Blackistone: Looking for QB, Jerry? Try draft's first round

In Carter's case, he was thrust into his role as a starter too early and then had to suffer through new offensive coordinators and schemes just about every season, plus a new head man to boot. That wasn't easy. Had he been handled well, maybe he'd have been more successful. Still, he managed through it all to make it to the playoffs.

So Carter was bad because he was thrust into starting to early and had to adjust to a new scheme

Yet Henson is a bust because after 1 year (after being out of football for 3) He isn't the strter despite having his thropwing motion changed?

Double standard much
I don't care what he says. I care what I see and what Bill says. Still Henson has done nothing to endear himself to me. But I will pull for him as long as he's here.
Rack said:
Just added Blackistone to the list of moronic mediots that I hate.

What did he say that way moronic? That Henson hasn't looked that great? That Bill Parcells may not be the best coach to handle a young quarterback? That QCar and CHutch have both flamed out? That Henson is well on his way to doing the same?
I'm rooting for Henson as much as anyone, but only because he's a Cowboy. If he can't hack it, get rid of him and get someone who can. If he's showing that somewhere down the line, he can be pretty good, not just ok, then keep him around.
I think the cowboys are playing with fire if their only QBs this year are Bledsoe, Romo, and Henson.
montgod said:
It's more like...tone down the ego since he is only making these moves to ultimately make himself look like he was a genuis to pick up potential talents that were on the cheap.

Ah ... the Jimmy Johnson has a bigger Johnson than Jerry Jones theory ... I think that may be the case and he has to try to make up for his lack of ... *cough cough* by going out and doing things like this.

I do wish he'd stop meddling and just sign the pay checks, shut up, drink his whiskey and go get a face lift.

I think his wrinkles around his eyes are a problem. Maybe he should focus on that for say ... oh ... the next decade or so.
silver said:
bledsoe yes (he had no choice, sorta like with Q) but not Simms. He wasn't the headcoach during Simms rookie year.

In regards to Bledsoe, BP did have a choice. He knew he needed a QB (Scott Zolak, Jeff Carlson, Hugh Millen were qbs on the roster in 92) when he took over as coach in 93 and picked Bledsoe. I am sure there might have been some FA Qb's on the market then...of course, don't know, but BP went w/the rookie to start. He also had Scott Secules and Scott Zolak as his other options that year which obviously weren't as talented. But who knows, maybe that was the kinder and gentler BP (doubt it) who was more open.....or understood that such a 1st round investment needed to be milked to the fullest extent from day 1.
But with Jones' third baseball-back-to-football quarterback experiment having failed

***? Look at the contract he signed, he wasnt expected to do anything for a few years. OMG, do theese people get paid for their ramblings?

Im not saying Henson is or isnt the future, but lets at least give him the amount of time most normal rookie QB's get, let alone one whos been away from the game for 4 (?) years.
In Henson's case, I feel that BP might have been open to picking him up, but didn't have the same outlook on the addition of Henson as JJones did in doing so. BP probably just looked at it as another QB to be on the roster and maybe groom for a little bit. JJ looked at adding Henson as an eventual starter..meaning hopefully in two to three years (how realistic is that now ...seriously?). BP is looking at winning NOW and continuing to keep his legacy as one of the greatest coaches in the NFL, not grooming a QB who hasn't played football in three years.

This is where I believe that JJ and BP were on totally different pages in bringing in Henson which brings us to where we are now. Yes, Henson is still progressing slowly to an extent, but doesn't have the confidence of BP to give him any real playing time which doesn't allow him to grow any faster imo. This is where JJ is irritated because he has put Henson in such a public light that the fans of the Boys are expecting great things from Henson, but haven't seen anything of the sort.

