Chris Canty - Hybrid Thought

Woody'sGirl said:
Personally, I don't consider your proposal that far out the box, just that I'd rather them focus on dominating at the one position before experimenting with another. If you're suggesting using them at these situational positions in their first three years, then I'm against it. I want them learning the nuances of their position and all that it entails. After they've been in the league a few years and have established themselves, then I MIGHT be open to it.

Right now, I say no-go.

Now this post brings logic ... all of the "facts" are speculative in regards to the future.

Warren Sapp played some TE ... but he dominated at DT first.

This is a good perspective .... and you didn't even have to use insults.
silverbear said:
There ya go, Nors-- why aren't you suggesting that the Boys look at Ratliff at TE?? After all, he one of the top HS TE prospects in the nation, and he averaged 18 points and 18 boards on the basketball team...

According to the Nors Theory, doesn't that mean he's a potential All Pro TE?? Great HS TE (though he plays on the DL in college), great HS basketball player (18 boards a game in a 32 minute game is just AMAZING)... isn't that the Nors Formula for converting a DE to TE??

Man, between Canty and Spears and Ratliff and Rogers and God only knows who else, the Boys have a TON of players who could be converted to TE... if the pattern continues for too many more years, we may soon have a 53 man roster made up entirely of TEs...

I said Situationally use your talented freak sized DE's as TE weapons on offense. Yes sir.
Nors said:
I said Situationally use your talented freak sized DE's as TE weapons on offense. Yes sir.

Yeah you did, but he wasn't worried about that. He was more concerned about trying to rip you a new (_)O(_) than he was engaging in an informed conversation.

Initially, he scoffed at the idea ... then you really made him mad when he found out he has actually played TE some in college.

Not only that, you said "Red Zone threat" ... it's not hard for a TE to be a Redzone threat ... that's when you throw to your TE ... off a block fake or what not. It's about beating coverages at that point.

I just think it's funny he had such a winded response to an idea that is actually reasonable ... not a second did he look at the other side of the argument ... he saw "Nors" and started ripping ...

All you had to do was look at the first post in the thread to see the word "situaional" ...
Nors said:
Can he be used as a situational TE? He is 6-7 290 and can move.

Did he play any basketball at UVA? Did he ever play TE in college? High School?

He could be our secret weapon at TE!

I think we have Canty, Spears, Ratliff that can take this role potentially. Especially if we kick Robinson to the curb at his cap and age.
Banned_n_austin said:
But you answered how dumb the idea was before you knew he had TE experienced. Paint your denial however you want though.

Son, I have been a Cavs fan since Ralph Sampson decided to go there... I lived in Harrisonburg, Sampson's home town, when he was playing his high school ball, and watched him play in the district and regional tournaments at the gym at JMU, where I played a lot of basketball (they have a new field house now, I'm talking about their old gym over by the football field)...

That allegiance carried over to the football team... the only college team that I follow anywhere near as close is the Longhorns, who will always be number one with me...

But if you think that I'm not WELL aware of any Cavs player that makes it to the NFL, you're fooling yourself... yes, I most assuredly did know that he'd played TE in high school, and of course I knew that the Cavs used him at that position in goal line and short yardage situations from time to time... I know because I saw it with my own two eyes...

So, it would seem that you don't know *** you're talking about this... perhaps it would be wise to engage your brain before putting your mouth in gear...

And even if I didn't know that going into this thread, by the time I made my first post to this thread (the 52nd), the subject had been discussed at some length, and Canty's history was out there for anybody to see... all of which rebuts your contention that I didn't know about Canty's past as a TE when I made my first post... in fact, my second post to this thread outlined Chris' history as a TE, both in HS and in college...

I don't know where you got the notion that I didn't know about Canty's experiences at TE, but you're completely full of crap on this one...
Banned_n_austin said:
Talk about substance.

Yeah, there's not much substance in BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA... of course, that wasn't the ENTIRETY of that post, was it??

How very dishonest of you, to cull out one smart***, throwaway laugh, and attempt to present as my entire argument... shall I devote some time and effort to creatively editing your posts in that way?? Naaaah, I wouldn't want to be as mendacious as you apparently are...

And of course, this post of YOURS is even more lacking in substance than the post you so dishonestly attacked...

If you wanna jump in my face, pissant, at least be honorable enough to use my words HONESTLY... or is honor a foreign concept to you??
OK, you tapdancing weasel,

Sure do wish I hadn't said that... I thought about editing it out, but then I thought that would be kind of weaselish on my part...

