Brock Lesnar returns to WWE.

On the Cena heel thing.. Vince Russo said in an interview that WWE is lucky they have yet to turn him heel as when they do it will mean a ton. Now Vince Russos opinion is usually worthless and should be disregarded but he is absolutely right here, if Cena were to turn heel say at Wrestlemania 30 it would be a big deal, WWE could book a year+ of programming on Cena turning heel alone.
silverbear;4550149 said:
There's the difference-- Hogan went to a new promotion, and they had no vested interest in the prayers and vitamins routine... they were free to try something new...

You are right, I loved Hogan as a heel... surprised me...

Orton is the best heel in the business today, bar none... he just oozes malevolence...

Orton is an amazing heel. Love him as the bad guy.

And while I understand the vested interest the thing is that WWE fans were more than tired of the Hogan, superman, vitamins and prayers stick.

He was booed, a lot, during his final days with WWE at that time. So, vested or not, they should have made the move with Hogan in WWE. It was a move that Vince and company dropped the ball on and allowed WCW a few years later to capitalize on it.

They need to make sure they don't miss the chance with Cena on a heel turn because I absolutely believe it would be huge.

silverbear;4550151 said:
Coulda been worse-- they could have been chanting "Excuse me"...

LMAO!!! That's true.

Romo 2 Austin;4550415 said:
On the Cena heel thing.. Vince Russo said in an interview that WWE is lucky they have yet to turn him heel as when they do it will mean a ton. Now Vince Russos opinion is usually worthless and should be disregarded but he is absolutely right here, if Cena were to turn heel say at Wrestlemania 30 it would be a big deal, WWE could book a year+ of programming on Cena turning heel alone.

I actually agree with Russo on this topic. I believe a Cena heel turn would be HUGE and would be a huge draw for the WWE.
BraveHeartFan;4550637 said:
Orton is an amazing heel. Love him as the bad guy.

And while I understand the vested interest the thing is that WWE fans were more than tired of the Hogan, superman, vitamins and prayers stick.

He was booed, a lot, during his final days with WWE at that time. So, vested or not, they should have made the move with Hogan in WWE. It was a move that Vince and company dropped the ball on and allowed WCW a few years later to capitalize on it.

They need to make sure they don't miss the chance with Cena on a heel turn because I absolutely believe it would be huge.

LMAO!!! That's true.

I actually agree with Russo on this topic. I believe a Cena heel turn would be HUGE and would be a huge draw for the WWE.

As Vince went on to say in the interview they really are at a point where they have to do it soon, not next month soon, but within a year or two as John Cena is already 35 and every main eventer reaches a point where the audience does not want to boo them. Cena has been on top for so long that he will reach that point sooner rather than later. I would say they need to pull the trigger on a Cena heel turn following WM29 but before WM30.

Also for the lols- The Rock posted a pic of his 240 pound dog and himself. Yeah you read that right, 240 pound dog.

Romo 2 Austin;4551908 said:
As Vince went on to say in the interview they really are at a point where they have to do it soon, not next month soon, but within a year or two as John Cena is already 35 and every main eventer reaches a point where the audience does not want to boo them. Cena has been on top for so long that he will reach that point sooner rather than later. I would say they need to pull the trigger on a Cena heel turn following WM29 but before WM30.

Also for the lols- The Rock posted a pic of his 240 pound dog and himself. Yeah you read that right, 240 pound dog.

I think it's coming. I really do.

I just have a really good feeling that a Cena heel turn would be huge for them and would be pretty entertaining.
The first match for Wrestlemania 29 was announced.....

During the recent edition of Z! True Long Island Story, Zack Ryder revealed that he had been issued a challenge by Dolph Ziggler for his custom "Internet Championship" as part of next year's WWE WrestleMania 29 pay-per-view event.
According to sources, this challenge reportedly stems from both individuals working matches on WWE Superstars this week.

Zack Ryder vs Dolph Ziggler for the internet championship.. I doubt WWE remembers this in 2 weeks let alone come mania. Also a spoiler - Dolph Ziggler will be getting a bodyguard, Mason Ryan. Why??? Ziggler is one of the believable wrestlers they have, no reason to pair him with Ryan.
I like Dolph. Great wrestler. But for me personally I would neither pay to see him in person or in a PPV if he was main eventing. The Vickie stuff has just about ruined him for me. They should move her over to the silly diva stuff and get her away from any of the guys.
BoysFan4ever;4552944 said:
The Vickie stuff has just about ruined him for me. They should move her over to the silly diva stuff and get her away from any of the guys.

