Blockbuster movies you've never seen.

The only one I can think of is "Saving Private Ryan." I watched the first 10 minutes and it was simply too gory for me.

I watch a movie to be entertained and gore does not entertain me. It is the same reason why I don't watch TV shows where people eat gross stuff. That isn't entertaining to me.

I am open minded about any genre of movie and have enjoyed a bunch of them. I didn't think I would like Star Wars but I did and have seen all of them, though didn't enjoy all of them.

I don't catch a lot of sequels because most of them are awful. I pay more attention to people's opinions of sequels than I do of originals.

I don't catch most remakes of old classics. "Rear Window" is always going to be Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly for me. "The Longest Yard" is always going to be Burt Reynolds. Remakes generally screw up classic movies. I hate that.
Hostile;2649033 said:
The only one I can think of is "Saving Private Ryan." I watched the first 10 minutes and it was simply too gory for me.

I watch a movie to be entertained and gore does not entertain me. It is the same reason why I don't watch TV shows where people eat gross stuff. That isn't entertaining to me.

I am open minded about any genre of movie and have enjoyed a bunch of them. I didn't think I would like Star Wars but I did and have seen all of them, though didn't enjoy all of them.

I don't catch a lot of sequels because most of them are awful. I pay more attention to people's opinions of sequels than I do of originals.

I don't catch most remakes of old classics. "Rear Window" is always going to be Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly for me. "The Longest Yard" is always going to be Burt Reynolds. Remakes generally screw up classic movies. I hate that.
I normally don't try to convince someone to watch a movie but I gotta try on this. The first 30 minutes of this movie is some of the best ever.
Chief;2648798 said:
Have never watched any of the Godfather movies.

Wow. How'd I forget about that one in my OP??

I have never seen any of the Godfather movies either, and when I tell people that, they look at me like I'm on crack.

Especially since I loved goodfellas, Casino, Sopranos, etc etc.
Hostile;2649033 said:
The only one I can think of is "Saving Private Ryan." I watched the first 10 minutes and it was simply too gory for me.

I watch a movie to be entertained and gore does not entertain me. It is the same reason why I don't watch TV shows where people eat gross stuff. That isn't entertaining to me.

I am open minded about any genre of movie and have enjoyed a bunch of them. I didn't think I would like Star Wars but I did and have seen all of them, though didn't enjoy all of them.

I don't catch a lot of sequels because most of them are awful. I pay more attention to people's opinions of sequels than I do of originals.

I don't catch most remakes of old classics. "Rear Window" is always going to be Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly for me. "The Longest Yard" is always going to be Burt Reynolds. Remakes generally screw up classic movies. I hate that.

I watched the original Longest Yard this afternoon and it is SOOOOOOOO much better than the Adam Sandler remake.
mldardy;2649057 said:
I normally don't try to convince someone to watch a movie but I gotta try on this. The first 30 minutes of this movie is some of the best ever.

He watched the first 10 minutes, that's by far the best part of the opening, and really the entire movie. It's an overrated movie based entirely on the battle scenes, especially the opening, the rest is average at best.
ChldsPlay;2649193 said:
He watched the first 10 minutes, that's by far the best part of the opening, and really the entire movie. It's an overrated movie based entirely on the battle scenes, especially the opening, the rest is average at best.

Special guest appearance by Ted Danson.
CowboyWay;2649065 said:
Wow. How'd I forget about that one in my OP??

I have never seen any of the Godfather movies either, and when I tell people that, they look at me like I'm on crack.

Especially since I loved goodfellas, Casino, Sopranos, etc etc.

you've never seen the godfather?

that and godfather 2 are the best movies made in the history of cinema.
ScipioCowboy;2648197 said:
Michael Moore.:p:
The only one I ever liked was Roger and Me back in the day. It was funny watching him getting kicked out of the GM building on a regular basis
Kangaroo;2649277 said:
The only one I ever liked was Roger and Me back in the day. It was funny watching him getting kicked out of the GM building on a regular basis

Sadly, Moore does have a good message on occasion. In Bowling for Columbine, he made an excellent point about the folly of perpetuating a culture of fear. However, it was drowned in a sea of anti-NRA propaganda and unsubstantiated ad hominen attacks.
Judging by the Academy Awards, Im missing out big time by not seeing the Curious Case of Brad Pitts small wang.
mldardy;2649057 said:
I normally don't try to convince someone to watch a movie but I gotta try on this. The first 30 minutes of this movie is some of the best ever.

X2. Saving Private Ryan is incredible. If its too gory, become a pacifist.
The first 30 minutes of Saving Private Ryan should be mandatory viewing for every High School senior in the country. Showing in a way( that vets said came closest to the real thing )Omaha Beach would drive home reality and the sacrifices of our military in a way nothing else could. Too gory? well that was NOWHERE NEAR what actually happened there.
burmafrd;2649372 said:
The first 30 minutes of Saving Private Ryan should be mandatory viewing for every High School senior in the country. Showing in a way( that vets said came closest to the real thing )Omaha Beach would drive home reality and the sacrifices of our military in a way nothing else could. Too gory? well that was NOWHERE NEAR what actually happened there.

I actually agree with you, *** is wrong with me?:D
mldardy;2649057 said:
I normally don't try to convince someone to watch a movie but I gotta try on this. The first 30 minutes of this movie is some of the best ever.
I can't get past the first 10 minutes, how can I stomach 30?

I can't see myself ever watching that again. I have a tremendous respect for WWII veterans and love war movies.

I can't watch this.
Hey this is reality. You know truth is stranger then fiction.

Hos, I can kind of understand being squeemish. BUT really try and watch it again and make it through. I can guarantee its worth it.

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