BTB: Stephen Jones: Kellen Moore as QBs coach is nearly a done deal for the Cowboys


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All is well; let us rejoice in the day!!


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I actually think Moore is going to be a good coach. But not here for Dak. How can Dak take coaching from a player who doesn't have the fundamentals, or couldn't even beat Dak out? It's just weird. It would be different if this was some veteran such as McCown or someone like that.
Because he wasn't talented enough. I honestly do not see this as being weird. I'm pretty sure Linehan saw Moore's coaching ability back when they were in Detroit. I really don't know if Moore can coach, but I guess we'll see.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
1. Lifetime back up QB
2. Not known to many people.
3. Coached by someone in the building.

Lifetime backup in the NFL - highly successful starter every level before. Now quick, name the NFL QB coaches that have a better resume' as a player than Kellen Moore ....

The argument about his credentials as a player are nonsense.


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Dak regressed this year, but never fear!

Kellen Moore, undoubtedly the greatest QB coaching talent in the world, is riding to the rescue!

Not only is this a sick joke for QB coach, it squashes my tiny hope that Linehan might still be sacked.

We're doubling down on the Linehan coaching tree with a guy who has never coached and only had an nfl career thanks to Linehan.

In the immortal words of John McEnroe: You *cannot* be serious!
Translation: No one who's going to threaten Garrett's job.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
if they don't have the fundamentals, i have to wonder how their coaching would be. i was never a fan of "those who can't, teach". i've learned the most in my life from people who were good and passionate about what they do.

horrible move and just speaks to the overall coaching cesspool with the cowboys now.

How many NFL QB coaches can you name that ever had as much of an NFL playing career as Kellen Moore had?

Moore's deficiency wasn't fundamentals, it was limited physical traits.

I could understand an argument that he his inexperienced as a coach, but the arguments you have made aren't supported by facts.


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The reality is that just because Moore wasn't a good QB that doesn't preclude him from being a competent coach. Doug Pederson was a boob of a QB too and he's coaching in the SB now.

That being said, the issue with Moore is the fact that you've just hired a guy to essentially mentor and be the meeting buddy with Dak who has never in his entire life actually held a coaching position. I might see hiring a guy like Moore if you had a more veteran QB in place, a guy who doesn't necessarily need the type of instruction a young QB needs.

But in this case, with so much riding on Prescott (and I guess to a much lesser extent Rush since they have no other young options at QB), to hire a guy who has never been a coach before is bizarre, exceptionally risky and yet exactly the type of thing I'd expect from this franchise.


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Do you really think the criteria for good QB coach includes "successful QB?"

Pretty rare that you see great QBs take such a role. Much more commonly, it is the career backup.

If you have more physical gifts than the guy across from you, you don't have to try and make a plan on how to beat them, you just do. It's the guys who have to overcome physical limitations and fight everyday just to be marginal players who make the best coaches, because they take their ability to overcome their limitations and pair it with those physical gifts.


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If you have more physical gifts than the guy across from you, you don't have to try and make a plan on how to beat them, you just do. It's the guys who have to overcome physical limitations and fight everyday just to be marginal players who make the best coaches, because they take their ability to overcome their limitations and pair it with those physical gifts.

Exactly, its funny because the same argument doesn't apply to Jimmy Johnson. Jimmy still has hero worship on this site and he never played a day in the NFL.


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Please list the top 3 qualifications on Kellen Moore's resume for QB coach of the Cowboys

1 - He has the respect of our OC, who pushed for hiring him.

2 - He has been called super bright and a future NFL coach since he was in college

3 - He has been in Linehan's system since 2012, which is probably longer than any other available candidate

4 - The guy he will be coaching, Dak Prescott, has called him a genius who was doing a great job of coaching him even as a teammate. This is the quote from Dak -

"[He's] a genius behind the scenes, who doesn't get enough credit for what he does helping me out and helping this offense out. ... He's an offensive coordinator in his own mind. He's simply a genius when it comes to helping Coach Linehan out and early in the week giving looks, helping me out with things the defense does, maybe little keys here and there to tip me off or coverages or blitzes."


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Great. Jerry will fall in love with him and make him the next head coach.


You Can't Fix Stupid
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Please list the top 3 qualifications on Kellen Moore's resume for QB coach of the Cowboys

1 - He has the respect of our OC, who pushed for hiring him.

2 - He has been called super bright and a future NFL coach since he was in college

3 - He has been in Linehan's system since 2012, which is probably longer than any other available candidate

4 - The guy he will be coaching, Dak Prescott, has called him a genius who was doing a great job of coaching him even as a teammate. This is the quote from Dak -

"[He's] a genius behind the scenes, who doesn't get enough credit for what he does helping me out and helping this offense out. ... He's an offensive coordinator in his own mind. He's simply a genius when it comes to helping Coach Linehan out and early in the week giving looks, helping me out with things the defense does, maybe little keys here and there to tip me off or coverages or blitzes."
Romo speaks highly of him also.


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a nice fairy tale ending for moore, but the problem remains the same. the hc and his outdated offensive scheme. until those change, nothing can help us.


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Please list the top 3 qualifications on Kellen Moore's resume for QB coach of the Cowboys
1.) Knows this offense thru and thru.
2.) Already has a relationship with Dak, should have a good idea on how help him improve.
3.) Has a reputation as being extremely intelligent, which is obviously a good thing.
3a.) @visionary hates the move, so it has to be a good thing. :}

Moore has no experience, but under the tutelage of Linehan and Garrett, he should be able to navigate thru any growing pains.