You didn't deserve that from me, Nors, and I do sincerely apologize... by way of explanation, I just let my newest right wing stalker tick me off for a minute there, and I took it out on you...

I wasn't kidding when I said I like you, which is why I feel bad that I was that insulting...

I'd still like for you to spell out EXACTLY what you mean by "situationally", so there's no chance for misunderstanding... you haven't exactly been consistent with your arguments in this thread, you know...
Canty would have to prove that he is a more effective blocker than Campbell and a better receiver than Witten to use him in these situations. That's two quality TEs.

Right now, I would be happy if he plays end well.
Banned_n_austin said:
Yeah you did, but he wasn't worried about that. He was more concerned about trying to rip you a new (_)O(_) than he was engaging in an informed conversation.

Once again, you don't have the first clue what you're talking about, and frankly, you make yourself look really, really stupid when you distort my words and my agenda this way...

My first post to this thread came after 51 posts had been made, and after Nors had said:

Would be a nice red zone target

THAT was the specific argument to which I took exception, that Canty would be effective as a "red zone target"... it's quite obvious that Nors was suggesting that Chris would be a good RECEIVING threat in the red zone, and as I've noted at great length, there is NOTHING in the guy's past to suggest that's the case... in high school, he was indeed an all-State TE, but his 20 catches went for 400 yards, a 20 YPC average... that clearly tells us that he was pretty good at getting downfield for a TE, but it also strongly suggests that he didn't catch many passes down in the red zone... I mean, if he caught just 3, 5 yard TD passes among those 20 catches (which really wouldn't be a lot for a REAL red zone threat), that would mean he had to average some 22.5 yards per catch on his other catches...

Beyond that, once he got to college, he never caught a single pass at TE, even though the Cavs did use him "situationally" at that position... that also seems to rebut Nors' belief that Canty would make a good red zone weapon...

It seems you didn't understand my argument at all, and since I have repeated it a number of times, that would appear to be an indictment of your reading comprehension skills... since those skills appear to be limited, lemme see if I can make my argument so clear that even your obviously limited intellect can grasp it:

I believe that Chris Canty might be effective as a purely BLOCKING TE in goal line and short yardage sets... at the same time, there are other rookies who might do as well or better (Marcus Spears and Jay Ratliff)... but I would have no problem with the Cowboys trying him in that role, if Parcells thinks it's worth a look...

But I strenuously disagree with Nors' assertion that Canty would make a viable RECEIVING threat at TE in goal ine and short yardage situations... I disagree because I've seen no evidence of that, either from his high school stats or from his play in college... and living about an hour and a half from downtown Charlottesville, the Cavs are on local TV a LOT, so I have probably seen them play about 20-30 times over the course of Chris' college career...

Not only that, you said "Red Zone threat" ... it's not hard for a TE to be a Redzone threat ... that's when you throw to your TE ... off a block fake or what not. It's about beating coverages at that point.

PRECISELY... now, show me anything in Canty's stats that would suggest he's such a player...

You can't, because he isn't...

I just think it's funny he had such a winded response to an idea that is actually reasonable ... not a second did he look at the other side of the argument ... he saw "Nors" and started ripping ...

Now that's just STUPID... I LIKE ol' Nors... he and I exchanged some nice PMs back before the draft, and I think he's a really good guy (and a dedicated draftaholic, which gives us something in common...

I don't know where you got the idea that I'm one of the Nors bashers, because I'm not... in this thread, I'm attacking his THEORY, not him...

All you had to do was look at the first post in the thread to see the word "situational" ...

Not when Nors went on to define "situational" as being a "red zone threat"... Canty would NOT be effective in that "situation"... well, maybe that's a bit too hyperbolic, so permit me to rephrase that-- there is nothing in Canty's football history to suggest he'd be effective in such "situations"... again, if Nors had meant that he'd be an asset as a blocking TE, I'd AGREE with him... but anybody who reads this thread will recognize that was NOT the "situation" that Nors is referring to in this thread...
Nors said:
I think we have Canty, Spears, Ratliff that can take this role potentially. Especially if we kick Robinson to the curb at his cap and age.

On this, we agree... I do believe that the Boys would like to find a deep snapper who didn't cost them so much... the evidence is in all the undrafted rookie free agent deep snapping specialists the Boys brought in...
Crown Royal said:
Canty would have to prove that he is a more effective blocker than Campbell and a better receiver than Witten to use him in these situations. That's two quality TEs.

