Brady Suspension is On!

As well as NE franchise an off season of Patriot / Brady whining....not on here, but from ESPN / NFLN and all the Brady footage of how unjust they are to him.
Just do what I do...don't watch them. The only time I ever tune in to either network is if I have to (Cowboys game on or, this week, the draft). The programming/mediots on both networks is beyond bad, so I simply don't tune in. I know they could care less about whether I'm watching and I'm not hurting their ratings, as I'm not a Neilsen participant, but that's the stance I've chosen to take.
You know how much a year Goodell makes?

I would GLADLY take that position.

It's not like he has the nuclear launch codes.


I know he is paid a lot however he is also blamed for what is wrong in the world instead of placing the blame where he should go and that is the players. they do much of this stuff to themselves yet fans want to blame him because their favorite team or player is stupid and can't control himself. Players go out party all night get into fights, beat on woman or go out getting high and the league comes down on them and it is some how Goodell fault. Players act like little spoiled kids and can't seem to control their own lives it is on them. I just get tired of a society that will not take ownership over their own actions.
I just think the guy has made 3-4 monumental mistakes with punishment...this. Ray Rice, and some others and instead of saying the league made a mistake, he compounds it. Agree to disagree on what he has done. Just think he is a bully with the ability to say and do what he wants and most people I know that follow the league, don't think it is for the greater good. the owners give the guy the leash but I've never seen a guy make so many, on their face, mistakes and still have a job. Dan Wetzel at Yahoo has written some incredible articles over the last year or so that explain in detail what this bozo has done and how he has ignored common sense.
The owners are making billions under his commissionership. The league has never been more popular. That's all the owners care about, and that's why he still has a $44M per year job. When the popularity and/or revenues drop, the owners will send him packing, but not until then.
It's not Goodell's fault this league is overrun by thugs.

If the league had higher standards, it could rid itself of these criminals. He takes his cues from the owners.

I'd have banned several of these players for life. I have no tolerance for poorly-raised, useless, disrespectful punks.

The owners are making billions under his commissionership. The league has never been more popular. That's all the owners care about, and that's why he still has a $44M per year job. When the popularity and/or revenues drop, the owners will send him packing, but not until then.


People only think RG is a bully because they haven't seen anyone truly take these people to task for their stupid decisions and poor life choices.

We agree on putting the hammer down on criminals and those who can't toe the line with drugs, etc. But that isn't the issue here or with Rice and others. Incompetence was. This is the same man who was caught with his tail in the air with Ray Rice..suspended him 2 games, has video come out that they "allegedly" didn't have but saw, then made it a longer suspension only to have it overturned. Same commish that played hard ball with refs and got us replacement refs. Same commish who failed miserably in BountyGate when he suspended players with almost nothing close to facts only to have those overruled. Add the AP child abuse handling and now this.....despite every scientist at a institute of higher learning saying the league report is factually wrong..not even close to right, he sticks with it. Y'all wouldn't find it too funny if Jerry and Romo were saying something that the whole civilized world agrees on yet we lost 2 picks and had a suspension.

I've seen people above mention that the league is making money. Owners are happy. Game is popular. Yet we are also hearing about all the concussion studies swept under the rug to add to the points above. Then the falsely state they care about player safety. Again, the point here isn't is the league making money. It's Goodell as a Commish and how he has handled himself the last 3-4 yrs. He is a failure on decisions alone.
NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, the man at the center of the storm surrounding the league’s failed response to its domestic violence issues, is seen as part of the problem rather than the solution. Just 28.5 percent of fans who responded believe he should keep his job in the wake of the controversy, while another 33.6 percent are unsure. Then there’s the 37.8 percent who think he should be fired for his mishandling of the issues

Or read this on Deflategate and what RG has done all along.

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I know he is paid a lot however he is also blamed for what is wrong in the world instead of placing the blame where he should go and that is the players. they do much of this stuff to themselves yet fans want to blame him because their favorite team or player is stupid and can't control himself. Players go out party all night get into fights, beat on woman or go out getting high and the league comes down on them and it is some how Goodell fault. Players act like little spoiled kids and can't seem to control their own lives it is on them. I just get tired of a society that will not take ownership over their own actions.

I'm tired of a society that looks at something like being the commissioner of the NFL as a 'hard job' and that pays him $32 million a year and pities him in the process.

