Bi-polar Disorder or Intermittent Explosive Disorder

So you want your daughter asking why there is a man in the woman's bathroom? You do know that is what you are asking for right?

And I do have kids - and I know the chances of them being molested by a transperson are incredibly less likely than being molested by someone who dresses in a manner consistent with their genitals

Good gawd almighty.
is my bet that Hardy will be diagnosed with. I just read that article were his agent is sending NFL teams his counseling records.

If he was diagnosed properly and medicated appropriately I would take him back. But only if he is medicated properly and he'd be on a contract stating that he has to continue counseling and medication, no beer and/or recreational drugs cuz that could offset the medication. If he violated those terms then he's gone.

In the old days, mate, we'd call it Woman-beating disorder.
is my bet that Hardy will be diagnosed with. I just read that article were his agent is sending NFL teams his counseling records.

If he was diagnosed properly and medicated appropriately I would take him back. But only if he is medicated properly and he'd be on a contract stating that he has to continue counseling and medication, no beer and/or recreational drugs cuz that could offset the medication. If he violated those terms then he's gone.

As a clinical psychologist, let me say this, it can be very difficult to manage bipolar disorder. Lithium is the primary medication that is used and can cause weight gain and apathy. Part of what made Hardy a good player was passion. With the following in mind, let me say that his issues are much more complex than bipolar disorder. He had issues with "the uptown flue". Alcohol cancels the affects of lithium. Hardy, allegedly, beat up his girlfriend. Though irritability is a symptom of bipolar disorder, violence is not the product of bipolar disorder. Ultimately, schematic apperception has to change. This can take years.

No one wants to hear this but the Cowboys have moved on. I know it's nice to fantasize about a player (at our biggest need) being cured of his behavior by a magic pill. It's nice to think about getting a probowl player at peanuts on the dollar, but the reality is that there is a reason why they are not taking a chance on him. He needs to focus on mental health and football secondly.
I don't think comparing Hardy to Gregory is fair at this point. Gregory is just not smart. Hardy displays a lack of compassion, remorse, and accountability. These are symptoms of mental health issues. Gregory is just a bad decision maker.

Intermittent explosive Disorder is when you can't control your emotions and Bi-polar makes a person feel like their invincible and can do anything without getting in trouble, when their manic.

Gregory is an idiot, Hardy is mentally ill. Not to excuse his behavior but he's a sick dude.
Also, the post doesn't serve a purpose as the disorders suggested by the poster are not the sort of things that talk therapy helps.

You don't see a counselor for bipolar disorder. You see a doctor who specializes in mental health issues (i.e. a psychiatrist)

Actually, you see both. Typically you want to have patients be medicated first. All psychological diagnoses have biological/heritable factors. Some are more genetic than others. Bipolar disorder is not completely genetic however. This is evident by the twin studies.
Do you think they should just cut him?


Didn't you read my post? Give him a long term guaranteed contract now to ease his mind, and put a clause in it saying he can smoke all the weed he wants too.

Its unfair what is happening to this poor guy ......... none of it is his fault and he should be allowed to do whatever he wants ...... Peterson was right, this is not slavery.
I don't think comparing Hardy to Gregory is fair at this point. Gregory is just not smart. Hardy displays a lack of compassion, remorse, and accountability. These are symptoms of mental health issues. Gregory is just a bad decision maker.

Intermittent explosive Disorder is when you can't control your emotions and Bi-polar makes a person feel like their invincible and can do anything without getting in trouble, when their manic.

Gregory is an idiot, Hardy is mentally ill. Not to excuse his behavior but he's a sick dude.

Gregory has a substance abuse disorder, which is in DSM-5 as a mental illness.

Didn't you read my post? Give him a long term guaranteed contract now to ease his mind, and put a clause in it saying he can smoke all the weed he wants too.

Its unfair what is happening to this poor guy ......... none of it is his fault and he should be allowed to do whatever he wants ...... Peterson was right, this is not slavery.

