Can someone explain this?


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2 out of the 4 were in preseason of 2016.

The 2016 and 2014 seasons seem like yesterday.

The question is..... “Has he ever made the deep throws that Dak Haters claim he couldn’t”? That’s all I’m trying to figure out. I didn’t ask for the numbers of passes. I didn’t ask for the percentage of completions. I did not ask the ratio or for your opinions of his accuracy. All I wanna know is if he CAN DO IT & HAS HE DONE IT? If so then I’m inclined to believe Dak can do it again and again... There are many posters who swore that Dak COULD NOT MAKE THOSE THROWS. That is a lie because it’s evident here that he has. Where is all this other Bull**** rhetoric coming from?


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With Dak at the helm we are slowly but surely turning into a failed College team.....Dak-extinction will kill the best we might have to offer roster wise......and Poor Zeke poor Zeke who will get burned to toast due to over usage cause our QB STINKS!
You really make lame and ignorant posts. Seems like your dislike of Dak is personal and beyond football. Pitiful.....


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Just out of curiosity, where you grand standing for Romo back in the day? Or is that too obvious also?
Yes. I sure was.. Even hoped he’d be Staubach 2.0. I supported Romo till the end. Whether I criticized his performances or not. I most definitely wouldn’t have spent $250 on his authentic jersey if I wasn’t a fan of his. Why? Because he was quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys. The team I love.... SMH... That was a dumb *** question.


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Defenses stack the box , and hope that they force Prescott to throw the ball..

what other starting QB gets this level of disrespect from opposing defenses?!

That should tell you everything you need to know..
Defenses always stack the box when you’re known to be a dominant running team. This ain’t exclusive to Dak... it’s really done against young quarterbacks with elite running backs on their teams. That’s a silly statement. To say the least.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Defenses always stack the box when you’re known to be a dominant running team. This ain’t exclusive to Dak... it’s really done against young quarterbacks with elite running backs on their teams. That’s a silly statement. To say the least.

Man get some sleep will you....they 8 man us big time cause they aren't scared of being beat by Dak's want an example go re-watch the Denver game who set the tempo for all defenses that face us.... Sleep now and when you wake up Dak will be Dan Marino....:lmao2:


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It's not constructive. You throw that term around too loose.
Legitimate criticism is one thing, and it has it's place. Some of that criticism is legitimate, but the constant barrage of hateful criticism spewed by a few is way over the top.

I remember back when Tony Romo was the target of the same type of hateful non-constructive criticism.
There were those who absolutely hated him because he wore his cap backwards and they harped on it for years.
They blamed a lost playoff game on Romo going to Cabo and they harped on it for years.
Every bad game or mistake Romo made, the hate was spewed over and over by his enemies.

So it's no surprise when Dak gets targeted for the same kind of treatment.
So your implying. There's a conspiracy of Cowboy Fans who hate thier QB no matter who he is.

I think the truth of the matter is that you Dak Kool Aid drinkers are waking up to the fact that this current QB is in fact garbage as far as QB skills go. But since you went all in with him by throwing Tony under the bus. There's no going back now
You won't admit that his so called great rookie season was a product of the talent around him. But when asked ,Why did he suck down the stretch his second season? You say well isn't it obvious he lost 2 players rated at the top of thier positions.

Well I say this. Which is it?

Hmmm be honest no side stepping. But you can't be honest. Because if you were to be honest. Then you would have to admit what a fool you were for abandoning Tony.

It's why you all continue to bad mouth Tony while attempting to defend Dak. No one' even talking about Tony any more. And your boy Dak is still terrible.

THE COWBOYS made Dak great in 2016. The COWBOYS were a force Dak stepped in **** right place right time. But Tony was better then and even now.

2016 was Daks cieling. You all think it was his floor. Fools. Now you are stuck defending a fraud.
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There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
So your implying. There's a conspiracy of Cowboy Fans who hate thier QB no matter who he is.

I think the truth of the matter is that you Dak Kool Aid drinkers are waking up to the fact that this current QB is in fact garbage as far as QB skills go. But since you went all in with him by throwing Tony under the bus.