If they don't get on the same page soon.....I am not sure where things will eventually end up w/Henson.
montgod said:
In regards to Bledsoe, BP did have a choice. He knew he needed a QB (Scott Zolak, Jeff Carlson, Hugh Millen were qbs on the roster in 92) when he took over as coach in 93 and picked Bledsoe. I am sure there might have been some FA Qb's on the market then...of course, don't know, but BP went w/the rookie to start. He also had Scott Secules and Scott Zolak as his other options that year which obviously weren't as talented. But who knows, maybe that was the kinder and gentler BP (doubt it) who was more open.....or understood that such a 1st round investment needed to be milked to the fullest extent from day 1.

that's like saying he had chad hutchinson and (then undrafted rookie) tony romo in 2003. he had no choice but start Q. the man knows a football player when he sees one. zolak, secules and millen are not nfl caliber players IMHO
montgod said:
In Henson's case, I feel that BP might have been open to picking him up, but didn't have the same outlook on the addition of Henson as JJones did in doing so. BP probably just looked at it as another QB to be on the roster and maybe groom for a little bit. JJ looked at adding Henson as an eventual starter..meaning hopefully in two to three years (how realistic is that now ...seriously?). BP is looking at winning NOW and continuing to keep his legacy as one of the greatest coaches in the NFL, not grooming a QB who hasn't played football in three years.

This is where I believe that JJ and BP were on totally different pages in bringing in Henson which brings us to where we are now. Yes, Henson is still progressing slowly to an extent, but doesn't have the confidence of BP to give him any real playing time which doesn't allow him to grow any faster imo. This is where JJ is irritated because he has put Henson in such a public light that the fans of the Boys are expecting great things from Henson, but haven't seen anything of the sort.

If they don't get on the same page soon.....I am not sure where things will eventually end up w/Henson.

While i agree that Parcells wants to win now, he also wants to leave the team in good condition when he leaves.

He has stated this numerous times. How would not grooming a potential franchise qb, not fit into this?

to assume he just signed off on something as big as a franchise qb is silly.

This was a major decision that is going to have lasting impact. if they selected wrong, they don't have a future qb prospect.
silver said:
that's like saying he had chad hutchinson and (then undrafted rookie) tony romo in 2003. he had no choice but start Q. the man knows a football player when he sees one. zolak, secules and millen are not nfl caliber players IMHO

I agree with you, but don't you think he couldn't have scrounged around for a vet if he wasn't open to starting a rookie? Nevermind the bums that he did sign for backups. Those were only signed just because he knew he was going to draft Bledsoe in the first place. His choice was to draft and start a QB instead of looking for a "Phil Simms" or "Vinny" type qb.

And I am sure he signed on w/JJ w/the understanding that they were going to stand pat at QB in regards to that situation w/Quincy, Hutch, and Romo. That was his sales pitch...yeah, we can get by w/the qbs you already have on the roster. What a farce that was.
montgod said:
In regards to Bledsoe, BP did have a choice. He knew he needed a QB (Scott Zolak, Jeff Carlson, Hugh Millen were qbs on the roster in 92) when he took over as coach in 93 and picked Bledsoe. I am sure there might have been some FA Qb's on the market then...of course, don't know, but BP went w/the rookie to start. He also had Scott Secules and Scott Zolak as his other options that year which obviously weren't as talented. But who knows, maybe that was the kinder and gentler BP (doubt it) who was more open.....or understood that such a 1st round investment needed to be milked to the fullest extent from day 1.

I see Parcells recognizing he didn't have the talent to win in NE without a QB. So he drafted the overall number one pick of the draft to do the job.

There is a difference between a number one pick in the draft and journeyman. There is the same difference here. There was no one to do the job so he got VT then Bledsoe again.

Right now I see Parcells doing as much as he can to win. I have questioned the RT move. Who knew Rogers would do what he did though. I can still criticize him a little. I don't see him doing too badly at safety. I hold him responsible for CB last year. I hold him harmless for working with Q and Hutch year one. I hold him harmless for last year at QB. I hold him responsible for EG.

So he's not perfect.

And I'm going to hold him responsible for what I see as a coming problem at OLB on this team. We need another vet there. I do cut him some slack in that he needs to shore the postion up whild keeping Thorton and Ware and working them in. Burnett too.

