Biggest slap in the face-Front Office


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What do you suggest they do when he has a no trade clause?

The only person that decides if the Cowboys get anything for Dak is Dak. That's the only leverage he has over Jerry.

If Jerry doesn't care and just wants him gone then Dak's leverage there means squat.
Damn near anywhere is better than here. This organization is not serious about winning so he has to take that inconsideration.


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Not that it matters, but I'd think the other NFL front offices view Jerry and Stephen like "Tweedle Dum & Tweedle Dee"-- and they've had 28 seasons to judge from.
We recall Jerry in past years used to be enchanted with "bright shiny things", NFL stars. Terrell Owens, Deion, etc. He probably envisioned Dak was going to win big. Now the roster is a mess and the cavalry ain't coming to help.
Jerry's "all-in" commentary hasn't fooled anyone. Not even Rowdy. You can jibber jabber all you want with the fans like a used car salesman.
But at some point the CEO has to produce. (free agency?). He hasn't.


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Been following and watching this team religiously for longer than I care to admit.

What has transpired since the GB debacle has been nothing short of a travesty.

For an owner/GM to come out and say we are going all in. Disregarding the future, and bringing other players in, to then do absolutely nothing is the biggest slap in the face to this fan base I can recall.

If the plan is to let Dak play out his contract. You dont just throw away a year. You sit him down and say "We arent paying you, waive your NTC or ride the bench the rest of the year."

What they are currently doing is giving the finger to the entire fan base. All coaches on a 1 year deal, QB who they arent even talking to, and to top it all off you come out and say you are waiting on agents and players to call you?

How can anyone even defend this front office at this point? How? The rest of the division, nevermind league has gotten better over the last 2 days. And its radio silence from the front office.

Not only this but they have already telegraphed to the entire league that they are drafting for need not BPA. And to top that off, they have told everyone they love Brooks. This offseason has been horrendous.

The worst part about it is. I think Jerry really wanted to fire McCarthy, but Stephen stepped in and said not to. So now Jerry is being petty and we are all paying the price. This is obviously my opinion but someone else please explain this logically.

Then you have the owner and his son talking about culture not being a problem, but current players with expiring contracts commenting on ex teammates "securing the bag" with other teams.

What a joke.
I dont take this as a slap in my face. But only because i know who JJ is: A notorious alcoholic and not a very bright person without any kind of character.
If i'd trust someone like that the only one i should have to slap in the face is myself.


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I can’t believe you are defending this crap lol. Actually I can.

I root for failure when it seems like they are stuck in a rut.

The same ole same gets you losers like Dak and Romo for 20 years. The only thing that gets you away from bums like that is failure.

You're more likely to find an elite QB in the draft than you are Dak ever winning a Super Bowl.

CT Dal Fan

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Get rid of Dak! Get rid of Dak!

Because things were SO MUCH different from 1996-2015 before he got here. :lmao::lmao::lmao:


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This is all being done to rid the team of Dak one way or another.

Everything happening right now will be worth it.
I agree w this in theory. But this front office is clueless. Even when Dak is gone they won’t get it right. Doesn’t matter, they’re idiots.


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If you told him hes being benched or traded and gone the year after. He is taking the trade because he wants to sign a brand new deal.
He now has a family, newborn at home. He's not going to accept a trade short of the Texans or maybe the Saints. He'll sit on the bench, go home and kiss the kid goodnight.


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Not that it matters, but I'd think the other NFL front offices view Jerry and Stephen like "Tweedle Dum & Tweedle Dee"-- and they've had 28 seasons to judge from.
We recall Jerry in past years used to be enchanted with "bright shiny things", NFL stars. Terrell Owens, Deion, etc. He probably envisioned Dak was going to win big. Now the roster is a mess and the cavalry ain't coming to help.
Jerry's "all-in" commentary hasn't fooled anyone. Not even Rowdy. You can jibber jabber all you want with the fans like a used car salesman.
But at some point the CEO has to produce. (free agency?). He hasn't.
Much like many of the other players they have tried to collect over the years, they think Prescott is capable of more than he actually is.


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Not that it matters, but I'd think the other NFL front offices view Jerry and Stephen like "Tweedle Dum & Tweedle Dee"-- and they've had 28 seasons to judge from.
We recall Jerry in past years used to be enchanted with "bright shiny things", NFL stars. Terrell Owens, Deion, etc. He probably envisioned Dak was going to win big. Now the roster is a mess and the cavalry ain't coming to help.
Jerry's "all-in" commentary hasn't fooled anyone. Not even Rowdy. You can jibber jabber all you want with the fans like a used car salesman.
But at some point the CEO has to produce. (free agency?). He hasn't.
From a business stand point it would be the opposite of that. From a football stand point you are correct.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Indeed and it's crazy there are still fans defending Jerry and son.
I don't think many, or any fan is defending Jerry....we just have different ways of dealing with it. It's on Jerry, not on his son...he's just the hired help. His day of judgement will come one day.

PA Cowboy Fan

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Agreed. I’m with you here. Problem is they’re too dumb to go full tank / rebuild. And that’s the easiest way to turn this thing around.
If they came out and actually said that next year is a wasted season, I'd have more respect for them.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
From a business stand point it would be the opposite of that. From a football stand point you are correct.
I wonder how many owners would switch places with Jerry and own a team worth 9.2 billion dollars? Only a hard-core fan would do that. Who would you guys consider a current owner that is a hard core fan? I don't follow the owners enough to know....kinda curious, now.


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One day into the offseason and this one might truly take the cake on how unbelievably bad this situation is.


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No it wont. They are throwing away a year.

Trade him. Force him to accept a trade of bench him. At least show the fan base the plan. Regardless of what you think of Dak. He would net you some first round picks.
I agree with you but I'm keeping my eye on the draft. They can still do exactly what you are saying, but only before the draft. I happen to think they are sending Dak and France a message. Remember Jerry threw out the first marker last week when he said they didn't need Dak's extension to field a competitive team. Yes, he was talking to the public it was an obvious laser message to Dak and France.

I think Jerry could be putting on his old-school gloves to play hardball and that could be what we are seeing. IMO what happens between now and the draft will be telling and that's putting it mile.

BTW ......IF and big IF it comes to trade, what team(s) would be likely trade partners? I'm thinking Vikes, Seahawks, Titans, Raiders, Saints