Twitter: Cavanaugh: Penalties Against Cowboys are Hogwash


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Its "Caltech". I know they don't do this in Central California, but proper nouns are capitalized.

Sorry caltech. I’d only give a damn had you actually attended the school rather than just use some space for your rotary club meetings.

Lol “buh, I walk the campus everyday!”


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I’m not projecting. You’re just arguing BS semantics over who initiated or didn’t initiate the contact.

Here’s the thing though. The fact that judgment call needs to be made in the first place, validates the opinion that the rule is stupid.

And you accuse me of avoidance? You’re the one who claims that he doesn’t know if it’s common for RB’s to lower their head/shoulders and make contact with a defender. That’s either a blatant and terrible attempt to feign ignorance, or, it means you really don’t know Jack squat about the game of football.

You know that this penalty is not the only judgment call penalty out there, right? Therefore, it's one where the defender has to be assessed to see if a call should be made or not. You know this, which is why you don't want to discuss it. Are the judgment calls of holding and PI stupid and to be done away with because they involve judgment too? What are you even saying here?

And your strawman tactic of accusing me of not knowing about RBs lowering their head and shoulders before impact might hold weight if I actually didn't say this in this very thread:

It's a common football act to brace for contact by putting your head down, yes. It's not common to run back towards a guy and aim your head down at him at an angle that runs into him, which is what Zeke did. He didn't brace, he attacked. Watch again. It's clearly the right call. What you can debate is whether it's called consistently IF other runners take this action. That's what I'm asking for. If you can cite even 1 from a recent Cowboys game, I'll go and pull the video myself and post it. Just cite 1 instance. No need to be a D.A., just give me a name.


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I call BS.

The no catch call against Bryant.
The lining up in the neutral zone call against Gregory against the Saints.
The spearing call against Zeke against the Eagles.
The call against Tank for a blow to the head. Replay shows no blow to the head whatsoever.
The 3 holding calls against Tyron Smith. Those were not holding calls. Those were Smith whipping the rusher to the ground.

Lastly, for 8 games this year not one holding call against our opponent. While there were tape where holding calls against us not being called. The first Eagles game where Wilson was mugged while Wentz completed a pass. It was in front national TV.

You just need to open your eyes. Stop being so naive into thinking that bias doesn't exist against the Cowboys.

Dude, I have talked about all those plays you list and the vast majority are being looked at by emotional fans with a pro-Cowboys only agenda so they see things there that aren't actually there or because fans are ignorant of the actual rules before they knee-jerk react. A look at the 2014 catch rules is an open-shut case for the Dez play and a look at the rules for holding shows you why the Wilson call wasn't made. For the rest, if the video doesn't do it, nothing will. Yes, officials miss calls that hurt us. And yes, officials miss calls that benefit us but no one ever wants to consider those. We're one of the least penalized teams in the league yet to fans we're the most persecuted. Funny how a lot of teams' fans feel the same way. They can't all be right. The common denominator is that they're all emotional rooters who go as far as creating things in their favor, including a big, bad machine of bias against them orchestrated by the officials, the league, the media, and broadcaster Joe Buck. I love sports, but I refuse to lie to myself to gain some "advantage" that really isn't an advantage when you lose but rather an excuse to make the loss hurt less. Sensible people don't need those brain-twisting Olympics to compensate.


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@percyhoward You posted last year that the run of judgement non-calls on holding had only happened one other time in NFL history (to the Bronchos), could you confirm that? I looked for the thread twice but don't find it.

Also if you could confirm that the stretch of non-calls was statistically significant, not that the person here knocking it will understand stats.
I could be completely wrong, but I don't remember that about only happening one other time in NFL history. Sorry I couldn't be more help on that part of it. I do remember something about the Broncos, and I think it was that they also had a long stretch where their opponents didn't get holding calls that same season.

Well then. I guess this confirms that @Kaiser "misremembered" like Brian Williams (lied, to the layperson). Not only that but if it is indeed true that the Broncos had a similar stretch of no holds called on opponents during the same season, it could very well mean that this type of stretch is much, much more common than the CONSPIRACY! folks were attempting to spin, which was my question to people every time this came up as some kind of "proof" of something other than a statistical anomaly. I wonder what John Elway did to ruffle Goodell's feathers that season. Or did Goodell order a hit on the Broncos to make the hit on the Cowboys look less like a singling out? Cowboys usually have horses so using the Broncos seems to fit. Curious what happened to the Colts that year as well. If you connect the dots, it all makes sense now, lol.


More than meets the eye.
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That’s exactly what I say after every untimely penalty—“hogwash!” Oh, and “balderdash!”


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Yes, thinking you have some stake or association with a school because you “walk the campus everyday” is pathetic (and I’d argue unintentionally hilarious too).

I said I run a Committee for the University. I've only said that three times, so I understand why you still haven't figured it out yet.


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Well then. I guess this confirms that @Kaiser "misremembered" like Brian Williams (lied, to the layperson).

That isn't what he said, even in what you are quoting. And you still won't address the statistical anomaly in this first post, because it destroys your premise. You could also check the timing of that stretch last year, that only requires an invention called a "calendar".


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"Siri, what do stupid people write when they try to sound smart?"

Not only that but if it is indeed true that the Broncos had a similar stretch of no holds called on opponents during the same season, it could very well mean that this type of stretch is much, much more common than the CONSPIRACY! folks were attempting to spin, which was my question to people every time this came up as some kind of "proof" of something other than a statistical anomaly. I wonder what John Elway did to ruffle Goodell's feathers that season. Or did Goodell order a hit on the Broncos to make the hit on the Cowboys look less like a singling out? Cowboys usually have horses so using the Broncos seems to fit. Curious what happened to the Colts that year as well. If you connect the dots, it all makes sense now, lol.


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That isn't what he said, even in what you are quoting. And you still won't address the statistical anomaly in this first post, because it destroys your premise. You could also check the timing of that stretch last year, that only requires an invention called a "calendar".

I already addressed it when I shut down this thread here when you repeatedly avoided addressing the fact that the "incriminating" stats are just drill-downs when the overall number of penalties were basically at the same rate in the periods compared:

So with your lie confirmed, what else will you make up to appease your Bigfoot-hunting brethren? The hilarious irony of you questioning the integrity of the officials while you blatantly lie about them does not go unnoticed.


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I am tired of the ticky tack holds against us while for us to get a hold in our favor, it has to be one of the more obvious penalties out there. To where you almost can't call it. That is the thing that bothers me. Screw the 'tin foil hat' labels. It's a real thing now. Holding just is not called on our opponents on pass plays.


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I think that the holds called on Tyron are 100% evidence that the league conspires against the Cowboys.

I have resisted that forever, but there's just no way the same bs calls can be made against him over and over again, and the Cowboys' opponents never get the same call.

Agreed, not only that, but it seems that a lot of the players "held" by Tyron are diving to make it look like he's holding them. Yes, he hits hard, but he's usually not actually holding them when they call him. At least from what I've seen.


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I said I run a Committee for the University. I've only said that three times, so I understand why you still haven't figured it out yet.

Oooooooooh, you run a committee?

Let me help you out little one. You don’t attend caltech.

Don’t make your little committee out to be something more than it is. You’re no better than a janitor there claiming he’s somehow meaningfully connected to the school because he “walks the halls and is in the classrooms every day.” Loool, smh.


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Dude, I have talked about all those plays you list and the vast majority are being looked at by emotional fans with a pro-Cowboys only agenda so they see things there that aren't actually there or because fans are ignorant of the actual rules before they knee-jerk react. A look at the 2014 catch rules is an open-shut case for the Dez play and a look at the rules for holding shows you why the Wilson call wasn't made. For the rest, if the video doesn't do it, nothing will. Yes, officials miss calls that hurt us. And yes, officials miss calls that benefit us but no one ever wants to consider those. We're one of the least penalized teams in the league yet to fans we're the most persecuted. Funny how a lot of teams' fans feel the same way. They can't all be right. The common denominator is that they're all emotional rooters who go as far as creating things in their favor, including a big, bad machine of bias against them orchestrated by the officials, the league, the media, and broadcaster Joe Buck. I love sports, but I refuse to lie to myself to gain some "advantage" that really isn't an advantage when you lose but rather an excuse to make the loss hurt less. Sensible people don't need those brain-twisting Olympics to compensate.

Pro Cowboy? LOL I doubt it. I don't think you look hard enough.


Fattening up
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It’s probably just that we play in so many big games each season and refs generally let teams play more when the spotlight is on. Whatever the explanation, the lack of holding calls for a good DL is weird, statistically.


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It’s probably just that we play in so many big games each season and refs generally let teams play more when the spotlight is on. Whatever the explanation, the lack of holding calls for a good DL is weird, statistically.

But as percy said in this thread, a similar no holds on opponents happened to Denver (with Von Miller and all) the same season. Two teams in a single season could suggest that it's actually quite common, which is why no one ever answered the qualifying question of "how often does this kind of thing happen?" Someone lied to say it'd only happened twice in NFL history when it actually happened twice in the same season. So maybe it happens every year or several times a year. If you drill down enough you can find a dry spell of penalties anywhere. That's why only those penalties are featured as "something amiss" instead of overall numbers, which don't show much at all. But that doesn't sell so ....