I'm tired of a society that looks at something like being the commissioner of the NFL as a 'hard job' and that pays him $32 million a year and pities him in the process.
I don't think our society, as a whole, blames Goodell for a player's off-the-field actions.
And I don't know what it has to do with the salary cap penalty he imposed on the Cowboys and the Skins or how he promoted Dean Blandino, a guy that has never ref'd a game in his life to the head of officiating where he has screwed up something so simple as a catch. Or Goodell covering up SpyGate and lying to Congress about it or how he embarrassed himself to Congress in the StarCaps case. Or how Goodell tried to convince the fans that we really wanted an 18-game season, but claims he is all about player safety. And there's plenty more that have nothing to do with the players, just his incompetence and lack of integrity.