Signed by Cowboys Boys working deal with DE Benson Mayowa - *Signs Offer Sheet*

I am not reading through 17 pages, but I am assuming this was a joke post because no team that is actually trying to win games would look at a scrub like Mayowa.
OhhhEmmmGeeee! What a huge free agency spash! Now do you all smell...... superbowl.....whooooo!
What do you mean? What does it matter what the player's market was when he got here? The fact is Garrett had the same issues with Hardy and Owens as every head coach they've ever played for. So tell me how, in your brilliance, that means this is a Jason Garrett issue?

I'd love to join in on this waste of time that is blaming Jason Garrett for the death of the Dallas Cowboys but I just know better.

wonder what the hold up is if we still want this guy? Are they arguing over $ at this point with a guy who has no body of work to speak of?
This dude ain't worth the drama. For a bottom of the barrel type, you make the offer and go. If he wants a chance, he should be snapping it up.
It's pretty simple the way this is working out.

Most of you are just looking for drama cuz you aren't paying attention to the actual details and just looking to pile on cuz it's what the cool kidz are doing.
wonder what the hold up is if we still want this guy? Are they arguing over $ at this point with a guy who has no body of work to speak of?

The Raiders have (per Sportrac) $28m in cap room. That could be stale for recent deals, but even if it was $20m, if they like this kid they can easily match any deal we could put on the table. I assume the Cowboys are trying to figure out how much the Raiders want him, and if something like one of our 6th rounders could be tossed to them to ensure a deal. It's trying to find leverage in a tough situation. I don't think there is any (pass) rush. Ayooo.
Raiders gave him the lowest tender with no compensation. For another million they could have attached a 2nd round pick.
Camp fodder, who cares

You'd think these people freaking out, crying like lil whiners, crapping their drawers, etc...would have at least some perspective.

Look back two preseasons ago and you can be sure we have the same stuff going on.
You'd think these people freaking out, crying like lil whiners, crapping their drawers, etc...would have at least some perspective.

Look back two preseasons ago and you can be sure we have the same stuff going on.

Doesn't make it right.

End if the day, why did Dallas lose to Green Bay? They couldn't get to Aaron Rodgers. If you have no pass rush, you CANNOT win a Super Bowl.
He restricted raiders have 5 days to match

They have not even signed him yet. Then they have five days to match.

Should be interesting how much the Cowboys offer. Raiders still have in excess of $25M and could easily match.

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