Christian Bale in town visiting victims of shooting

CanadianCowboysFan;4631703 said:
you tell me how it is heroic?

I wasn't trying to make an argument out of this, i just think considering the great thing he did, its pretty silly to argue semantics.

Maybe it wasn't "heroic" by definition, but im sure to some of those children and fans of the series that were injured in the attack, he is a hero to them for coming and taking time out of his life to visit them.
RoyTheHammer;4631718 said:
I wasn't trying to make an argument out of this, i just think considering the great thing he did, its pretty silly to argue semantics.

Maybe it wasn't "heroic" by definition, but im sure to some of those children and fans of the series that were injured in the attack, he is a hero to them for coming and taking time out of his life to visit them.

It's the lawyer in me, we argue semantics all the time.
Class move by Bale.

Who cares if it's a heroic move by definition? If it is in those victims eyes than that's all that matters IMO.
CanadianCowboysFan;4631723 said:
It's the lawyer in me, we argue semantics all the time.
Okay, then I will pick up the gauntlet counselor.

Damn right it is heroic. He wasn't anywhere near Colorado. He came at his own expense simply because he wanted to do a noble thing. If your son, Count Jr., were lying in that bed and Christian Bale gave him even a spark of hope you would see it as heroic. Just because you and I are removed from this tragedy doesn't make it any less real and his act any less selfless.

This isn't much different from the people who grant wishes for Make a Wish. The only real difference is they are usually near the area when they make their visits and they are invited.

This was an uninvited visit and from a long distance for no other reason than he wanted to do a good deed.

Not only is that heroic, it is the essence of what heroism is, going out of your way.

He didn't take a bullet for anyone. He isn't running for office. He isn't trying to pump up his movie. He did a simple, kind, unselfish deed for the victims of a madman.

Hell yes it is heroic.
Hostile;4631728 said:
Okay, then I will pick up the gauntlet counselor.

Damn right it is heroic. He wasn't anywhere near Colorado. He came at his own expense simply because he wanted to do a noble thing. If your son, Count Jr., were lying in that bed and Christian Bale gave him even a spark of hope you would see it as heroic. Just because you and I are removed from this tragedy doesn't make it any less real and his act any less selfless.

This isn't much different from the people who grant wishes for Make a Wish. The only real difference is they are usually near the area when they make their visits and they are invited.

This was an uninvited visit and from a long distance for no other reason than he wanted to do a good deed.

Not only is that heroic, it is the essence of what heroism is, going out of your way.

He didn't take a bullet for anyone. He isn't running for office. He isn't trying to pump up his movie. He did a simple, kind, unselfish deed for the victims of a madman.

Hell yes it is heroic.

You are wrong. Pure and simple.
CanadianCowboysFan;4631717 said:
you clearly do not understand the definition of heroic or hero. If my son was one of the victims, I would be pleased Bale came to see him at the hospital but I would not consider the move heroic anymore than I considered the stars of the Montreal Canadiens heroic for showing up for pictures with my son at the Montreal Canadiens hockey school last week.
I most assuredly DO understand the definitions of "heroic" AND "hero" — there are several. I just don't feel it necessary to denounce another's comment to prove how right I am when the meaning was not so much about the extreme definition(s) as it was about being complimentary.

He wasn't saying Christian Bale's visitation was on par with folks who have unselfishly and unflinchingly given their lives for others. I may choose to make that necessary distinction in a debate about those specific kinds of heroes and heroic efforts, but wouldn't on a Cowboys Fansite where general goodwill & noble gestures were the clear theme of the OP and thread.

BTW... first Google response to the search query, "hero definition"...

  • A person, typically a man, who is admired for courage or noble qualities.
  • The chief male character in a book, play, or movie, who is typically identified with good qualities
I think Christian Bale exhibited good and noble qualities in what he did.

I think the folks he visited would agree.
CanadianCowboysFan;4631736 said:
You are wrong. Pure and simple.
Like I said, if your son was in that hospital you'd be talking out of the other side of your face.
StevenOtero;4631588 said:
Mr. Bale, you are a true hero!

