Bi-polar Disorder or Intermittent Explosive Disorder

No ...... I finally get it.

Randy Gregory should get a new guaranteed contract right now ........... it will put his mind at ease ........ and the Cowboys should refuse to play another game until the league allows these poor kids to smoke as much pot as they want.

I demand this.

Yup, you got the point exactly, that is exactly what they should do.
You may be right, but a year does not make a lifetime. He is close to the end of his leash, I hope he realizes that and makes the changes he needs too.

If not he will look back and wish he had.

honestly you and i both. i hate to see him crash and burn like this for any reason. i don't root for *anyone* to fail. well, 1 person but that's not allowed to be talked about in here. :)

he said when he was drafted he learned his lesson. he didn't. he may never or he may just not have the capacity to put it down. we'll see - and like you, hope he can handle this and get his **** together.
No ........ you have to be more understanding than that.

We should resign Randle and Hardy .......... its the only thing to do in this situation ....... "sources" say they have mental problems ....... they need to work in a high paying job with millions of people counting on them.

I bet Rolando McClain has this also ........ that would explain everything bad he has ever done ...... sign him to a big contract right away.

Do you think they should just cut him? Seeing that you insist on going completely the other way it sure seems like it.

His contract is guaranteed and there are 70 players on the roster. Youre chasing windmills.
Yep. Built-in excuses for everybody these days, whether you actually have the condition or not. You can pee where you want now, too. All bets are off.

This is way off Base.

Apparently the planters in the mall are unacceptable.
This post doesnt really serve a purpose. First of all, it is speculation on your part and since you are not his treating physician it provides no value. The guys is different, but lets leave a diagnosis to a trained physician. Those are serious conditions and speaking without knowing is walking a line that you probably dont want to walk. Secondly, the guy is not coming back. His performance on the field doesnt warrant the other issues that come with him. Our failure to have a backup plan at DE doesnt warrant speculation whether someone is mentally ill, with the exception of Jerry's mental state for letting it come to this. Move along...nothing to see here.
Yep. Built-in excuses for everybody these days, whether you actually have the condition or not. You can pee where you want now, too. All bets are off.

That's BS. These are disorders with a clear biological basis that have clear diagnostic criteria.

And stop worrying about people's genitals.
That's BS. These are disorders with a clear biological basis that have clear diagnostic criteria.

And stop worrying about people's genitals.

Do you have a 10-year-old daughter?
This post doesnt really serve a purpose. First of all, it is speculation on your part and since you are not his treating physician it provides no value. The guys is different, but lets leave a diagnosis to a trained physician. Those are serious conditions and speaking without knowing is walking a line that you probably dont want to walk. Secondly, the guy is not coming back. His performance on the field doesnt warrant the other issues that come with him. Our failure to have a backup plan at DE doesnt warrant speculation whether someone is mentally ill, with the exception of Jerry's mental state for letting it come to this. Move along...nothing to see here.

Also, the post doesn't serve a purpose as the disorders suggested by the poster are not the sort of things that talk therapy helps.

You don't see a counselor for bipolar disorder. You see a doctor who specializes in mental health issues (i.e. a psychiatrist)
Do you have a 10-year-old daughter?

So you want your daughter asking why there is a man in the woman's bathroom? You do know that is what you are asking for right?

And I do have kids - and I know the chances of them being molested by a transperson are incredibly less likely than being molested by someone who dresses in a manner consistent with their genitals

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