CBS Sportsline: Goodell's no lawyer... so why take law in his own hands?

it just occurs to me that Fuzzy is Kartr's somewhat smarter cousin/brother/whatever. He can argue a little better, but the obvious still escapes him. even when EVERYONE else tells him that he got totally owned by Adam, it does not register.
Looking back at the original article- it tells you all you need to know about toomany lawyers: the lies they have to tell every day finally becomes a part of them untill truth is no longer recognizeable. sad but true. Fuzzy may not be a lawyer, but in every other way he is one.
I haven't read the whole thread, and I am no lawyer, but here are my two cents.

Did Goodell act within his authority? Yes.

Could the (seemingly) unprecedented severity of his punishment of a player who has yet to be convicted of anything come back to bite him in the rear? Definitely.
Why is anyone with a brain all hung up on this convicted BS. As MOST of AMerica now knows, that means NOTHING. OJ was not convicted, but Martha Stewart was. People with a grasp of the obvious realize that are messed up so called Justice system is a total joke. The people with the money to get the best lawyers win (Michael Jackson, anyone?). If you do not have the money, you are toast. The whole system in the last 40 years has been warped to the point that finding out who actually committed the crime no longer is the point. Its all about the performance on stage of the two sets of lawyers. Even the juries have gotten into it- as shown by the OJ jury- who would not have convicted him NO MATTER what evidence was shown. Or those that convict some despite no evidence at all- just a fancy prosecutor able to out argue a weak defense attorney. THAT is why no one outside of the lawyers themselves and others not able to face reality thinks that convictions mean anything. Pacman has acted stupid and thuggish for years; now he is paying the price. Is it any wonder that Goodell is being cheered by most of the players and most of the public? The PEOPLE are tired pf seeing the rich and famous do whatever they want and pretty much get away with it. This paris Hilton thing even more underscores it: even when supposedly being punished, its all a circus and she gets special treatment because of who she is. There are few exceptions (like Martha Stewart, but even there its clear she got different treatment because of who she was). Seeing a thug like Pacman get what 95% of people think he has got coming (outside of his homer fans, lawyers and other dimwits) resonates with the great majority of the people.
And, before some dimwit starts whinning about mob rule, vigilante justice (which is perfectly justifiable when the so called Justice system is broken- the people then have the RIGHT to see that justice is done-that is a far greater right then laws passed by politicians and warped and twisted by judges). As Jefferson and others have pointed out throughout history- leaders maintain power as long as the WILL of the majority does not oppose them. Laws remain laws as long as the majority of people agree with them; or choose not to fight them. ONCE they do, then it is the WILL of the people that will triumph- not judges, lawyers or politicians.
Its is clear that the vast majority of people interested in all this AGREE with what Goodell has done- and that is why it will stand.
FuzzyLumpkins;1516935 said:
If it is this contract the commisioner only has authority to punish for conduct detrimental after granting the player a hearing.

Jones never got a hearing before the suspension.
Yes, he did get a hearing before the Commissioner. This was posted April 3rd, 2007.

Since being drafted in April 2005, he has been arrested five times and questioned by police in 10 incidents. Last week, Las Vegas police recommended he be charged with a felony and two misdemeanors for his role in a Feb. 19 strip club fight that led to a triple shooting.

Today, Jones and Cincinnati receiver Chris Henry, one of nine Bengals players arrested in less than a year, are scheduled to meet with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, who has promised to hand down discipline within 10 days.
This was posted 7 days later on April 10, 2007.

NFL Commissioner ROGER GOODELL has informed ADAM JONES of the Tennessee Titans and CHRIS HENRY of the Cincinnati Bengals that they have been suspended without pay for violating the NFL’s personal conduct policy and engaging in conduct detrimental to the league on numerous occasions, the NFL announced today.

Jones was suspended for the 2007 season, while Henry was suspended for the first eight games of the 2007 regular season. Each player must earn the right to be reinstated.

“We must protect the integrity of the NFL,” Commissioner Goodell said. “The highest standards of conduct must be met by everyone in the NFL because it is a privilege to represent the NFL, not a right. These players, and all members of our league, have to make the right choices and decisions in their conduct on a consistent basis.”

In a letter to each player, Commissioner Goodell wrote: “Your conduct has brought embarrassment and ridicule upon yourself, your club, and the NFL, and has damaged the reputation of players throughout the league. You have put in jeopardy an otherwise promising NFL career, and have risked both your own safety and the safety of others through your off-field actions. In each of these respects, you have engaged in conduct detrimental to the NFL and failed to live up to the standards expected of NFL players. Taken as a whole, this conduct warrants significant sanction.”
You're grasping at straws on this now mang.
Pack it in, Fuzzy. You can't win. Any worthwhile lawyer knows when he is licked, fair or fowl. You have been fairly put in the shade.

FuzzyLumpkins;1516913 said:
he didnt even give the whole sentence in context. whats a joke is you dont understand how the word 'and' works. Last time i checked it didnt denote causation. That would be the word 'thus.'

Each time you respond to someone you tell them they don't understand.
Okay, let's all take a step back and give Fuzzy some air. He's been pushed way back into a corner! :eek: He might go crazy on us and do an Al Pacino/...And Justice for All on us -

"You're out of order! You're out of order! The whole trial is out of order! They're out of order! That man, that sick, crazy, depraved man, raped and beat that woman there, and he'd like to do it again! It's just a show! It's a show! It's "Let's Make A Deal"! "Let's Make A Deal"! Hey Frank, you wanna "Make A Deal"? I got an insane judge who likes to beat the %$@& out of women! Whaddya wanna gimme Frank, 3 weeks probation?"

