FYI, It's spelled Golston. lol
I personally can't believe Ridgeway is a bubble guy. I get that he was only a late 5th rd pick, but the guy is nasty and they are acting like they want a lot more nasty this year. At this point I don't think you can say Golston is anything but a bubble guy. Regardless of his circumstances. Especially if he isn't going to give you anything as a DE. I don't see him being a better DE than D-Law, Fowler, Armstrong, Williams. Watkins maybe on the bubble, and Golston maybe the guy to kick him off the team, but as of now I don't see that.
And I highly doubt he can beat out Gallimore, Odiggy, Hill, Bohanna and Ridgeway for a DT spot. Again, possibly Watkins, but don't write Watkins off just yet. He's a solid vet who had a good year last season. Basham maybe the odd man out but again, if Golston is bumping down inside, Basham isn't really his competition.
Hey maybe we're both right and they keep 11 not 10.