Brock Lesnar returns to WWE.

Romo 2 Austin;4546398 said:
Austin would not pop the ratings at all. He means nothing in 2012.

You really say dumb stuff.

Romo 2 Austin;4546398 said:
Lesnar has moved the ratings about the same percentage over the past two weeks you give The Rock credit for in 2011.

Bull ...... Rock made Raw go from a 3.2 average to a 3.7 average.

Brock made Raw go from a 3.0 average to 3.15 average.

Romo 2 Austin;4546398 said:
Lesnars' segments have been rated the highest on the shows by far.

Because he only shows up at the beginning and end of the show .... which is always the big rating times.

Romo 2 Austin;4546398 said:
The Rock meant nothing in 2012 to the ratings, how do you explain that?

Uhhh because he has been back for over a year already ....... ***** do you even think about your argument before you start typing?
zrinkill;4546404 said:
You really say dumb stuff.

Bull ...... Rock made Raw go from a 3.2 average to a 3.7 average.

Brock made Raw go from a 3.0 average to 3.15 average.

Because he only shows up at the beginning and end of the show .... which is always the big rating times.

Uhhh because he has been back for over a year already ....... ***** do you even think about your argument before you start typing?

He appeared on one show from May until February. He was hardly back. Do you actually think or do you just want what you want to be reality and find a way to argue for that?
zrinkill;4546418 said:
Its official ...... the kid does not think before he posts

It's only took you a year of back and fourths with him to figure that out?

Ren;4546422 said:
It's only took you a year of back and fourths with him to figure that out?


I keep hoping he will grow out of it ...... my fault I guess.
zrinkill;4546418 said:
Its official ...... the kid does not think before he posts

Oh well. Rock is what he is and that is only the most entertaining WWE star of all time. If Steve came back it would be killer. Brock is exactly what you said he is and that is a one note song. HHH sold that injury perfectly Monday nite. it helps when you have the lugs on the mic to play opposite guys who have enough talent to sell what the story is. Hopefully it will be a Brock free RAW next week due to his contract and a big dose of Punk who was basically silent on this weeks show.
BoysFan4ever;4546446 said:
Oh well. Rock is what he is and that is only the most entertaining WWE star of all time. If Steve came back it would be killer. Brock is exactly what you said he is and that is a one note song. HHH sold that injury perfectly Monday nite. it helps when you have the lugs on the mic to play opposite guys who have enough talent to sell what the story is. Hopefully it will be a Brock free RAW next week due to his contract and a big dose of Punk who was basically silent on this weeks show.

Just watching old videos and what I have seen I don't think Shawn was as entertaining as Rock is. But to each his own.
silverbear;4544479 said:
I see zero chance of that happening, to be honest... they have too much invested in Cena as the quintessential good guy, the guy who has granted more wishes to sick children than any other celebrity in the history of the Make A Wish foundation...

Then there's the whole saluting thing, the way he's constantly honoring the military... that stuff wouldn't mean as much if he wasn't the "hero" in the ring, too...

I think they're pretty much stuck with him as a white hat... there's more money in him playing that role...

People once thought that Hogan could never be anything but face as well. Worked out pretty sweet for WCW when they finally turned him heel, which was long over due.

I do believe that at some point they are going to turn Cena heel and draw money off the fact that he's turned his back on the fans that did care. It will be a great move for the WWE and John Cena both when it happens.

Romo 2 Austin;4545873 said:
Well he can bore but he has meant more to the ratings than The Rock and Wrestlemania did.

3.0 for the leadup to Wrestlemania, Lesnars' opening segment 3.6 rating for the second hour? 3.2. It should be "Monday Night Raw starring Brock Lesnar.". I have found his segments the most interesting week after week, I love the character he is portraying and I love the fact he isn't a ***** heel like every other one WWE has pushed in the past 5 or so years.

***** heel? So you're saying Orton and Punk were ***** heels?

Sorry bro but I'd much rather see anything that Orton or Punk does as a heel then Lesnar.

I like Lesnar, and love the pissed off, cave man, jock that Brock is pushed as. It's great. But he can't hold a candle to Orton or Punk.

Romo 2 Austin;4546398 said:
Austin would not pop the ratings at all. He means nothing in 2012. Lesnar has moved the ratings about the same percentage over the past two weeks you give The Rock credit for in 2011. Lesnars' segments have been rated the highest on the shows by far. The Rock meant nothing in 2012 to the ratings his segments were rarely the highest on the show, how do you explain that?

Single dumbest thing you've ever said.

If you actually believe that you're more ignorant than I could have ever imagined.

Without a doubt a return of Austin to anything like what the Rock or Brock are doing would pop the ratings in a major way.

Again I like Brock a ton but he couldn't hope to ever hold a candle to Stone Cold. Because you're a kid, and would have been like, what, 7 when Austin was on full time at the height of his popularity I'll give you a pass for simply not having a clue how much the crowds popped for him.

