Video: Chris Simms Unbuttoned. Explains issues with our simple scheme on defense


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Elk probably had his Richard footy pajamas on last season, now he's coaching a simple scheme
Honest question, are you happy with the defense you've seen this year?

No I'm not, but I can see that these players we thought were HOFers aren't playing well.


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The roster definitely isnt overly talented. We have some good players and we have some I'd like to have upgrades.

Ok so they have the same talent and are playing bad, does that mean every single player just suddenly "forgot how to play" to use one of your lines?

Or are other teams exploiting the weaknesses we have and we just cant do the same?

You say your not commenting on this, but you do. Then you refuse to acknowledge that coaches are FIRED EVERY SINGLE SEASON.

Why are you ignoring that? You know why? Because you know deep down that saying its nothing to do with coaching and it's all on the players is completely ridiculous. You can support Garrett and like whatever he is doing with this team but it doesn't mean that hes doing a good enough job.

Are you going to admit coaches are ever at fault? Are you going to acknowledge coaches fail and thats why they lose their jobs? Theres a reason for it. And whether you like it or not? The coach is responsible for what happens on that field. Our owner/GM is also a huge problem but If I used your logic then Jerry and co. Must be great because they have had a 13-3 season at one point. Does that mean we can never blame the front office either?

Dre, you can support the team and every coach here and I'm not here to tell you that you cant, I'm just saying you need to realize the coach is responsible, period. The coach himself has said it. We see GM's show it every season. It's a reality of the game even if you want to believe it cant be the truth.


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Simm said what I've been saying for years. With this "just play harder and beat the man across from you" philosophy, you aren't going to do well once you get to the playoffs. In the playoffs, the talent level of the teams are pretty equal. What's going to make the difference is the coaching.

This is why the Patriots have done so well in the playoffs. They weren't the best talented team in all the playoff games they've won. But they were the best coached team most of the time.

Every team has weaknesses and Bellichick is master at exploiting them with scheme and not just pure physical talent. This is how he can get a RB off the street a week before a game and have them play like a MVP in the SB. This is also why most ex-Patriots players don't do as well once they leave for another team.


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Teams saw what worked against it and more are using those same tendencies. If you run the same stuff over and over it's going to show up on the film and teams will attack the weaknesses. The defense wasnt very good towards the end of last year.

The bend but don't break strategy is the worst thing you can do when your offense is struggling. The offense gets fewer possessions and they are almost always working with bad starting field

What are they running? the Rams used the LBs aggressiveness against them . Players are fitting the wrong gaps or not holding their gaps long enough Jaylon is notorious for that, Vander esh is nownmissing tackles that he madd last season. Our DTs aren't getting push. That's not scheme.


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We weren't even close to the 6th ranked defense last year.

We were slightly better than league average in yards and points per drive.

We were also about 20th in passer rating allowed.

League average in TOs forced per drive. 26th in INTs, 4th in fumbles. This year we are one of the absolute worst in the league.

Our TOP on offense was #2 in the league, yet was still completely mediocre.

Per game sounds like a measurement your manager would use to get himself a bonus, while half the team got laid off because the work was such a piece of crap and ignored half the job.


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Listening to this ANGERS ME. I cannot stand this team. We have the dumbest coaches of all time. :mad::mad::mad::mad:

Yes, but we have the dumbest owner of all time that continues to employ these conservative, over the hill, yesterday has beens. Well Garrett is actually a never was, but.


Village Idiot
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Elk probably had his Richard footy pajamas on last season, now he's coaching a simple scheme

No I'm not, but I can see that these players we thought were HOFers aren't playing well.

I see the same issues that popped up last year vs Indy and LA.


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I see the same issues that popped up last year vs Indy and LA.

Vs Indy and LA, you chalked it up to inexperience with the LBs, you expected improvement, but they regressed.


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Elk probably had his Richard footy pajamas on last season, now he's coaching a simple scheme

No I'm not, but I can see that these players we thought were HOFers aren't playing well.

Who is Elk?

Did I say the scheme was too simple? Or was it linked to the forum by someone else? Dont be ignorant because you cant defend your clueless statements about coaching not being a problem.

Any reason you cant answer the questions about coaches getting fired? I guess your still trying to figure out who to blame that isnt a coach.


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He is right if you are going to be paid the highest player than you better produce. That is called expectations. Deal with it.


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Who is Elk?

Did I say the scheme was too simple? Or was it linked to the forum by someone else? Dont be ignorant because you cant defend your clueless statements about coaching not being a problem.

Any reason you cant answer the questions about coaches getting fired? I guess your still trying to figure out who to blame that isnt a coach.

Teams fire coaches all the time only to have the same things happen. How coaches have been fired in Cleveland? How about Washington? Looks like LA may have got 2 years out of their firing the coach doesn't mean it's the coach. That's a dumb** assessment. We've fired 4 coaches since Jimmy and have the same


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We weren't even close to the 6th ranked defense last year.

We were slightly better than league average in yards and points per drive.

We were also about 20th in passer rating allowed.

League average in TOs forced per drive. 26th in INTs, 4th in fumbles. This year we are one of the absolute worst in the league.

Our TOP on offense was #2 in the league, yet was still completely mediocre.

Per game sounds like a measurement your manager would use to get himself a bonus, while half the team got laid off because the work was such a piece of crap and ignored half the job.

The number 1 stay for defense is points allowed.


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That's not what the question was. I asked you if coaching is not the issue and it's all about players, why are these coaches getting fired?

So in some instances a coach gets let go for a different reason but yea getting fired as a coach means your not getting the job done more often then not.

Are you honestly telling us that every GM who fires a coach understands less about the game then you?

Because your once again you are saying coaches are fired and it's not their fault.

Let me ask you this, since you believe the coach should have zero responsibility for losing and therefore cant be held accountable, when, if ever would, you believe it's ok to fire him?

Like for you when does that time become justified? I'm honestly wanting to understand where your coming from with this defense of the coach.


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The number 1 stay for defense is points allowed.

Yeah, that's why I said "points allowed per drive". Of which we were league average.

They gave up as many points when the other team had the ball as half the league. We held the ball on offense longer than 30 other teams, so there were less drives. When we did play defense, we were completely mediocre.

I could get 10 panels of sheetrock for $20, or I can buy 7 panels for 18$ of the same size. What's the better deal? If you said 7 for 18$, you might just think the Cowboys deserved to be called a top 6 defense.


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Has he not been told that the coaches aren't responsible for poor play? Some here say it's only the players fault when we dont succeed.

So a former pro player is saying that there is a problem with scheme and/or philosophy?

Dre, please go explain to Simms that you know more about the game then him so he can understand the coach is not responsible for anything that goes wrong. Basically you will never be held accountable since you can do no wrong as a coach.

Jesus, can we get one friggin thread without chest thumping and finger pointing. You had the third post in this thread and used it to call out another member. Grow up.


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This goes back before this thread even began but I guess the other poster is all good?

So I cant debate with someone spewing garbage but they can carry on?

If that's the case or the rules just let me know.


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Basically what we've been saying about our defense and pretty much JG's overall philosophy. Believing simple scheme and talent and out hustling the opponent will beat everyone.

That was a pretty nice watch. I agree with it. I think most of us here agree with it.

Now why can’t the coaches see that. Can Marinelli and Richard now.


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I don't think it was misleading though, they had 2 let downs. Colts and Rams that they didn't play well. You hit the nail on the head though. The players we thought should be good or get better didn't. Awuzie, Xavier Woods,Heath,Smith, Vander Esh,

id add Collins , antuan woods, Crawford,Hyder to that list and I’m not real excited about DLaw either it’s all 3 levels