Celebrities You Like and Celebrities You Hate

Slight thread jack...

No one has mentioned Christopher Walken either like or dislike.

He's great but he's not an actor as he plays Christopher Walken in most every role.

Now his work in Deer Hunter was different but that was very early.

Playing Christopher Walken works well sometimes and other times, not so well.

Any way... back to the subject.

Good performances by almost anyone.

constantly repeating Sequels
and unimaginative writing.
OMG, how could I forget Walken.
The celebs that think their political opinions matter, just drives me bonkers. Winning an Oscar doesn't mean you are in any better position to tell me who to vote for. Your Grammy win being used as an oportunity to bring attention to your special interest only puts you on my ignore list. Stick to your art and keep your political opinions to yourself.
Not the same thing....Streep is annoying, whereas Duvall is a national treasure!!!! :p

Tom Hanks is also considered great. Can't stand him. Everyone has their actors/actresses that they just cannot stand. Doesn't mean they're good or not.

Tom Hanks is also considered great. Can't stand him. Everyone has their actors/actresses that they just cannot stand. Doesn't mean they're good or not.
Why are you talking to me as if I said that's not true? Lol
I mentioned Leonardo DiCaprio before you even chimed in.
I'm just saying that your opinion sucks!!!!

You know I'm just messing with you, brother! :laugh:
Why are you talking to me as if I said that's not true? Lol
I mentioned Leonardo DiCaprio before you even chimed in.
I'm just saying that your opinion sucks!!!!

You know I'm just messing with you, brother! :laugh:
Of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm on the opposite side of the Decap thingie. I like him as an actor. Most people saw him in Titanic, and couldn't get over it.
Slight thread jack...

No one has mentioned Christopher Walken either like or dislike.

He's great but he's not an actor as he plays Christopher Walken in most every role.

Now his work in Deer Hunter was different but that was very early.

Playing Christopher Walken works well sometimes and other times, not so well..
I'd like to think this is just a normal afternoon for Walken.
Of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm on the opposite side of the Decap thingie. I like him as an actor. Most people saw him in Titanic, and couldn't get over it.
I refuse to ever watch Titanic. Not only is that cocky little dbag the star of a love story about one of the greatest tragedies in US history, but I don't wanna be forced to hear Celine Dion sing.
Gene Hackman, best character actor of all time, believable in every role he plays.
Tom Hanks, any actor whose career wasn't ended by Bosom Buddies has to be good. lol
James Garner, from Maverick, The Great Escape, Support Your Local Sheriff, Rockford Files, The Notebook. Was there any role he wasn't great in?
Kate Beckinsale because...well Kate Beckinsale
Michelle Pfeiffer, been in love with her since The Hollywood Knights
Diane Keaton, just a really good actress
Adele, don't know too many songs but wow, what a voice

SJP, already mentioned, what a horseface
Sandra Bernhard, makes SJP look good
Amy Schumer, just gross
Madonna, just gross again
Gwyneth Paltrow, don't know why
Jennifer Lopez, she can't act, not impressed with her singing, nice butt I guess
Michael Bolton, yeah he sucks
Justin Bieber, good grief
Bryant Gumbel, just irritates me for some reason
Not a big fan of Hitler
Gene Hackman, best character actor of all time, believable in every role he plays. Farther than I'd go, but yes, a great actor.
Tom Hanks, any actor whose career wasn't ended by Bosom Buddies has to be good. lol I liked Bosom Buddies, but that may be more because of Donna Dixon.
James Garner, from Maverick, The Great Escape, Support Your Local Sheriff, Rockford Files, The Notebook. Was there any role he wasn't great in? Very likable actor and person.
Kate Beckinsale because...well Kate Beckinsale ......................sigh.................yes.
Michelle Pfeiffer, been in love with her since The Hollywood Knights ...............sigh..............yes again.
Diane Keaton, just a really good actress No opinion.
Adele, don't know too many songs but wow, what a voice I just don't see the big deal.

SJP, already mentioned, what a horseface The epitome of "butterface".
Sandra Bernhard, makes SJP look good I have to look away fron the TV when she's on......She's the reason I stopped watching Roseanne................and the fact that she seems to think she's sexy makes her even more repulsive.
Amy Schumer, just gross And not even a little bit funny.
Madonna, just gross again And not even a bit sexy.
Gwyneth Paltrow, don't know why I don't know why either.
Jennifer Lopez, she can't act, not impressed with her singing, nice butt I guess I like her as a person and as an actress, but I wouldn't know a song of hers if I heard it, and I don't think she's very hot.
Michael Bolton, yeah he sucks I like that he doesn't take himself seriously.
Justin Bieber, good grief I wish people would stop reminding me that he exists.
Bryant Gumbel, just irritates me for some reason I can take him or leave him.
Not a big fan of Hitler Who?
The celebs that think their political opinions matter, just drives me bonkers. Winning an Oscar doesn't mean you are in any better position to tell me who to vote for. Your Grammy win being used as an oportunity to bring attention to your special interest only puts you on my ignore list. Stick to your art and keep your political opinions to yourself.
Hollywood types are on an average about the least educated bunch you will find; at least most professional sports types were actually IN a college sometime. You add that least educated part to the naturally narcissistic trait all performers have and the combination really breeds what we have now. Truly ignorant people that think they know something and on top of that think that their opinion matters.

-Darren McGavin (would watch anything he was in)
-Gene Wilder (ditto)
-Vincent Price & Boris Karloff, neither of whom probably received the accolades they deserved because of the genre they dominated
-Faye Dunaway (one of the most beautiful actresses of all-time IMO)
-Ernest Borgnine (another actor who didn't seem to get a lot of accolades)
-Claude Atkins (one of the great character actors of all time)


-Tom Cruise (The movie has to be damn good for me to put up with his face for two-hours)
-Adam Sandler (I don't know how anyone in the world could think this guy is funny)
You are so old Mike. Gene Wilder?
I refuse to ever watch Titanic. Not only is that cocky little dbag the star of a love story about one of the greatest tragedies in US history, but I don't wanna be forced to hear Celine Dion sing.
One of the most overrated movies of all time. You're not missing anything. Felt like one of those movies people forced on you bc of all the awards and wives/gfs forcing the issue; we're a simpler species :D

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