Check in for DC forum refugees

Me too runny. But I only used my PC but the site had been messed for about 2 months for me. But during that time, there was a two week period where it looked like things had been fixed. Then bam.back to screwed up... then bam. gone into the cloud.
Hey capn can you contact es and get him on here
You know, I would LOVE to have that sound effect on my phone when it opened :D My phone is so old, my ring tone options make MIDI seem advanced. The funny thing is I have always been into tech and I have all kinds of tech devices, yet I still use a flip-phone that I paid $15 for off Ebay and I have 2 more spares I bought as well :D

Bunch of cheap android phones on Was going to order a couple different ones to see if they worked lol. You see them on there sometimes for $10 and $15... probably blow up in my pocket, like the one Samsung that had issues haha.
Bunch of cheap android phones on Was going to order a couple different ones to see if they worked lol. You see them on there sometimes for $10 and $15... probably blow up in my pocket, like the one Samsung that had issues haha.
People tend to be stunned when they see my phone because they are so used to me being into tech. It's not about the cost of smartphones, I just haven't wanted one.

Funny story. I was in Best Buy doing Christmas shopping and the person at the register saw my flip-phone. She pointed out they had sales on phones and I told her I was happy with my phone. She apparently thought I couldn't afford one so she started telling me they had some free ones that were just as good as the expensive ones, and I politely said thank you but I was fine. Then when I was about to leave she said she could probably get one of the workers in the phone area to give me their employee discount if it would help. She was nice and genuinely wanted to help the "poor flip-phone guy" get a smartphone. I'm not even sure when I left if I had convinced her that I had my phone by choice.
People tend to be stunned when they see my phone because they are so used to me being into tech. It's not about the cost of smartphones, I just haven't wanted one.

Funny story. I was in Best Buy doing Christmas shopping and the person at the register saw my flip-phone. She pointed out they had sales on phones and I told her I was happy with my phone. She apparently thought I couldn't afford one so she started telling me they had some free ones that were just as good as the expensive ones, and I politely said thank you but I was fine. Then when I was about to leave she said she could probably get one of the workers in the phone area to give me their employee discount if it would help. She was nice and genuinely wanted to help the "poor flip-phone guy" get a smartphone. I'm not even sure when I left if I had convinced her that I had my phone by choice.

Personally I hate phones... When it rings I want to throw it out the window. I really only use it as a portable computer lol. I use it for Team Viewer to connect to my home comp, and SSH for servers when I am away form home. Other then that... I hate it for an actual phone.
Personally I hate phones... When it rings I want to throw it out the window. I really only use it as a portable computer lol. I use it for Team Viewer to connect to my home comp, and SSH for servers when I am away form home. Other then that... I hate it for an actual phone.
Exactly! I carry an unlimited data iPad with me everywhere I go so I don't need a smartphone. I tell people if it makes them feel better, I'll hold my iPad up to my ear :D
People tend to be stunned when they see my phone because they are so used to me being into tech. It's not about the cost of smartphones, I just haven't wanted one.

Funny story. I was in Best Buy doing Christmas shopping and the person at the register saw my flip-phone. She pointed out they had sales on phones and I told her I was happy with my phone. She apparently thought I couldn't afford one so she started telling me they had some free ones that were just as good as the expensive ones, and I politely said thank you but I was fine. Then when I was about to leave she said she could probably get one of the workers in the phone area to give me their employee discount if it would help. She was nice and genuinely wanted to help the "poor flip-phone guy" get a smartphone. I'm not even sure when I left if I had convinced her that I had my phone by choice.

Holy monkey butts... I thought i was the only one who didnt have a smart phone. I get the same looks as well.
I dont have his email or anything. I think hes a member here anyway. He came over when CC led the charge last year.
I think I remember him saying he had problems getting approved, or something like that. I could be thinking of someone else. Knowing ES, he's been passed out naked since the PJG fundraising car wash/bake sale.
Holy monkey butts... I thought i was the only one who didnt have a smart phone. I get the same looks as well.
BTW, "Holy monkey butts"?........Either you attend the one of strangest churches I've ever heard of, or Batman and Robin walked in on Michael Jackson and Bubbles.
Holy monkey butts... I thought i was the only one who didnt have a smart phone. I get the same looks as well.

Look at the bright side... technically it is still a smart phone... look at a the computers from the 50s,60s,70s,80s... still pack more power in your pocket lol... haha
Look at the bright side... technically it is still a smart phone... look at a the computers from the 50s,60s,70s,80s... still pack more power in your pocket lol... haha

Well that depends on who you ask.......:flagwave:
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BTW, "Holy monkey butts"?........Either you attend the one of strangest churches I've ever heard of, or Batman and Robin walked in on Michael Jackson and Bubbles.

I think Holy Monkey Butts, is a branch of Scientology... Tom Cruise is the Holy Monkey Butts Grand Butt... HAHA

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