Been following and watching this team religiously for longer than I care to admit.
What has transpired since the GB debacle has been nothing short of a travesty.
For an owner/GM to come out and say we are going all in. Disregarding the future, and bringing other players in, to then do absolutely nothing is the biggest slap in the face to this fan base I can recall.
If the plan is to let Dak play out his contract. You dont just throw away a year. You sit him down and say "We arent paying you, waive your NTC or ride the bench the rest of the year."
What they are currently doing is giving the finger to the entire fan base. All coaches on a 1 year deal, QB who they arent even talking to, and to top it all off you come out and say you are waiting on agents and players to call you?
How can anyone even defend this front office at this point? How? The rest of the division, nevermind league has gotten better over the last 2 days. And its radio silence from the front office.
Not only this but they have already telegraphed to the entire league that they are drafting for need not BPA. And to top that off, they have told everyone they love Brooks. This offseason has been horrendous.
The worst part about it is. I think Jerry really wanted to fire McCarthy, but Stephen stepped in and said not to. So now Jerry is being petty and we are all paying the price. This is obviously my opinion but someone else please explain this logically.
Then you have the owner and his son talking about culture not being a problem, but current players with expiring contracts commenting on ex teammates "securing the bag" with other teams.
What a joke.