are areas I haven't looked at yet but will. I might end up sending you a PM down the road. Thanks again and I love your sig!

not a problem. Ballantyne is the furthest south, closest to Lake Wylie, but also the most expensive. If I had to guess I would say Raintree and Providence Plantation are about 25 minutes away from Lake Wylie. I actually used to work in Fort Mill and commute everyday, only about 15 minutes once you jump on the highway. If you actually go to Charlotte and the surrounding areas to look at properties, let me know and I will recommend some main roads and areas where I think you might like. I know people who love living in some of the areas north of Charlotte as well, Huntersville, Concord, Mooresville but I guess I'm biased to the southern part. Close to SC, close to downtown, but newer suburbs with good schools and more of a city feel while still being spread out. Lost of upscale shopping centers, nice neighborhoods, family friendly, low crime. And I appreciate it about the sig, I really like it as well. Think Dez will have a BIG year...
Have either of you found work yet ? And where.
That is the most important part.

That makes it easier to give you advice on where to live.

Raleigh and Charleston aren't a 15 minute drive between them.

I saw you were looking at Charlotte. South Charlotte seems like the best considering where the jobs could be. Not to mention family being close.

I would not live in Rock Hill (seems they are always on the news for some silly crimes, and stupid people).

Matthews is where the traffic is in Charlotte. No thanks.

If you live in South Charlotte or even just south of the border and you should be able to find tons to do, and employment. Also good schools, and neighborhoods.
JustDezIt;4678458 said:
not a problem. Ballantyne is the furthest south, closest to Lake Wylie, but also the most expensive. If I had to guess I would say Raintree and Providence Plantation are about 25 minutes away from Lake Wylie. I actually used to work in Fort Mill and commute everyday, only about 15 minutes once you jump on the highway. If you actually go to Charlotte and the surrounding areas to look at properties, let me know and I will recommend some main roads and areas where I think you might like. I know people who love living in some of the areas north of Charlotte as well, Huntersville, Concord, Mooresville but I guess I'm biased to the southern part. Close to SC, close to downtown, but newer suburbs with good schools and more of a city feel while still being spread out. Lost of upscale shopping centers, nice neighborhoods, family friendly, low crime. And I appreciate it about the sig, I really like it as well. Think Dez will have a BIG year...

Fort Mill according to Charlotte Magazine is the #1 suburb in Charlotte

I think I might be more interested in South Charlotte rather than North Charlotte. Did you like working in Fort Mill? Are you familiar with Waxhaw and Indian Trail? I found some nice homes in Matthews but I still have to check out Pineville.

Yeah I think he's going to have a BIG year as well! Btw your avatar is not bad either ;)
Cowboy Junkie;4678012 said:
Asheville is probably the nicest place in the Carolinas. fall is the best very mild and right in the blueridge mountains makes it very beautiful. People come from all over to see.

Since Asheville is high up in the Mountains even in the hot summers there is usually a breeze. I meet many people from Ohio here every day and I have 2 sets of good friends living here from Ohio.

Asheville is a fast growing small city with a small town feel. Charolette is ok but I think Asheville is better. many agree because I have met many people that first moved to Charlotte and then to Asheville.Including a friend of mine.

Asheville is very diverse. in the food , art and people from all over.

Asheville is huge for the outdoors and is supported by the government. The city has a huge block weekend block party every July, I am guessing one of the largest in the country.
it is close to as Hos said sliding rock and many waterfalls also close is Lake Lure . many movies have been filmed here due to the areas beauty including Dirty Dancin,Last of the Mohicans and last was Hungar Games.
there is crime here as with every where but the police do a decent job controlling it.

As a small business owner I can say Asheville are huge at supporting small business.
As for SC. Greenville , spartanburgh about a 30 min drive and if the news is any indication. lots of crime there as a matter of fact whenever a violent crime takes place it is normally in that area.

If you have any questions you can PM me. I moved here from PA quite some time ago

Also The Biltmore is there and is great to visit... especially at Christmas, and they have a great winery...
pjtoadie;4678478 said:
Fort Mill according to Charlotte Magazine is the #1 suburb in Charlotte

I think I might be more interested in South Charlotte rather than North Charlotte. Did you like working in Fort Mill? Are you familiar with Waxhaw and Indian Trail? I found some nice homes in Matthews but I still have to check out Pineville.