I don't think our society, as a whole, blames Goodell for a player's off-the-field actions.

And I don't know what it has to do with the salary cap penalty he imposed on the Cowboys and the Skins or how he promoted Dean Blandino, a guy that has never ref'd a game in his life to the head of officiating where he has screwed up something so simple as a catch. Or Goodell covering up SpyGate and lying to Congress about it or how he embarrassed himself to Congress in the StarCaps case. Or how Goodell tried to convince the fans that we really wanted an 18-game season, but claims he is all about player safety. And there's plenty more that have nothing to do with the players, just his incompetence and lack of integrity.

I'm tired of a society that looks at something like being the commissioner of the NFL as a 'hard job' and that pays him $32 million a year and pities him in the process.

I don't think our society, as a whole, blames Goodell for a player's off-the-field actions.

And I don't know what it has to do with the salary cap penalty he imposed on the Cowboys and the Skins or how he promoted Dean Blandino, a guy that has never ref'd a game in his life to the head of officiating where he has screwed up something so simple as a catch. Or Goodell covering up SpyGate and lying to Congress about it or how he embarrassed himself to Congress in the StarCaps case. Or how Goodell tried to convince the fans that we really wanted an 18-game season, but claims he is all about player safety. And there's plenty more that have nothing to do with the players, just his incompetence and lack of integrity.


Well said. Just as I pointed out above. None of his horrendous decisions and hubris have anything to do with thugs or criminals or making the game better. He just makes a large amount of mistakes, compounds them by doubling down and then ends up in a situation like this!
I'm tired of a society that looks at something like being the commissioner of the NFL as a 'hard job' and that pays him $32 million a year and pities him in the process.

I don't think our society, as a whole, blames Goodell for a player's off-the-field actions.

And I don't know what it has to do with the salary cap penalty he imposed on the Cowboys and the Skins or how he promoted Dean Blandino, a guy that has never ref'd a game in his life to the head of officiating where he has screwed up something so simple as a catch. Or Goodell covering up SpyGate and lying to Congress about it or how he embarrassed himself to Congress in the StarCaps case. Or how Goodell tried to convince the fans that we really wanted an 18-game season, but claims he is all about player safety. And there's plenty more that have nothing to do with the players, just his incompetence and lack of integrity.


Sorry I don't feel the way you do, is that ok with you? What is your views the only one allowed?

As for Spygate Belicheck got the highest fine imposed on a HC of 500,000 and it cost the Pats the 2008 1st rd pick.

As for 18 game season again it is what the owners are pushing just as they are starting to push for an extra playoff spot but these things will only happen when or if the owners come up with a 2/3 majority to pass them.
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Sorry I don't feel the way you do, is that ok with you? What is your views the only one allowed?

Who said this?

As for Spygate Belicheck got the highest fine imposed on a HC of 500,000 and it cost the Pats the 2008 1st rd pick.

You do know that 2 weeks later Belichick had his contract re-done for 'an unspecified amount' which is translation to Kraft upping his contract to cancel out the fine?

Like I said, I don't feel sorry for Goodell because HE put HIMSELF in this position.

He could have suspended Belichick for the entire season and the Patriots couldn't even go to court over it.


Because there is no union for the coaches.

*Goodell* is the one that wanted to dole out the punishment. And he's clearly incompetent in that area. As I predicted when the slap on the wrist occurred, it does nothing to prevent another team or player from cheating if they think they can get a Super Bowl out of it.

As for 18 game season again it is what the owners are pushing just as they are starting to push for an extra playoff spot but these things will only happen when or if the owners come up with a 2/3 majority to pass them.

As the commissioner he is supposed to act as the bridge between the owners and the players and be able to shoot down cockamamie ideas from both sides, like the 18-game season. He was dumb enough to say it was all about player safety and then didn't realize the hypocrisy of talking about an 18-game season (nor did he consider the fact that the players would have a right to want a prorated increase in their contract dollars).

He's a lousy commissioner, period.

Just do what I do...don't watch them. The only time I ever tune in to either network is if I have to (Cowboys game on or, this week, the draft). The programming/mediots on both networks is beyond bad, so I simply don't tune in. I know they could care less about whether I'm watching and I'm not hurting their ratings, as I'm not a Neilsen participant, but that's the stance I've chosen to take.