Once again you are emotional railing about fault and blame looking for someone to apply it to.

If you don't want to cut him then you have no point.
Once again you are emotional railing about fault and blame looking for someone to apply it to.

If you don't want to cut him then you have no point.

I do not think you are reading my post.

He should not be cut ....... he should be rewarded. He is kinda a hero.
Good gawd almighty.

He didn't bring it up. You did with your passive aggressive allusion. He called you on it and you cannot own up to it. This coming from the group that wants Gregory to take personal responsibility too.
Often personality disorders run together. For example borderline personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder are often found together and can also run hand in hand with being bipolar.

As I understand it, every person with borderline personality disorder also has narcissistic personality disorder, but not every narcissist is also a borderline. The problem with many of these types of personality disorders is that they really aren't clinically treatable because the individual who has them is not willing to consider that there is anything wrong with him.

Greg Hardy may seek treatment out of necessity because no one in the league will hire him unless he gets "help", but in reality the "help" does no good because he isn't seeking the treatment to fix himself, he is merely going through the motions to appease the people he has to appease (in this case the NFL) to get what HARDY wants. Everything is just a means to an end with these type of people.

You guys are fooling yourself if you think people like Hardy or T.O. can change. The very best that you can hope for is to have a brief "honeymoon period" which will last only until they don't get what they want, or adversity strikes. The very best you can do with those types of people is to manage them by placating them incessantly, which eventually becomes more trouble than it is worth.
He didn't bring it up. You did with your passive aggressive allusion. He called you on it and you cannot own up to it. This coming from the group that wants Gregory to take personal responsibility too.

I have no intellectualized argument that men should not be able to walk into a bathroom and pee next to a 10-year-old girl. I know of no other way to argue it than simply that. That's not passive aggressive, that simply "I'll simply kick the *** of the man who tries to pee next to my daughter in a public restroom." Period.

And no, I'm not going to give Hardy a pass because he's bipolar all of the sudden.

Now let's move on.
I have no intellectualized argument that men should not be able to walk into a bathroom and pee next to a 10-year-old girl. I know of no other way to argue it than simply that. That's not passive aggressive, that simply "I'll simply kick the *** of the man who tries to pee next to my daughter in a public restroom." Period.

And no, I'm not going to give Hardy a pass because he's bipolar all of the sudden.

Now let's move on.

You can couch it in whatever terms you like; Abe's doesn't read like angry rambling and addresses child welfare. Having violence as your first solution is a nice touch though.

You still shouldn't be acting incredulous nonetheless.
Yup, you got the point exactly, that is exactly what they should do.

Well, actually, that would placate him, and make him feel better, for a brief period of time. So that would actually have a brief, fleeting positive effect. I know you were being sarcastic, but it has an element of truth to it.

Of course the team would never do that under the circumstances, so the team is doing the next best thing, which is placating him and stroking his ego. That is why you see Jerry showering Gregory with praise, even in the face of Gregory's repeated ****ups. Examples of this are Jerry hugging on Gregory over the past few days.

Jerry is doing this for a reason. He may genuinely care about Gregory, but Jerry is also a very smart old man, surrounded by experts in human behavior. He has learned how to attempt to manage these types of people. If it doesn't bear enough fruit you will see us cut bait with Gregory soon.
Actually no, having a disorder doesn't mean you can get away with anything. It means being diagnosed and getting proper treatment and/or medication to reduce the symptoms and possibility of episodes.

Perhaps the bigger issue is an absolute lack of compassion and/or understanding coupled with a refusal to accept scientific proof that these are neurological disorders. You don't have to like the guy or want him back to hope he gets proper medical attention and is able to cope with whatever specific condition(s) he might have. That's just being a good person. Something many of you are attacking Hardy for not being. Oh the irony...

hear you 100% but sometimes it's hard having compassion for someone who has every opportunity and resource and when all is said and done, they're just a ******

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