Yeah I think he's going to have a BIG year as well! Btw your avatar is not bad either ;)

Yeah if I had to choose I would def do South Charlotte. To me, part of the thing about the surrounding areas is that some of the people are more country than others. I noticed that alot in Fort Mill, as well as Waxhaw. Not that that is a bad or a good thing, just a preference. When you get more into Matthews, Pineville, South Charlotte to me it is a bit more of a city feel to it. I did enjoy working in Fort Mill, but I'm not sure I would have wanted to live there just because I am more of a city kind of guy. Matthews and Pineville aren't listed in the link, I think because technically they might be considered part of Charlotte. What happened was they were both on the either side of South Charlotte, and as it expanded it almost encompassed them. So really when you driving, you dont realize that you have left one area and entered another, they basically grew on top of each other. As far as Indian Trail and Waxhaw, they were very rural as I was growing up in the past 5-10 years there has been booming expansion in South Charlotte, leading to those areas becoming more suburban. Wedington is the area south of Pineville, with Waxhaw south of that. Indian Trail is the area South of Matthews. Matthews would be southwest Charlotte, further from Lake Wylie, Pineville Southeast, close to LW. Another area that might interest you is Audrey Kell, which is directly south of South Charlotte. That area is all very new, new schools, shopping centers, neighborhoods having only been developed in the past 5 years but still with the south Charlotte feel and closer to LW. You cant really go wrong in the area if you ask me, it just depends what you are looking for. A lil more country, a lil more urban, newer homes, older homes. Small town feel, larger more urban feel. Hope that makes some sense, know its hard when you arent completely familiar with the area.
DFWJC;4678375 said:
Sounds like suberb Charlotte is the OP's first choice due to proximity to relatives combined with his main criteria. Not a bad choice.

I fly into there a lot when i go to see my parents--who retired on the NC/VA border on the Blue Ridge Parkway. I've been in town some to see old grad school biddies. It's pretty nice in some areas for sure. Very green!

As for visiting Ashville....always a great idea. It's very unique. Lot's of writers and artists move there, yet there's also a college there. I guess it's a cross between Santa Fe and (like someone said) a much smaller version of Austin.
Did I mention I love that area? Scenery of the Blue Ridge Parkway:


I think I might plan another visit this fall.
pjtoadie;4678411 said:
Yep you're right, Charlotte is most likely the choice. Now I need to find a good suburb. I have looked at Huntersville, Matthews, Fort Mill, and Rock Hill. Anyone have any opinions on those or ones that I haven't mentioned?

Rock Hill is in SC and about a 20 minute drive from Charlotte. But like someone else said, I wouldn't recommend living there. It doesn't seem as "welcoming" as some of the other areas. I would go with Fort Mill if you are leaning towards Charlotte. I've heard nothing but good things about that area although it is in SC as well. If you are looking for an area closer to Charlotte, consider Sharon Amity (near Pine Lake Country Club) as well. I have a close friend who lives there and it is really nice there.
Yakuza Rich;4676304 said:
The place I've always heard good things about is Raleigh. I've only driven thru there a few times, but I've talked to many people that either really liked it or loved it so much that they wish they didn't move away. Charlotte really turned around in the past 10 years. It's turned into a nice little city instead of some over-cramped snorefest with not much to do. You can get some great houses at some great pricing 20-30 minutes outside of the city.

Wilmington I would generally avoid. Not much going on there and that's where the Hurricanes tend to hit (along with the outer banks).

Columbia is a dump, same with Orangeburg. Charleston is very nice although I think people picture it as the nicest southern city ever and in reality, it's like every city...some great places, some very bad places.

I'm not really a big fan of Hilton Head. It's not what it once was and getting anythign done on that island takes forever. I would definitely check out Raleigh from what I've heard.


