A reasonable expectation would be that Key and Glenn have reached points of expected production. This meaning that you could take there averages for the past 3 seasons and be pretty close to the production they will achieve this year.
2002 16 76 1088 14.3 76 5
2003 10 45 0600 13.3 39 3
2004 16 70 0981 14.0 39 6
Proj 14 62 0890 14.3 51 5
2002 15 56 0817 14.6 49 2
2003 16 52 0754 14.5 51 5
2004 06 24 0400 16.7 48 2
Proj 12 44 0657 14.9 50 3
Now are these numbers those of the top receivers in the league? No obviously they are not; however on closer look these numbers would have put both Glenn and Johnson in the top 30 in the NFL last year.
If you assume Witten will at least match last years numbers then you have 3 receivers in the top 30. One team, IND, did that last year, and only STL, GNB, CIN, KAN, and TEN had 2 in the top 30.
The major shortsight that the critics of our WRs have is that they feel that without a true stud it is impossible to have a prolific passing attack. I offer these statistics as evidence to the contrary.
If Glenn and Johnson provide their average production and Witten is able to simply reproduce his numbers from last season then OUR RECEVERS COMPARE FAVORABLY WITH THE RECEIVERS OF THE ELITE PASSING TEAMS IN THE NFL.
Additionally these statistics do not take into consideration contributing factors such as a healthy Jones' influence on the passing offence via play action nor the expected improvement we should see from Witten, Crayon and Copper nor whether Haley's work on Morgans hands will pay dividends nor the effect of an improved defense on our average starting field position.
Even Vinny versus Bledsoe is a virtual wash.
Wolverine I realize its your schtick to hate everything and that you and HH share the same brain but the lack of actual thought you put in your posts is simply depressing.
As is our receivers are good enough to have an elite passing attack this season.
Receivers in the draft are a dime a dozen. This year there was Edwards Williamson, Clayton and Williams, the year before Williams Fitzgerald, Williams and Clayton; the year before that Rogers and Johnson and Johson.
As for you baseless opinion that noone respects our receivers I am asking you for one shred of evidence to back this up. I counter that assertion with this evidence showing that these guys produce and DCs take notice of actual production not Wolverines selfaffirming tripe.