Brady Suspension is On!

People need "the man" to point to for everything. It's a new American cultural phenomenon.

I agree. Stop acting like these are high school kids they are now men and paid very well for what they do in return the NFL owners have set down rules that they must conform with or face punishment. I think it is damn easy to follow the rules. It is a choice for each individual player out there and when they fail to do so it is on them and them alone not Goodell and not the owners.
Brady cheated. That's the basic point of all of this.

Even if we were to use the Ideal Gas Law defense, there were footballs that fell well below that projected range. And all it takes is for 1 ball to be tampered with in order to be considered cheating. Taking the PSI average for all of the footballs was just a way for Brady fanboys to manipulate the truth.

But the other point to all of this is that Goodell has nobody but himself to blame for all of this.

The Patriots cheated for six seasons under SpyGate and had unprecedented success for a team in the salary cap era. He could have suspended Belichick for an entire season without pay (at the very least) and gotten that suspension because there is no union for the coaches. He probably could have done a lot more to send a clear message:

Cheating will not be tolerated in the NFL. To the point where the ruling for being caught for cheating will be so penalizing that no organization and almost all players will think twice before cheating the league, again.

Goodell didn't do that. Instead, he helped cover up the issue. Remember, just before SpyGate was uncovered, the NBA was going thru their scandal with Tim Donaghy (although the FBI later stated that there was no evidence Donaghy fixed games, he just could predict outcomes based on what his fellow refs were saying to him prior to a game).

Donaghy didn't hurt the NBA's popularity and if the NFL had done the right thing SpyGate would not hurt the league's popularity either. Instead, he covered it up, gave the Patriots a slap on the wrist and told the owners, coaches and players that the Patriots didn't do anything that bad.

It reminds me a bit of the documentary The Seven Five about Michael Dowd, considered by many to be the most crooked NYPD officer in history. The 75th precinct was Dowd's district and they had cops doing crooked things. Eventually, the district adjacent to the 75th precinct (the 77th) was caught in a huge bust for breaking into drug deal houses and stealing money and drugs.

Instead of the message being sent to Dowd, it only further emboldened him to be even more crooked because he felt that the last thing the city wanted was another crooked cop bust. And Dowd was right.

Brady is Dowd. He saw that Goodell wanted nothing to do with busting the Patriots in SpyGate and found a new way to cheat (and let's throw Belichick in here as well, he only wrote the foreword for the little known book Football Physics which deal with how changing the properties of a football will change the aerodynamics). Brady cheated because he knew that Goodell wouldn't do anything.

But like Dowd, too much time had gone by and now the league were now willing to punish him for cheating.


As I said I don't agree with everything Goodell has done, I'm sure you can pick out instances in everyone’s professional career that you disagree with. I know it is not a job I would want most commissioners are not well liked by most fans
I look at the overall and for the most part I think he has done his job
Brady suspension upheld.

I know it will be moved to the NFL zone eventually.

But for sure we will have at least one Brady apologist in here about this.

Yea, slap on the wrist...If it had been Romo, he would gotten 6 games.
As well as NE franchise an off season of Patriot / Brady whining....not on here, but from ESPN / NFLN and all the Brady footage of how unjust they are to him.
They cheat , or they push the lines so much they may as well be labeled cheaters.....

having said that. Let it go. Play football.
Just heard this. My question.... Is this really the last we hear of this?
Doubtful, but one can hope I suppose

I think they can take it back to the 2nd court but it's unlikely that they would hear it again. They could also appeal to the SC but that's even more of a long shot. This is done, Brady is going to miss 4 games.
I really like Goodell. He takes the heat to keep the league relatively in tow. The owners can't help themselves, which is why they pay him $44 million a year to make them help themselves.

Now, I do hate his obsession with taking the game globally and a lot of the rules of today. But he's following the owners' wishes, which is to appeal to casual fans and video game enthusiasts.

I just think the guy has made 3-4 monumental mistakes with punishment...this. Ray Rice, and some others and instead of saying the league made a mistake, he compounds it. Agree to disagree on what he has done. Just think he is a bully with the ability to say and do what he wants and most people I know that follow the league, don't think it is for the greater good. the owners give the guy the leash but I've never seen a guy make so many, on their face, mistakes and still have a job. Dan Wetzel at Yahoo has written some incredible articles over the last year or so that explain in detail what this bozo has done and how he has ignored common sense.
One had to know this was coming.

Judge Berman had no legal authority/right to overturn the suspension. Only in a case where if the league had given Brady a suspension longer than 4-games could Berman have overturned the suspension length...but only down to 4 games per the CBA.

The CBA gives Goodell full authority to dole out the punishment as long as he is within the guidelines of the length of the suspension according to the CBA.

I found that Berman's ruling to be one of the most offensive parts of Deflate-Gate. How he could determine that he had the right to rebuke the entire suspension was beyond me.

I don't like Goodell as much as the next person, but the CBA clearly states that he has the authority to levy this 4-game suspension. Glad to see the appeals court had common sense on this one.


You nailed it. One Federal Judge Fanboy can't overthrow 100s of cases.

It was only a matter of time but I still thought we were living in crazy town.

He was caught red handed, destroyed his phone and the NFL followed all the proper procedures.

I just think the guy has made 3-4 monumental mistakes with punishment...this. Ray Rice, and some others and instead of saying the league made a mistake, he compounds it. Agree to disagree on what he has done. Just think he is a bully with the ability to say and do what he wants and most people I know that follow the league, don't think it is for the greater good. the owners give the guy the leash but I've never seen a guy make so many, on their face, mistakes and still have a job. Dan Wetzel at Yahoo has written some incredible articles over the last year or so that explain in detail what this bozo has done and how he has ignored common sense.

It's not Goodell's fault this league is overrun by thugs.

If the league had higher standards, it could rid itself of these criminals. He takes his cues from the owners.

I'd have banned several of these players for life. I have no tolerance for poorly-raised, useless, disrespectful punks.
It's not Goodell's fault this league is overrun by thugs.

If the league had higher standards, it could rid itself of these criminals. He takes his cues from the owners.

I'd have banned several of these players for life. I have no tolerance for poorly-raised, useless, disrespectful punks.


People only think RG is a bully because they haven't seen anyone truly take these people to task for their stupid decisions and poor life choices.
As I said I don't agree with everything Goodell has done, I'm sure you can pick out instances in everyone’s professional career that you disagree with. I know it is not a job I would want most commissioners are not well liked by most fans
I look at the overall and for the most part I think he has done his job

You know how much a year Goodell makes?

I would GLADLY take that position.

It's not like he has the nuclear launch codes.


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