But Witten is not the most ferocious blocker around... oh, he's not bad at it, but he's not the best blocker around... so in those sets, it would be advisable to bring in another big, blocking specialist to pair up with Campbell...
Banned_n_austin said:
I just think it's funny he had such a winded response to an idea that is actually reasonable ... not a second did he look at the other side of the argument ... he saw "Nors" and started ripping ...

Now that's FUNNY, considering YOU totally twisted all of my arguments in your lust to strike up an argument with me...

Looks like it's actually you who saw "Silverbear", and just started ripping...

It's really funny that you're still so deeply pissed at me from our pre-election arguments over on the Political Zone... I get great pleasure out of knowing I've gotten so deeply under your pelt... I live to make zealots like you obsessed with me...
silverbear said:
Now that's FUNNY, considering YOU totally twisted all of my arguments in your lust to strike up an argument with me...

Looks like it's actually you who saw "Silverbear", and just started ripping...

It's really funny that you're still so deeply pissed at me from our pre-election arguments over on the Political Zone... I get great pleasure out of knowing I've gotten so deeply under your pelt... I live to make zealots like you obsessed with me...

"I get great pleasure out of knowing I've gotten so deeply under your pelt... I live to make zealots like you obsessed with me..."

Lets stick to football talk - jmo
silverbear said:
Now that's FUNNY, considering YOU totally twisted all of my arguments in your lust to strike up an argument with me...

Nah ...

Looks like it's actually you who saw "Silverbear", and just started ripping...

Did I rip? If I did, it certainly wasn't because of your name. You're just a 'pissant' to me - really

It's really funny that you're still so deeply pissed at me from our pre-election arguments over on the Political Zone... I get great pleasure out of knowing I've gotten so deeply under your pelt... I live to make zealots like you obsessed with me...

You obviously are so full of yourself, you forget to stop and pay attention. I hate Bush ... you have me confused with someone else, but I wouldn't expect you to know that because you're so busy praising your arrogant - but not rightfully - self.

And I'm obsessed with you?

Don't flatter yourself. I think you're a twit that is hardly worth reading.
silverbear said:
Sure do wish I hadn't said that... I thought about editing it out, but then I thought that would be kind of weaselish on my part...

You didn't deserve that from me, Nors, and I do sincerely apologize... by way of explanation, I just let my newest right wing stalker tick me off for a minute there, and I took it out on you...

Well, you definitely don't know your ace from a hole in the ground here. I'm not right winged and I could give two shats about you. Again - you're fltattering yourself.

You're winded that's for sure, but you really don't say much.

I just thought it was weak that you were jumping on Nors, because it's the popular thing to do these days - Nors envy I guess.

Try engaging your brain before you run your trap about who is right wing and what not ... and don't flatter yourself - I don't care two cents about the not so friedly, unlocal bear. I think you're utterly gay.

Go nail yourself for all I care.

And know your ace from a hole in the ground before you start claiming baseless victories in the Political Zone. ;)
Isn't every TE a Redzone threat?

I mean ... the guys you don't see catching 30 yard TD's ... you still have to cover in the Redzone.

Oh well, spin those tricycle wheels if you want to.
Nors said:
"I get great pleasure out of knowing I've gotten so deeply under your pelt... I live to make zealots like you obsessed with me..."

Lets stick to football talk - jmo

Hey, if somebody jumps in my face, I'm gonna return fire... you and I were having an argument, but it was a FOOTBALL argument... then my newest stalker decides to jump into the fray, but all he brought was ad hominem attacks... and to my discredit, I let him annoy me briefly, enough so that I got churlish with you, too...

I'm a Golden Rule kinda Bear, I give back what I get...
Banned_n_austin said:
I just thought it was weak that you were jumping on Nors, because it's the popular thing to do these days - Nors envy I guess.

OK, fair enough... but you really should have checked your facts (as I should have about the right wing comments, you're right, we got in each others' face in there, but it wasn't about right wing versus left wing-- you and I WERE basically on the same side POLITICALLY in there), because I have never been one of the Nors bashers... I always watched those little flame wars with amusement...

And I'm not a Nors basher now, either, I just took strong exception to one opinion that he expressed... I took exception with it because I'd seen Canty play a lot of football for the Cavs, and had never seen any suggestion that he was capable of being a red zone receiving threat...

I think you're utterly gay.

You're lookin' for love in ALL the wrong places, Nancy...

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