Didn't mean to stray too far but really the criticism belongs to Parcells. Overall he's doing a great job.

Let's get to work on OLB and less so at RT still. I'd cut Tucker and get a vet there to backup Rob. If he stays course then hopefully Tucker will prove me wrong if Rob is injured. Or we get by with Vollers.
rus said:
What did he say that way moronic? That Henson hasn't looked that great? That Bill Parcells may not be the best coach to handle a young quarterback? That QCar and CHutch have both flamed out? That Henson is well on his way to doing the same?
I'm rooting for Henson as much as anyone, but only because he's a Cowboy. If he can't hack it, get rid of him and get someone who can. If he's showing that somewhere down the line, he can be pretty good, not just ok, then keep him around.
I think the cowboys are playing with fire if their only QBs this year are Bledsoe, Romo, and Henson.

First of all, it's an accumulation (sp?) of his articles. I wouldn't call him a moron based on one article. But he's got himself quite a resume of moronic articles, therefore he is a moron.

But as far as this article specifically...

That QCar and CHutch have both flamed out? That Henson is well on his way to doing the same?

This is either a moronic overeaction on his part (what, did he expect Henson to be a star in his second year in the league after being out of the game for 3+ years AND having his throwing motion altered in the offseason?) or he's "spicing up" his article on purpose for the sole purpose of causing controversy. Bill Parcells has NEVER indicated Henson is "Flaming out" so why would he write his article as such?

I'm not saying Henson will EVER be anything worth a crap. All I'm saying is it's WAY TOO EARLY to make ANY type of judgements about him. PERIOD.

QBs take time to develop. QBs that sit out 3+ years from the game take a bit longer to develop. Altering their throwing motion will hinder that development a bit, but will help in the long run.

So to Blackistone, just tell it like it is, don't make up crap just to cause controversy, or... ****.
Ken said:
While i agree that Parcells wants to win now, he also wants to leave the team in good condition when he leaves.

He has stated this numerous times. How would not grooming a potential franchise qb, not fit into this?

to assume he just signed off on something as big as a franchise qb is silly.

This was a major decision that is going to have lasting impact. if they selected wrong, they don't have a future qb prospect.

That's the problem, who in the Cowboys franchise viewed Henson as a "franchise qb?" I bet you JJ was alone in that decision. I don't see BP being sold on that because he is like that with everyone until he coaches them and sees what they can truly do. He has gotten that chance with Henson imo and is reluctant at the moment to even play him. Hopefully, this is just how we as fans see it and it is different behind closed doors, but it is portrayed to me as BP not trusting Henson and thinking much of him. That is where JJ is Henson's main cheerleader which helps to an extent, but JJ is not the coach. Do you think Parcells wouldn't feel a bit aggravated that JJ mentions in the press that he would like to see Henson play more, especially from last year? Think of how that makes Parcells view Henson and his willingness to play him. Not positive.... of course, just my opinion.

Who likes to hear thier boss tell them what to do when you know that you know more about what you are doing then they do?
silver said:
right. i can name a bunch of guys drafted in the first round stealing money from their respective owners:

Joey Harrington
David Carr
Philip Rivers
Eli Manning
Rex Grossman

Not to mention Alex Smith and Aaron Rogers.

Will these writers please let these guys develop for a change?

These guys are not stealing money, well maybe Rodgers will end up doing that.
Henson is not on the same level with those guys right now. Blackstone is a very good writer, he and Clarence Hill, those others Jenn, JJT,Mick, Galloway, they are all garbage writers that write biased fill articles.
jobberone said:
I see Parcells recognizing he didn't have the talent to win in NE without a QB. So he drafted the overall number one pick of the draft to do the job.

There is a difference between a number one pick in the draft and journeyman. There is the same difference here. There was no one to do the job so he got VT then Bledsoe again.