Vickie does a great job of catching heat.

Only manager still able to do that in wrestling.
Romo 2 Austin;4552268 said:
The first match for Wrestlemania 29 was announced.....

Zack Ryder vs Dolph Ziggler for the internet championship.. I doubt WWE remembers this in 2 weeks let alone come mania. Also a spoiler - Dolph Ziggler will be getting a bodyguard, Mason Ryan. Why??? Ziggler is one of the believable wrestlers they have, no reason to pair him with Ryan.

Probably for the same reason they put HBK with Diesel and then Sid at one point, despite the fact that the guy could wrestle his *** off and was great on the mic.

It's part of being a heel and it'll add some nice heat to Dolph and hopefully get him away from that annoying idiot Vickie.

zrinkill;4552951 said:
Vickie does a great job of catching heat.

Only manager still able to do that in wrestling.

Sorry zrin. Normally I feel like we agree quite a bit on this wrestling stuff but I just can't agree with you here.

Bobby Heenan, Mr. Perfect, Jimmy Hart those types of managers caught good heat. Vickie is terrible and just incredibly annoying.

The kind of heat she catches is akin the the kind that Michael Cole catches. It's not the heat "Because you're doing a great job as a heel heat", its "You're annoying, useless, and have zero point to being on this show and we hate that we actually have to stomach you simply because you're husband was great and now the company forces you're crap on us."

It's terrible.
BraveHeartFan;4553007 said:
The kind of heat she catches is akin the the kind that Michael Cole catches. It's not the heat "Because you're doing a great job as a heel heat", its "You're annoying, useless, and have zero point to being on this show and we hate that we actually have to stomach you simply because you're husband was great and now the company forces you're crap on us."

big dog cowboy;4553080 said:

I will second your AMEN & even throw in a hallelujah. Obviously she's not going anywhere though unless she decides to leave. So I just ff over her which means I ff over Dolph. And I do like him. Great way to describe her Braveheart Fan!
Ok I have 2 silly questions. Who is that Paul Heyman guy?

And why do some of the wrestlers use so much tape on themselves? What does that do? Like that Clay guy. He has every single finger taped. And even Punk here.

This YES stuff has gotten old very quickly for me. Ugh.
BoysFan4ever;4553597 said:
Ok I have 2 silly questions. Who is that Paul Heyman guy?

And why do some of the wrestlers use so much tape on themselves? What does that do? Like that Clay guy. He has every single finger taped. And even Punk here.

This YES stuff has gotten old very quickly for me. Ugh.

Paul Heyman is the orginal voice of Brock Lesnar.
BoysFan4ever;4553597 said:
Ok I have 2 silly questions. Who is that Paul Heyman guy?

And why do some of the wrestlers use so much tape on themselves? What does that do? Like that Clay guy. He has every single finger taped. And even Punk here.

This YES stuff has gotten old very quickly for me. Ugh.

Paul Heyman? As in Paul E. in the founder of ECW....was in WCW, TNA, WWE, ECW, and several others.....has been known as a Manager, GM, Announcer, Writer, Agent....etc. He is in the mold of Jim Cornette.
Biggems;4553933 said:
Paul Heyman? As in Paul E. in the founder of ECW....was in WCW, TNA, WWE, ECW, and several others.....has been known as a Manager, GM, Announcer, Writer, Agent....etc. He is in the mold of Jim Cornette.

He was never in TNA. Paul Heyman was the booker for Smackdown from 2002-2004, the best period in WWE history. Raw sucked. SD far exceeded the attitude era.
Romo 2 Austin;4553985 said:
He was never in TNA. Paul Heyman was the booker for Smackdown from 2002-2004, the best period in WWE history. Raw sucked. SD far exceeded the attitude era.

:lmao: :lmao:

You are so full of crap ....... you were 8 in 2002
Biggems;4553933 said:
Paul Heyman? As in Paul E. in the founder of ECW....was in WCW, TNA, WWE, ECW, and several others.....has been known as a Manager, GM, Announcer, Writer, Agent....etc. He is in the mold of Jim Cornette.

Ok. Thanks. Never saw him before & I have no idea who Jim Cornette is either, Fairly new fan.

So why all the tape? I figured it was just for show.
zrinkill;4553089 said:
I disagree. I think Vickie is great at what she does

We don't tend to agree on a whole lot but I'm with you on this.

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