FuzzyLumpkins;2607504 said:
Pacman and Tank did nothing more than get people like yourselves panties in a wad.
Which is why Pacman, who was dirt cheap and from strictly a pay/performance ratio was a great value, will be back next year right? I mean obviously this off the field witch hunt by the media isn't effecting the team, so why aren't we bringing him back?
As for the 2007 draft we shall have to see The extra ffirst should not be discounted. That is Jenkins or Felix depending on how you look at it and I thought Spencer played pretty well especially considering he was taken out on passing downs, Marten busted , Anderson and Folk are solid esp for late rounders and its make or break for Free and especially Stanback. Its a mixed bag IMO.
Anderson is a JAG and a FB. Folk is a kicker - if you use a pick on one he better perform. Stanbeck was a dumb idea in the first place, and barring divine intervention will never beat out Austin anyway. Again, unless Spencer looks more like Ware and less like Carpenter next year this draft has to be looked at as a bust.
$39M is a lot of money for average. I'll give you he has no partner back there even when ROy is in, but that was one heck of a drop off from the guy year before who HADN'T been paid. Ditto Davis.
If you think that we could have gotten anything other than low draft picks for Ayodele and Fasano you are kidding yourself.
We got one 2nd day pick for both of them.
As for the chemistry issues there are three things I buy:
1) TO bashing Garrett on NFL Network
2) Jones forcing Houck and Garrett on Wade.
3) Ellis' yearly whinefest to JJT
Actually, if I had to bet I would say Ellis is the infamous leak. Sounds just about his style. I would even posit that Ellis is a bigger chemistry problem than Tank or Pacman. He should be right up there with TO.
Agree, I have always said the fact that he is one of the "team leaders" shows itself every Sunday.
Things I do not buy.
1) Werder's sources take. All of the WR went to Jason Garrett.
2) The late to meetings/planes take. The story is like swiss cheese.
3) The meddling Jerry take. He was right on in having Stewart and Read's roles reduced. They sucked and Wade wasn't doing anything.
Jerry clearly supported and enabled TO's whining for the ball and Ellis incessant crying about playing time. How is that not undermining Garret and Wade? How is not undermining Wade not letting him increase fines? Jerry has always meddled going all the way back to post-Jimmy, that's who he is.
I agree Jerry was right in forcing Wade to take over the defense, but it scares the bejeebus out of me that Jerry wants to stick with a HC who could not come to that conclusion himself.