Yeah, my point was that BP IS open to starting a drafted rookie (especially a first rounder) if he sees the talent and poise is there. He did so with Bledsoe. So I don't buy the point that if the Boys had drafted a QB in the last few drafts, that he couldn't have started just because he doesn't trust inexperienced qbs and players as a whole.

So, I am patient w/the whole Henson project because he did start late in not playing in three years. I just don't know where this project will go in terms of BP's outlook on Henson and Henson's lack of development because of BP's outlook (if it is negative).
Of all the idiotic philosophies floated around about the QB situation, none is more simple minded than "Just throw a 1st rounder at it, that'll take care of it"
InmanRoshi said:
Of all the idiotic philosophies floated around about the QB situation, none is more simple minded than "Just throw a 1st rounder at it, that'll take care of it"

True...especially looking at all the most recent 1st round qbs. Ain't that many who you can say have made a successful transition to the NFL.
montgod said:
Yeah, my point was that BP IS open to starting a drafted rookie (especially a first rounder) if he sees the talent and poise is there. He did so with Bledsoe. So I don't buy the point that if the Boys had drafted a QB in the last few drafts, that he couldn't have started just because he doesn't trust inexperienced qbs and players as a whole.

So, I am patient w/the whole Henson project because he did start late in not playing in three years. I just don't know where this project will go in terms of BP's outlook on Henson and Henson's lack of development because of BP's outlook (if it is negative).

I don't know it's negative. But it isn't positive. If it were positive enough then I think we'd hear something more well....positive. Right now all we hear is he's not ready. Well duh, that says something even if you don't want to hear it. I'd rather hear more but we aren't because there isn't anything more positive to hear. I agree. But it's not necessarily over. We just have to wait and hope.
ctalker said:
I don't get all the Henson hating going on in the media. Did they forget he was brought in as a project not expected to be Dan Marino in his second year.

I am also not sure, where the idea that Henson was all Jerry's doing unless I missed something reported. BP has clearly been running the show since his arrival, so I would think he was also behind the Henson signing.

Please do not take this the wrong way, I do not mean to offend you.
But Pay attention from now on, when you read about Henson, whether he makes it or fails, hopefully he makes it, so we will not have to start over.

Anyway, I have been saying this for a while now, it was all Jerry, now the truth is coming out.

I have said why would a Hall of Fame coach, go and try the same experiment after terminating the first one(Hutch), think would you do the same failed experiment twice? I know people think there is a difference between Hutch and Henson and there is,bvut it is not what people think it is. the difference is that Henson has played QB all of his youthfull years until he got to college and switched to full time baseball, and Hutch played 1yr of QB in High School, the year before that he played LB. That is the only difference, Oh and that he may be more intelligent than Henson based on the College he got a Scholarship too, but that is debatable.

Both guys are the same in talent and potential, big, strong arm, and can make all the throws.

No one can make me believe that Parcells would repeat that same scenario that he had just terminated with Hutch.

Another thing when the Texans drafted Carr, Jerry called Casserly to inquire about the rights to Henson back then, but at the time the Texans wanted too much for him and Jerry was not willing to do another Joey Galloway trade again, supposedly he had learned from that.
The Texans had a high price for the rights to Henson, he was their insurance incase Carr, failed or panned out. If Carr failed they would have Henson and give him a try or trade his rights for a high draft pick, which is what they ended up doing, and if Carr panned out they would trade Henson's right for a High draft pick, again they succeeded.

If you are the coach, and you have tried to talk your GM/Owner into not making the same mistake twice and he would not listen, what would you do, other than quit the job? You go along with the GM/Owner and try and make the best of the situation until either the player makes it, or you are finally able to make the Owner/GM see his mistake or he see that he once again made the same mistake.

I bet my bottom dollar that BP tried his best to talk Jerry out of signing Henson.

Yes he had dinner with Henson, and yes he spoke with Henson's father, and the Yankees organization, and his college coach, it's called doing your homework, back ground check, to see what kind of person you are hiring, what others thinks, checking references. :bang2: