CBS Sportsline: Goodell's no lawyer... so why take law in his own hands?

hank2k;1514303 said:
Why is no one replying to the merits of this post ???

Because it involves a hypothetical scenario in which Goodell does something he's never done before.
AdamJT13;1514318 said:
Because it involves a hypothetical scenario in which Goodell does something he's never done before.

Exactly. That case is not similar to the Henry or Pacman cases.
AdamJT13;1514318 said:
Because it involves a hypothetical scenario in which Goodell does something he's never done before.

Which is why I proceeded the scenario with "slippery slope".

Pacman hasn't been convicted of anything either... yet he's suspended for a year.

Don't take this as a defense of Pacman, but I think this is the door Goodell has opened.

People are already calling for the suspension for Vick, and all that is out there is basically an accusation. Sure all the circumstational evidence points to Vick being involved in dog fighting, but to suspend him before?

Player gets arrested midseason... a team fears punishment from the league, cuts player. Player is exonerated... what next? Tough?

I think that Goodell has opened a door that can most certainly lead to a player being suspended simply based on an accusation.
Trendnet;1514334 said:
Which is why I proceeded the scenario with "slippery slope".

Pacman hasn't been convicted of anything either... yet he's suspended for a year.

Don't take this as a defense of Pacman, but I think this is the door Goodell has opened.

People are already calling for the suspension for Vick, and all that is out there is basically an accusation. Sure all the circumstational evidence points to Vick being involved in dog fighting, but to suspend him before?

Player gets arrested midseason... a team fears punishment from the league, cuts player. Player is exonerated... what next? Tough?

I think that Goodell has opened a door that can most certainly lead to a player being suspended simply based on an accusation.
Pacman is lucky he is getting a year. The mayhem that his crew caused at the strip club here in Vegas directly contributed to the violence...leading to one person being paralyzed.
Yeah there were no convictions for PACMAN. I'd be willing money had more to do with that then actual innocence. If that had been your average citizen they would be in jail somewhere. How many of his 10 incidents were dropped or settled out of court. You settle out of court then your guilty in my book, otherwise prove your innocent in a court of law. Convicted or not if you have 10 run ins with the law in 2 years then your definitely doing something wrong. I'm all for Gooodell's hard line approach to the trouble makers of the NFL. Like an earlier post said, I have 2 young boys 13 & 11 years old that want to be NFL Players some day. Luckily for me their Idols of the NFL are the Emmit's, Troy's & even Jerry Rice's of the NFL & not these players that abuse the law because of their status & money. Life is about choices good or bad & you should always be held accountable for your actions. Just MHO. In case your wondering I would feel the same on this subject if it were of our beloved Cowboy's in the situation PACMAN made for himself. As for Vick he doesn't have the track record of PACMAN, he is entitled to the benefit of the doubt at this time.
Trendnet;1514334 said:
I think that Goodell has opened a door that can most certainly lead to a player being suspended simply based on an accusation.

Good! Maybe that door that is now opened will let some light shine in on these players to let them know, if you mess up this is what happens!

It's really simple if you think about it. STAY OUT OF FREAKING TROUBLE AND YOU HAVE NO PROBLEM! Or, if you want to mess with the bull, you will get the horns!

Basic self-dicipline...these fool are not kids anymore. They went to college, does that not stand for anything?

Sure, if a player or three (regardless of what team they are on) somehow get a raw deal (like the Glenn analogy) hey, tough luck, guy! At least the other 1, 997 other players that realize they need to stay out of trouble will have benefited from this.

The NFL is not bigger than life...and I'm sure that had the guy that got shot and can no longer walk be one of your relatives you would probably be singing a different tune about the Pacman and his gang of thugs being able to do whatever they think they can get away with.

But, but, but, Pacman has not been charged! Whaaaaa....tough! If the idiot would have had more self-dicipline to not go where he could get into trouble to begin with...hey, he would not be having any problems. The same goes for anyone else, NFL player or not, period!

Stop the bleeding...punish these street rats...Dallas Cowboy or not.
5Stars;1514394 said:
Basic self-dicipline...these fool are not kids anymore. They went to college, does that not stand for anything?
I know plenty of people who have advanced degrees that are still morons.

The NFL is not bigger than life...and I'm sure that had the guy that got shot and can no longer walk be one of your relatives you would probably be singing a different tune about the Pacman and his gang of thugs being able to do whatever they think they can get away with.

Not I would not hold him responosible, I would hold the person who pulled the trigger responsible. Its funny people want athletes to take personal responsibilty for their actions, but now they want them to take responsibility for others actions as well.

But, but, but, Pacman has not been charged! Whaaaaa....tough! If the idiot would have had more self-dicipline to not go where he could get into trouble to begin with...hey, he would not be having any problems. The same goes for anyone else, NFL player or not, period!

Stop the bleeding...punish these street rats...Dallas Cowboy or not.

You said it best when you said the NFL is not above everybody else, but yet the NFL feels the need to act like it, and noto just the players.
Trendnet;1514334 said:
Which is why I proceeded the scenario with "slippery slope".

"Slippery slope" is always a weak argument. One thing doesn't necessarily lead to something more extreme.

Pacman hasn't been convicted of anything either... yet he's suspended for a year.

Pacman got suspended (at least in part) for doing something that's not even illegal, so the fact that he wasn't convicted of it is irrelevant.
sacase;1514435 said:
Not I would not hold him responosible, I would hold the person who pulled the trigger responsible. Its funny people want athletes to take personal responsibilty for their actions, but now they want them to take responsibility for others actions as well.

I think the sticking point is that he may have incited the incident. He attacked a dancer and the bouncer intervened. Jones* told the bouncer he would kill him and a short time later a bouncer is shot. At least that's what the police reports say....

* edit: with all the Vick talk, his name just jumped in there.
dallasfaniac;1514467 said:
I think the sticking point is that he may have incited the incident. He attacked a dancer and the bouncer intervened. Jones* told the bouncer he would kill him and a short time later a bouncer is shot. At least that's what the police reports say....

* edit: with all the Vick talk, his name just jumped in there.

Exactely...had Pacman NOT been there with his pack of hood rats, this would not have happened. I'm glad I was not there, or anyone of could have been us instead. So, tell me how the actions off the field does not affect us?

I do think that the Commish starts treading on thin ice when he starts handing out long suspensions on allegations. I think something needed to be done, but whether this is the answer is another question...

About as good of an example I can think of is the Duke Lacrosse Rape case. The 2006 season was cancelled after 8 games, those players accused did not play this season, one where they finished one goal short of a national championship, and the coach was pretty much forced to resign. The truth comes out, and now everything has to be fixed in a way.

The NCAA has granted all of the players on the roster last season an extra year of eligibility to make up for cancelling their season. But the coach still lost his job.

It was because of this same mentality. Conviction in the court of public opinion is a damning thing. It leads to a rush to judgment by employers and other people in positions of power. They are heavily pressured by the public, and if they act to rashly, there is a threat that irreparable harm may be done.
sacase;1514435 said:
I know plenty of people who have advanced degrees that are still morons.

Not I would not hold him responosible, I would hold the person who pulled the trigger responsible. Its funny people want athletes to take personal responsibilty for their actions, but now they want them to take responsibility for others actions as well.

You said it best when you said the NFL is not above everybody else, but yet the NFL feels the need to act like it, and noto just the players.

Can't you hold them both responsible? They go after mob bosses even if those guys aren't the ones actually pulling the trigger.
peplaw06;1514591 said:
I do think that the Commish starts treading on thin ice when he starts handing out long suspensions on allegations.

He hasn't done that, though.
AdamJT13;1514667 said:
He hasn't done that, though.

Actually yeah he has Adam. just because 2 of the 4 incidents listed on the suspension were because of failure to report an arrest it still doesnt mitigate that none of them have resulted in a conviction. half of the incidents didnt apply to the old policy

that wsa the entire case against the nfl is that this was ruled under the old policy, half of the incidents didnt have a conviction attached and it is unprecedented for two unreported arrests to result in a 1 year suspension.
FuzzyLumpkins;1514673 said:
Actually yeah he has Adam. just because 2 of the 4 incidents listed on the suspension were because of failure to report an arrest it still doesnt mitigate that none of them have resulted in a conviction. half of the incidents didnt apply to the old policy

that wsa the entire case against the nfl is that this was ruled under the old policy, half of the incidents didnt have a conviction attached and it is unprecedented for two unreported arrests to result in a 1 year suspension.

It's unprecedented for two unreported arrests to result in a 1 year suspension because it's unprecedented for a player to not report two separate arrests as required under his terms of employment.
Doomsday101;1514178 said:
I have yet to meet a lawyer who did not think he had a good case. For the lawyer win or lose he gets his. :laugh2:
DICK : The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.

CADE : Nay, that I mean to do. Is not this a lamentable thing, that of the skin of an innocent lamb should be made parchment? that parchment, being scribbled o'er, should undo a man? Some say the bee stings: but I say, 'tis the bee's wax; for I did but seal
once to a thing, and I was never mine own man since.

- Henry VI, part 2, Act IV
AdamJT13;1514667 said:
He hasn't done that, though.

When talking about allegations versus convictions he has.... the guys may have been arrested, but those are still based on allegations.
StanleySpadowski;1514674 said:
It's unprecedented for two unreported arrests to result in a 1 year suspension because it's unprecedented for a player to not report two separate arrests as required under his terms of employment.

and you know this because.....

from what i understand there are guidelines for punishment not this thoroughgoing power that the commisioner has under the new agreement.
peplaw06;1514712 said:
When talking about allegations versus convictions he has.... the guys may have been arrested, but those are still based on allegations.
The violation of the policy is based on him not reporting the arrests. Not the circumstances behind the arrests nor the disposition of them.

And contrary to popular opinion, but that wording was in the original conduct policy as well.
WoodysGirl;1514728 said:
The violation of the policy is based on him not reporting the arrests. Not the circumstances behind the arrests nor the disposition of them.

And contrary to popular opinion, but that wording was in the original conduct policy as well.

there wer 4 incidents reported on the suspension i was under the impression he only failed to rport 2 of them.

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