OH, I change the channels. If it's something I don't want to see. Especially over and over crap. Like right now on ESPN NFL Insiders, have it on mute...its Brady, Bradford or Norman, like there aren't other things to cover.
Plus listening to Cowboys PRess Conference.
I'd have banned several of these players for life. I have no tolerance for poorly-raised, useless, disrespectful punks.

So you don't believe in forgiveness or rehabilitation? If you are going to be calling them "poorly raised", then you have to allow them to be shown another way.
Who said this?

You do know that 2 weeks later Belichick had his contract re-done for 'an unspecified amount' which is translation to Kraft upping his contract to cancel out the fine?

Like I said, I don't feel sorry for Goodell because HE put HIMSELF in this position.

He could have suspended Belichick for the entire season and the Patriots couldn't even go to court over it.


Because there is no union for the coaches.

*Goodell* is the one that wanted to dole out the punishment. And he's clearly incompetent in that area. As I predicted when the slap on the wrist occurred, it does nothing to prevent another team or player from cheating if they think they can get a Super Bowl out of it.

As the commissioner he is supposed to act as the bridge between the owners and the players and be able to shoot down cockamamie ideas from both sides, like the 18-game season. He was dumb enough to say it was all about player safety and then didn't realize the hypocrisy of talking about an 18-game season (nor did he consider the fact that the players would have a right to want a prorated increase in their contract dollars).

He's a lousy commissioner, period.


Because he did not suspend Belicheck? Hell Jimmy Johnson admitted to doing as much and felt it was not to that level that would warrant a suspension so when it comes to what you think the punishment should have been and what is was really is nothing more than your opinion and not some fact that Goodells is wrong because it did not match yours.

As for shooting down owners ideal? BS if 2/3 of the owner vote on issues it is their call to make and his to enforce he is not making rules. As for players safety I agree I don't think there is anything out there outside of turning this into flag football that will make the game safer, it is a violent game always has been and even things like fewer padded practice have not slowed injures down and in some view have helped increase injuries
So you don't believe in forgiveness or rehabilitation? If you are going to be calling them "poorly raised", then you have to allow them to be shown another way.

2nd chances try 3rd and 4th chances and then even that does not seem to deter several players. Heck it is pretty bad when guys like Jason Witten and some others had to go to the commissioner office to plead their case of the league needing to clean up their image
Because he did not suspend Belicheck? Hell Jimmy Johnson admitted to doing as much and felt it was not to that level that would warrant a suspension so when it comes to what you think the punishment should have been and what is was really is nothing more than your opinion and not some fact that Goodells is wrong because it did not match yours.

1. Jimmy was doing it when it was legal to do so.

2. Belichick's cheating went far beyond what Jimmy did. Jimmy claimed that Howard Mudd would look at signals from the sidelines and was okay at guessing them (this is still legal). Belichick had camera people dressed up as NFL Films and Kraft Productions people and go over to the opponents sidelines and film the signals. This also doesn't include whatever they had heard the opposing coaches and players say on the sidelines. There was other unconfirmed cheating (Matt Walsh being at the Rams practice and seeing a trick play they were running, stealing playbooks, possibly bugging opposing team's locker room, etc).

As for shooting down owners ideal? BS if 2/3 of the owner vote on issues it is their call to make and his to enforce he is not making rules. As for players safety I agree I don't think there is anything out there outside of turning this into flag football that will make the game safer, it is a violent game always has been and even things like fewer padded practice have not slowed injures down and in some view have helped increase injuries

Goodell could have chose to not support the owners in their plans for an 18-game season. There's nothing in his contract that says he has to support the owners. It's not like he would lose his job and be broke and out on the street if he went against the owners. He is an extremely wealthy man.

4 games for Brady is nothing..

Bellichek clearly knew.. Fumbles don't just pertain to Brady..

The just makes Goodell come out looking fair and impartial..
Facts are this;

Goodell's father was huge with the Kennedy's. Kraft was huge with Ted in particular.

Goodell and Kraft look out for each other.

4 games on Brady only... That was an organizational thing.
I don't like Goodell at all. The only issue I've ever agreed with him on is this one. Brady acts like he's above everyone else. Nobody believes he didn't cheat. Let him burn.
I'm so over this crap. It's just bad for the league.

Also, being suspended for 4 games isn't the worst thing for Brady. He's getting up there in football years. Miss a quarter of the season.

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