You won't admit that his so called great rookie season was a product of the talent around him. But when asked ,Why did he suck down the stretch his second season? You say well isn't it obvious he lost 2 players rated at the top of thier positions.

Well I say this. Which is it?

Hmmm be honest no side stepping. But you can't be honest. Because if you were to be honest. Then you would have to admit what a fool you were for abandoning Tony.

It's why you all continue to bad mouth Tony while attempting to defend Dak. No one' even talking about Tony any more. And your boy Dak is still terrible.

THE COWBOYS made Dak great in 2016. The COWBOYS were a force Dak stepped in **** right place right time. But Tony was better then and even now.

2016 was Daks cieling. You all think it was his floor. Fools. Now you are stuck defending a fraud.

Without Zeke and our 300 million Offline Dak would still be missing trash can throws from the bench......:eek:



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So your implying. There's a conspiracy of Cowboy Fans who hate thier QB no matter who he is.

I think the truth of the matter is that you Dak Kool Aid drinkers are waking up to the fact that this current QB is in fact garbage as far as QB skills go. But since you went all in with him by throwing Tony under the bus.

You won't admit that his so called great rookie season was a product of the talent around him. But when asked ,Why did he suck down the stretch his second season? You say well isn't it obvious he lost 2 players rated at the top of thier positions.

Well I say this. Which is it?

Hmmm be honest no side stepping. But you can't be honest. Because if you were to be honest. Then you would have to admit what a fool you were for abandoning Tony.

It's why you all continue to bad mouth Tony while attempting to defend Dak. No one' even talking about Tony any more. And your boy Dak is still terrible.

THE COWBOYS made Dak great in 2016. The COWBOYS were a force Dak stepped in **** right place right time. But Tony was better then and even now.

2016 was Daks cieling. You all think it was his floor. Fools. Now you are stuck defending a fraud.
Now this is ignorance at its finest!!! Are you lame enough to seriously believe that our opinions of Romo or Dak caused Romo to retire? Hahahahaha


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Still...., No answer to my question huh? I never mentioned arm strength or anything of the sort. I simply asked if this video shows Dak making deep throws, downfield as many here claimed he couldn’t. I didn’t ask for your personal bull**** theories. I simply asked about this specific video and what it shows.

I did answer your question. Indirectly. By pointing oout that what you stated is actually wrong. Because without your argument there is no relevant question anymore.

And yes you said "he..." doesnt "...have the arm". In context with the following sentence by you to me what you are trying to say is his arm is not strong enough to throw a deep ball.

Here a reminder of what you wrote.

Wrong!!!! Actually it looks to me that Dak
Is doing the one thing many said he didn’t have the arm or accuracy to ever do. Throw a deep pass. Are you saying there aren’t any deep throws shown on this video? Are my eyes deceiving me?

And just in case you wanna argue that you meant with "arm" his accuracy i put the "or accuracy" in bold letters too ;-)

But i may be wrong with my interpretation. If thats the case please explain what you meant by "he ..." doesnt "...have the arm..." " ever do. Throw a deep ball."
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waving monkey

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I agree its become a dead horse big time! I disagree how you use the word "Hate" so loosely here and speaking for myself is NOT the case!
How can I or anyone else hate Dak not knowing him on a personal level. What we non-Dak believers HATE is his inept play at QB and what it has cost us in the Past and in the coming future. Our team has been revamped to meet the needs of Dak who no matter what changes are made will still lack the god given ability to lead us to glory!
Having fellow fans here avoid the acknowledgement of his flaw's and trying to sell us that he's the "ONE" for us for the next 10 years insults our Cowboy and Football intelligence and the Horse keeps getting beat on i guess.
We will find out soon enough if Dak is the franchise QB for us but one word of advice to our fellow Cowboy Dak believers....Have a bottle of Whiskey handy as it might be needed at some point during the coming season!!!!

Go Boys and may Doomsday one day return in full force!!!!
post load of BS