There has only ever been one other person that ever got a pop even close to what Austin got on a weekly basis and his name is The Rock.

Brock, at his height, couldn't pop the crowd the way Austin did and still world. He means nothing? The friggen crowd STILL does his WHAT stuff to every wrestler out there. What phrase does Brock have again that the crowd still does, every week, years later?

Oh, that's right, he doesn't.

Again. You have no clue.
BoysFan4ever;4547688 said:
Just watching old videos and what I have seen I don't think Shawn was as entertaining as Rock is. But to each his own.

Shawn was amazing and extremely entertaining. The best all around wrestler ever, IMO.

But on pure entertainment value, in terms of promo work and charisma, he can't hold a candle to The Rock.

But there's no shame in that at all. Only one person has ever been even remotely close and his name is Stone Cold Steve Austin.

EDIT: I'll add that Dusty Rhodes back in the day was pretty damn good as well.

But where HBK excels over those two guys is in his in ring work and the ability to tell the story in the ring far better than them. Which is why, to me, overall, he's the best ever.
Romo 2 Austin;4546032 said:
You can't compare apples to oranges, old man. The TV landscape is 100% different in 2012 than it was in 2011. Your argument is about as valid as saying I make $10k a year in 2012 its the same as making $10k a year in 1962.

3.3 in the traditional timeslot on 4/23.

Rocks return February 27th - a promoted return. 3.14. Oh and that show included the return of The Undertaker and Triple H aswell. The ratings from that show on - 3.13, 3.25, 3.27, 3.09, and 3.04. The buildup to Wrestlemania, The Rock, Shawn Michaels', Undertaker... Now the ratings are 3.3 in back to back weeks, I wonder what has changed.. The Rock left, HBK left, Undertaker left, Wrestlemania season is over.. Brock Lesnar arrived.

Except that if the Numbers were the other way, and worked clearly in Lesnar's favor, you'd post till you were blue in the face saying how you can compare them and how relevant they are.

They're completely relevant to the world of professional wrestling. Brock has been a nice addition to the WWE this year.

He wasn't the addition that THe Rock was last year, nor will he ever be. But that's fine. Brock isn't supposed to be bigger than The Rock.

Everyone but you knows that.

And, yes, that includes Brock Lesnar knowing that he's not now, nor will he ever be, the draw that The Rock is.
I only have the videos to go by for some of these guys; most actually because of my age & being a novice fan for the most part. I actually became interested in wrestling when Rock flew a flight I worked & well I was impressed. :p:

And on a very weird note I was flipping channels the other nite and Punk was on that show "Ghost Hunters" with those guys. I had to do a double take. He looked very different and much longer hair. He was very cool on there. Soft spoken guy.
Went to a friend's kid's little league baseball game tonight. Bunch of 6 year olds playing around the field started chanting, "YESSS, YESS YESSS!" for about 15 minutes straight. Went over to choke them.. then remembered you can't do that nowadays. Needless to say it was a long night.

RoyTheHammer;4549770 said:
Went to a friend's kid's little league baseball game tonight. Bunch of 6 year olds playing around the field started chanting, "YESSS, YESS YESSS!" for about 15 minutes straight. Went over to choke them.. then remembered you can't do that nowadays. Needless to say it was a long night.


RoyTheHammer;4549770 said:
Went to a friend's kid's little league baseball game tonight. Bunch of 6 year olds playing around the field started chanting, "YESSS, YESS YESSS!" for about 15 minutes straight. Went over to choke them.. then remembered you can't do that nowadays. Needless to say it was a long night.


BraveHeartFan;4549603 said:
People once thought that Hogan could never be anything but face as well. Worked out pretty sweet for WCW when they finally turned him heel, which was long over due.

There's the difference-- Hogan went to a new promotion, and they had no vested interest in the prayers and vitamins routine... they were free to try something new...

You are right, I loved Hogan as a heel... surprised me...

I like Lesnar, and love the pissed off, cave man, jock that Brock is pushed as. It's great. But he can't hold a candle to Orton or Punk.

Orton is the best heel in the business today, bar none... he just oozes malevolence...
RoyTheHammer;4549770 said:
Went to a friend's kid's little league baseball game tonight. Bunch of 6 year olds playing around the field started chanting, "YESSS, YESS YESSS!" for about 15 minutes straight. Went over to choke them.. then remembered you can't do that nowadays.

Who the hell made that rule up??

At the very least, there should be exceptions made for situations like this... you should be allowed to knock one of them to the ground, then stand over them saying "What??"


Needless to say it was a long night.

Stress has been defined as the inner confusion that results when the mind overrides the body's natural desire to choke the living crap out of some ****** who desperately deserves it...
BraveHeartFan;4549968 said:

Oh wow. That would get annoying.

I hate that stupid chant so much now.

Coulda been worse-- they could have been chanting "Excuse me"...

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