There are nice parts of Orangeburg; quiet and some beutiful land. I go vacationing in Editso every year.
JustDezIt;4678523 said:
Yeah if I had to choose I would def do South Charlotte. To me, part of the thing about the surrounding areas is that some of the people are more country than others. I noticed that alot in Fort Mill, as well as Waxhaw. Not that that is a bad or a good thing, just a preference. When you get more into Matthews, Pineville, South Charlotte to me it is a bit more of a city feel to it. I did enjoy working in Fort Mill, but I'm not sure I would have wanted to live there just because I am more of a city kind of guy. Matthews and Pineville aren't listed in the link, I think because technically they might be considered part of Charlotte. What happened was they were both on the either side of South Charlotte, and as it expanded it almost encompassed them. So really when you driving, you dont realize that you have left one area and entered another, they basically grew on top of each other. As far as Indian Trail and Waxhaw, they were very rural as I was growing up in the past 5-10 years there has been booming expansion in South Charlotte, leading to those areas becoming more suburban. Wedington is the area south of Pineville, with Waxhaw south of that. Indian Trail is the area South of Matthews. Matthews would be southwest Charlotte, further from Lake Wylie, Pineville Southeast, close to LW. Another area that might interest you is Audrey Kell, which is directly south of South Charlotte. That area is all very new, new schools, shopping centers, neighborhoods having only been developed in the past 5 years but still with the south Charlotte feel and closer to LW. You cant really go wrong in the area if you ask me, it just depends what you are looking for. A lil more country, a lil more urban, newer homes, older homes. Small town feel, larger more urban feel. Hope that makes some sense, know its hard when you arent completely familiar with the area.

Wow you're better than Google :D I am with you in that I prefer more urban than rural/country. Right now I live minutes from restaurants, shopping, movie theaters etc. and want to have that in Charlotte as well. Also I want a safe neighborhood with good schools obviously. So could you give me your top 5 areas/suburbs including the south and north of Charlotte based on what I want?
JonJon;4678596 said:
Did I mention I love that area? Scenery of the Blue Ridge Parkway:


I think I might plan another visit this fall.

Rock Hill is in SC and about a 20 minute drive from Charlotte. But like someone else said, I wouldn't recommend living there. It doesn't seem as "welcoming" as some of the other areas. I would go with Fort Mill if you are leaning towards Charlotte. I've heard nothing but good things about that area although it is in SC as well. If you are looking for an area closer to Charlotte, consider Sharon Amity (near Pine Lake Country Club) as well. I have a close friend who lives there and it is really nice there.

Didn't know that about Rock Hill....thanks! By what I read about Fort Mill it's a really nice area. JustDezIt said it's more country/rural than some of the other areas so I don't know if that's what I want. Never heard of Sharon Amity but will check it out, thanks!
JonJon;4678596 said:
If you are looking for an area closer to Charlotte, consider Sharon Amity (near Pine Lake Country Club) as well. I have a close friend who lives there and it is really nice there.

Ok I can't find Sharon Amity on a map. Is it a suburb or is it a housing development?
pjtoadie;4678759 said:
Ok I can't find Sharon Amity on a map. Is it a suburb or is it a housing development?

I think I was a little fuzzy in my memory. It is a road I believe, but the surrounding area is pretty nice.

on Google maps

As you can see, there are lots of parks surrounding the area.
Hostile;4678049 said:
I didn't know you lived there. I did for a few months.

There used to be a restaurant there called The Filling Station. It was decorated up like a garage. The soda area was old gas pumps and you filled your glass with them. They had an all you can eat lunch buffet that was pizza, salad bar, and build your own hoagie sandwiches.

I think it may have been one of the coolest gimmick restaurants I have ever been to. The walls had old hubcaps and license plates.

Ive been here since '93. I own a restaurant here. I am not sure about the filling station. there are so many restaurants like that in and out but I will look and see , youve peeked my interest. I dont get to Brevard that often. It is about a 20 min drive and since I own my own restaurant I work very long hours. If you are ever in the area again let me know. I would love to take you around
ologan;4678267 said:
Cowboy Junkie,what do you do in Asheville? I'm there pretty often.

I own a restaurant. on tunnel rd. if ever in the area let me know. we have the Cowboys on every Sunday

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