Disagree, but I think his agent made a wise choice by advising him to do this. It's obviously doing wonders for his PR after he ripped that dude a new one for breathing air on the set of the last Terminator movie.
CanadianCowboysFan;4631736 said:
You are wrong. Pure and simple.

wittenacious;4631744 said:
I most assuredly DO understand the definitions of "heroic" AND "hero" — there are several. I just don't feel it necessary to denounce another's comment to prove how right I am when the meaning was not so much about the extreme definition(s) as it was about being complimentary.

He wasn't saying Christian Bale's visitation was on par with folks who have unselfishly and unflinchingly given their lives for others. I may choose to make that necessary distinction in a debate about those specific kinds of heroes and heroic efforts, but wouldn't on a Cowboys Fansite where general goodwill & noble gestures were the clear theme of the OP and thread.

BTW... first Google response to the search query, "hero definition"...

  • A person, typically a man, who is admired for courage or noble qualities.
  • The chief male character in a book, play, or movie, who is typically identified with good qualities
I think Christian Bale exhibited good and noble qualities in what he did.

I think the folks he visited would agree.

BOOM :bow:
CanadianCowboysFan;4631736 said:
You are wrong. Pure and simple.

Really, you're still going with this? Good grief, man..

Its a thread about the kind and noble actions of one man towards others.. there are very few of these threads to begin with anymore and you have to come in here and pee all over it?

You really are a lawyer.. i think we'd all appriciate it if you'd just go away if you can't find anything positive to say even in a thread like this.
RoyTheHammer;4631758 said:
Really, you're still going with this? Good grief, man..

Its a thread about the kind and noble actions of one man towards others.. there are very few of these threads to begin with anymore and you have to come in here and pee all over it?

You really are a lawyer.. i think we'd all appriciate it if you'd just go away if you can't find anything positive to say even in a thread like this.

Amen! He also went to the memorial across the street from the movie theatre
wittenacious;4631792 said:
Appreciate the photos, pj. I looked at 'em all and took due pause. Thanks for posting the link to them.

And I've gotta just say... beautiful children. Both little angels, by the looks on their faces.

Yeah no problem, so sad :(

Aw thanks I appreciate it :) they are angels for the most part lol
Greatest actor now. What a fabulous and thoughtful thing to do.:bow:
CanadianCowboysFan;4631699 said:
if so, they would not be understanding what the word hero means.

It is a nice act, classy, but it is not heroic.

I read the words, and I don't even have to ask who wrote it...

It's you who doesn't know what the word "hero" means... try this definition from

a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal:

It is the expressed opinion of others in this thread that he has heroic qualities, and those folks regard him as a model or ideal...

Your contrarian act is getting old, and you'd do well to understand your native language better before sounding off like some kind of expert on the subject...

As always, your pedantic ways disgust me...
CanadianCowboysFan;4631707 said:
Pedantry is my middle name.

And here I thought it was a different, 4 letter word... it would be nice if you were pedantic and right, though...

Heroic is people jumping on someone to try and protect them while the guy was shooting. It isn't going to a hospital to visit the victims after. I have not put down what Bale did, but it is not heroic.

And I have shown you that your definition is a good deal more rigid than you'll find in most dictionaries...

For example, another definition of "hero" is the main protagonist in a play or movie... given that Bale is the main protagonist in the movie those folks were watching when they got hurt, the definition of the word works on that level, too...

Yup, pedantry and ignorance is a lethal combination...
wittenacious;4631713 said:
The need to be right outweighs any generosity of spirit you might have to be gracious. Got it!

What's hilarious is he's not right... he just mis-defines the word "hero"...

And, yes... going to hospitals to visit victims can very much be heroic. Ask the victims what it means to them before criticizing. You might come away surprised at what such a gesture means to them.

There's really no point in arguing with Mr. Faux Pedantry... we should just start calling him Cliff Claven... :D
CanadianCowboysFan;4631717 said:
you clearly do not understand the definition of heroic or hero.

One of you clearly does... sadly for you, it's not Wit...
RoyTheHammer;4631718 said:
I wasn't trying to make an argument out of this, i just think considering the great thing he did, its pretty silly to argue semantics.

Maybe it wasn't "heroic" by definition, but im sure to some of those children and fans of the series that were injured in the attack, he is a hero to them for coming and taking time out of his life to visit them.

You are exactly right...

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