Classy guy that Gibbs/Picture says a 1,000 words

Nah.. BP shouldn't... We are better than that. What Gibbs did showed very little class and a lack of being a good sport or professional for that matter. Too bad he acted that way
I think you folks are making way too much of this.

it must have been a frustrating evening when the game clearly could have been the Skins had issues gone a little differtently.

These people have emotions just like us.

Difference is they are not a nick on a computer screen when they show their ***.

Everyone you see in that picture has skid marks in his undies.

We all have feet of clay because we are all human.
cajuncowboy said:
Hey we have it all wrong. We just didn't hear the conversation.


Bill: Don't be mad Joe. Look, here is my play sheet. Wanna use it?

LOL Cajun

I'm gloating over the victory but nah, Gibbs can be kept in secret. Close call..... phew! But still a victory over those damn Commanders!
TwoDeep3 said:
I think you folks are making way too much of this.

it must have been a frustrating evening when the game clearly could have been the Skins had issues gone a little differtently.

These people have emotions just like us.

Difference is they are not a nick on a computer screen when they show their ***.

Everyone you see in that picture has skid marks in his undies.

We all have feet of clay because we are all human.
I understand your point TD. Still, though they're human, they're both professionals and well seasoned veterans of this business. Someone wins, someone loses every game. That little (perceived?) snub isn't something I've seen often while watching this sport.

We got some calls, they got some calls. That happens almost every game every week.

Parcells was beaten by Belichick's team last year, but you didn't see him react that way. It may be he was already thinking of things to do to prepare for the next game, but it could also be straight ego.

No one knows for certain without being in his head of course, but it looked unprofessional to me, regardless of the outcome.
Encore said:
Classless move.

You don't need to like the Cowboys. You don't need to like Pacells. But Gibbs should've atleast shown some respect.

Sure he is pissed, but you can't give 10 seconds of your time?


I couldn't have said it any better.Gibbs should've at least should've showed some respect.I know it was a tough game,but what Joe Gibbs did was unacceptable in my opinion.
TwoDeep3 said:
I think you folks are making way too much of this.
TD, I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you on this. I saw it live on TV when it happened and I'm not going by the still-photo posted in this thread. Gibbs turned his head even before he shook Parcells' hand. Now, after losing a tough game and feeling like the refs cost you the game with bad calls, I can understand being upset about the loss. However, I just don't see any justification in the world to disrespect the other team's coach like that on national TV. I mean shake his hand and don't utter a word and turn immediately after shaking hands if you're really ticked off. Don't walk to mid-field to shake hands just to turn away before doing it.

Very very disrespectful!
That's the reaction I'd expect from the Cobra Kai, not Mr.Miyagi. Although a Foreskin, at least you could say Gibbs with classy. This leaves a bad image in my mind.
..the time back in the day when you played Madden (playstation) and won by running the time out or something like that...and your opponent is pissed because you won that way! :D
Reality said:
TD, I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you on this. I saw it live on TV when it happened and I'm not going by the still-photo posted in this thread. Gibbs turned his head even before he shook Parcells' hand. Now, after losing a tough game and feeling like the refs cost you the game with bad calls, I can understand being upset about the loss. However, I just don't see any justification in the world to disrespect the other team's coach like that on national TV. I mean shake his hand and don't utter a word and turn immediately after shaking hands if you're really ticked off. Don't walk to mid-field to shake hands just to turn away before doing it.

Very very disrespectful!
I saw the Press Confrence after the Game on the Local Commanders Channel and Gibbs had that same deflated look on his face, this guy lasts no more then 2 years!
Give Gibbs a break he didn't want the camera to catch the tears.

He has watched Dallas own Skins for years and tonight he saw just how far his team has to go. He has a record only Steve Superior could support after 3 weeks.
LaTunaNostra said:
Geez, that does look poor sportsmanlike.

And also like a sequel to "Cocoon".

Funny LT Funny............... :)
When I saw that live on TV last night, I was pretty shocked at Gibb's classless hand shake. That picture makes it look even worse. You could see that Parcels had a look of "Where's Joe I need to shake his hand cause that was a hell of a battle and he made it tough on me" and then when they did meet up, Joe didn't even look at him.
I must admit, I'm not a Cowboy fan, but I find myself pulling for Vinnie because the poor guy has never seemed to get respect in the league yet he's been here forever.
TruBlueCowboy said:
Here is the infamous pic of Gibbs being a "good sport" after the game. :D

3043810_7_2.jpg wife said something about this as it happened....

I was too busy celebrating Roy's last blast and Gardner's failure to try and persuade the ref that he was out of bounds by slapping the sideline....

But yeah... a picture does say a 1000 words -

Reality said:
TD, I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you on this. I saw it live on TV when it happened and I'm not going by the still-photo posted in this thread. Gibbs turned his head even before he shook Parcells' hand. Now, after losing a tough game and feeling like the refs cost you the game with bad calls, I can understand being upset about the loss. However, I just don't see any justification in the world to disrespect the other team's coach like that on national TV. I mean shake his hand and don't utter a word and turn immediately after shaking hands if you're really ticked off. Don't walk to mid-field to shake hands just to turn away before doing it.

Very very disrespectful!

Agreed Reality.

Go Up shake the hand, slap a shoulder turn around leave....what he did was classless and I have to say I was pretty shocked that type of thing was done by Joe Gibbs.
Yeah, this caught me as a surprise; thought Gibbs was with a little more class than that. However, from the prior "press talk", I did notice that Parcells talked a lot more favorably about Gibbs than Gibbs did about Parcells.
TwoDeep3 said:
I think you folks are making way too much of this.

it must have been a frustrating evening when the game clearly could have been the Skins had issues gone a little differtently.

These people have emotions just like us.

Difference is they are not a nick on a computer screen when they show their ***.

Everyone you see in that picture has skid marks in his undies.

We all have feet of clay because we are all human.

There is no excuse for Joe Gibbs not to shake hands with Bill Parcells, look him in the eye, and say something, anything.

Show some class.

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