Hollywood. Never deals in reality. In REAL LIFE this is what Pacino's charactor would have said:

"This poor kid never had a chance. From the day he was born society beat him down. What happened was the result. And the woman ASKED for it!"
Fuzzy, just give it up.
When 99 people out of 100 tell you that you are drunk, its time to borrow a quarter and lay down in the gutter.
burmafrd;1517101 said:
Fuzzy, just give it up.
When 99 people out of 100 tell you that you are drunk, its time to borrow a quarter and lay down in the gutter.

What? How would 99 people know that Fuzzy was drunk? How do we know that some of those 99 did not have a few drinks themselves before telling Fuzzy that he is drunk? You first must prove to me that all 99 of those people are totally sober and have no other agendas against Fuzzy to convince anyone that they are right about Fuzzy being drunk?

Also, does the quarter that Fuzzy gets have to be a new version or old version of quarter? Do you have any proof that the new quarter is any better than the old quarter?

Gutter? Why does Fuzzy have to lay in a gutter? Are you saying that all drunk people lay in gutters? Do you have a link, or any other documentation to prove that all drunk people lay in gutters?

I'm sorry, burmafrd, but you are being very childish for suggesting that Fuzzy is drunk or that he lays in gutters. Who's to say that the 99 people claiming that Fuzzy is drunk did not come from the gutter themselves. And, what if Fuzzy can find 99 other people that think he is sober?

You are wrong, burmafrd. Do some research/analysis on drunks, gutters and quarters before you try this lame stuff with Fuzzy.
Its just so much fun though to watch everyone slap Fuzzy around. Just wanted to join in.
5Stars;1517193 said:
What? How would 99 people know that Fuzzy was drunk? How do we know that some of those 99 did not have a few drinks themselves before telling Fuzzy that he is drunk? You first must prove to me that all 99 of those people are totally sober and have no other agendas against Fuzzy to convince anyone that they are right about Fuzzy being drunk?

Also, does the quarter that Fuzzy gets have to be a new version or old version of quarter? Do you have any proof that the new quarter is any better than the old quarter?

Gutter? Why does Fuzzy have to lay in a gutter? Are you saying that all drunk people lay in gutters? Do you have a link, or any other documentation to prove that all drunk people lay in gutters?

I'm sorry, burmafrd, but you are being very childish for suggesting that Fuzzy is drunk or that he lays in gutters. Who's to say that the 99 people claiming that Fuzzy is drunk did not come from the gutter themselves. And, what if Fuzzy can find 99 other people that think he is sober?

You are wrong, burmafrd. Do some research/analysis on drunks, gutters and quarters before you try this lame stuff with Fuzzy.

:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:
:bow::bow: :bow:
5Stars;1517193 said:
What? How would 99 people know that Fuzzy was drunk? How do we know that some of those 99 did not have a few drinks themselves before telling Fuzzy that he is drunk? You first must prove to me that all 99 of those people are totally sober and have no other agendas against Fuzzy to convince anyone that they are right about Fuzzy being drunk?

Also, does the quarter that Fuzzy gets have to be a new version or old version of quarter? Do you have any proof that the new quarter is any better than the old quarter?

Gutter? Why does Fuzzy have to lay in a gutter? Are you saying that all drunk people lay in gutters? Do you have a link, or any other documentation to prove that all drunk people lay in gutters?

I'm sorry, burmafrd, but you are being very childish for suggesting that Fuzzy is drunk or that he lays in gutters. Who's to say that the 99 people claiming that Fuzzy is drunk did not come from the gutter themselves. And, what if Fuzzy can find 99 other people that think he is sober?

You are wrong, burmafrd. Do some research/analysis on drunks, gutters and quarters before you try this lame stuff with Fuzzy.
Post of the day

5Stars;1517193 said:
What? How would 99 people know that Fuzzy was drunk? How do we know that some of those 99 did not have a few drinks themselves before telling Fuzzy that he is drunk? You first must prove to me that all 99 of those people are totally sober and have no other agendas against Fuzzy to convince anyone that they are right about Fuzzy being drunk?

Also, does the quarter that Fuzzy gets have to be a new version or old version of quarter? Do you have any proof that the new quarter is any better than the old quarter?

Gutter? Why does Fuzzy have to lay in a gutter? Are you saying that all drunk people lay in gutters? Do you have a link, or any other documentation to prove that all drunk people lay in gutters?

I'm sorry, burmafrd, but you are being very childish for suggesting that Fuzzy is drunk or that he lays in gutters. Who's to say that the 99 people claiming that Fuzzy is drunk did not come from the gutter themselves. And, what if Fuzzy can find 99 other people that think he is sober?

You are wrong, burmafrd. Do some research/analysis on drunks, gutters and quarters before you try this lame stuff with Fuzzy.
I just discovered that lemon - lime koolaid really hurts when it squirts out of your nose.

That research could get kind of expensive. Even the cheapest wine and booze adds up. It would cost a lot of money to troll any reasonably sized skid row.
Plus I think Adam has destroyed the "NOTORIOUS F. U. Z." and disbanded his fanclub of summer, 5stars, BigDakota, GimmeeTheBall, peplaw06, BigDFan5, superpunk, bbgun, and jackrussell.

I think the fuzzy one has finally seen the light and is tired of cleaning off the tread marks that Adam has been leaving on him.

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