Can someone explain this?


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I agree its become a dead horse big time! I disagree how you use the word "Hate" so loosely here and speaking for myself is NOT the case!
How can I or anyone else hate Dak not knowing him on a personal level. What we non-Dak believers HATE is his inept play at QB and what it has cost us in the Past and in the coming future. Our team has been revamped to meet the needs of Dak who no matter what changes are made will still lack the god given ability to lead us to glory!
Having fellow fans here avoid the acknowledgement of his flaw's and trying to sell us that he's the "ONE" for us for the next 10 years insults our Cowboy and Football intelligence and the Horse keeps getting beat on i guess.
We will find out soon enough if Dak is the franchise QB for us but one word of advice to our fellow Cowboy Dak believers....Have a bottle of Whiskey handy as it might be needed at some point during the coming season!!!!

Go Boys and may Doomsday one day return in full force!!!!


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I hate this “carry the team on their back” absolute nonsense.

Even Aaron Rodgers is absolutely amazing and he has only won, one Super Bowl so far. And that super bowl win came in the season when he actually had a very good defense........... coincidence??????

No QB carries a bad team to a championship on their back. I would like for one person to name the QB who has.


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Damn!! Out of all the moronic replies to berate Dak for personal reasons. No one here can deny the fact that he can and he has thrown some nice deep passes with accuracy. Only an idiot would make a fuss over the sample size of the video. I’m sure there are other videos that have more but the fact remains that this video shows he has done and he can do what you all claimed he couldn’t. Anything else mentioned is just hatred and Bull****


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...!...?...I just knew that Dak was to good to be true!....dang it!...:(


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Wrong!!!! Actually it looks to me that Dak
Is doing the one thing many said he didn’t have the arm or accuracy to ever do. Throw a deep pass. Are you saying there aren’t any deep throws shown on this video? Are my eyes deceiving me?

You are misunderstanding what others are saying.

Don't worry, you have a lot of company.


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I agree its become a dead horse big time! I disagree how you use the word "Hate" so loosely here and speaking for myself is NOT the case!
How can I or anyone else hate Dak not knowing him on a personal level.
If I were to answer this correctly I’m sure you’d snitch and have me suspended or even banned. But we know why. It’s all too obvious.


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You are misunderstanding what others are saying.

Don't worry, you have a lot of company.
Ok Genius. You answer for the bunch of you. According to this short video clip, is it not apparent that Dak has and can throw accurate deep passes when protections are good and receivers get open? And don’t give me that bull**** about throwing receivers open because no quarterback can throw a receiver open on a deep pass. You lead them instead.


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I only watched the first half. I have a feeling I won't like the ending. :D
Why are you here anyway? Shouldn’t you be on your own board celebrating your lowly single Super Bowl win in your garbage franchise history?


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Wrong!!!! Actually it looks to me that Dak
Is doing the one thing many said he didn’t have the arm or accuracy to ever do. Throw a deep pass. Are you saying there aren’t any deep throws shown on this video? Are my eyes deceiving me?

Nobody ever said dak lacks arm power. At least that werent the negatives from his scouting reports coming out of college.

What he lacked and still lacks is accuracy which shows especially on the back shoulder fade to dez bryant. On long and short throws. He isnt able to place the ball into specific spots on certain throws.


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Ok Genius. You answer for the bunch of you. According to this short video clip, is it not apparent that Dak has and can throw accurate deep passes when protections are good and receivers get open? And don’t give me that bull**** about throwing receivers open because no quarterback can throw a receiver open on a deep pass. You lead them instead.

You are now misunderstanding me.

Nobody is or has said Dak is incapable of throwing a bomb (not how you judge arm strength). Even the worst NFL QBs have that ability.

You are trying to argue against a strawman.


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It's not about deep sideline throws. Every quarterback can do that.

It's about intermediate throws into tight windows. He simply has no confidence to do it.

Let's see what he can do with a couple of WR's who, as reported, are actually solid route runners and can actually run an intermediate route other than a slant or dig. That would be Hurns+ Gallop. Thompson the deep threat, Bease the short underneath and intermediate and Twom't if he can avoid poles jumping out in front of him :muttley:. We all know that Witt was 8 yards and dependable but we have an Austin now who can catch the short stuff AND make defenders miss


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Nobody ever said dak lacks arm power. At least that werent the negatives from his scouting reports coming out of college.

What he lacked and still lacks is accuracy which shows especially on the back shoulder fade to dez bryant. On long and short throws. He isnt able to place the ball into specific spots on certain throws.
Still...., No answer to my question huh? I never mentioned arm strength or anything of the sort. I simply asked if this video shows Dak making deep throws, downfield as many here claimed he couldn’t. I didn’t ask for your personal bull**** theories. I simply asked about this specific video and what it shows.