Colin Cowherd Calls Out NFL Tweeter By Name


Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 01
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I vote for him being pummelled by someone in a chicken suit. Of course, I am a Family Guy fan so I'm bias. :)



Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 01
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He and Peter have had the most epic fistfights ever seen on television.

Yes sir. Just when you think it can't get any more ridiculous, they literally find themselves traveling through space and time while fighting lol.


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I didn't say he should be fired..but if you follow the story he was mocking him. That's pretty unprofessional to me. I actually doubt he's done that to any other team.
Well since you mention it, he actually has done something very similar to another team. The exact same guy who is a Jets fan (and I don't know why people are saying he is a Giants fan when his Facebook image is a picture of the Jets locker room) trolled Tom Brady in the wake of Brady's suspension being announced. No one outside New England gave a rat's behind - in fact, it looks like no one outside New England even knew about it. Oh sure, it got mentioned on a couple radio shows and Kornheiser said something about it on PTI, but it certainly didn't rile up fan bases from sea to sea.

I agree it is unprofessional. Problem is, no one gives a rat's behind outside the fandom of the impacted team. The guy trolls Tom Brady and no one outside New England cares (as I said, it's obvious that not all that many people outside New England even knew about it). Now he trolls Tony Romo and really no one outside Dallas cares. If anything, fans of other teams got a nice laugh over it.

EDIT: After further reading, I see McLovin brought up the Brady trolling so I should not have said "no one" in here knew about it. However, besides that one post, there's certainly not anyone in here that seems to even remotely care that the exact same guy did the exact same thing when it happened to another team.
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For those of us who haven't followed the story, can you provide context as to why "Hi Tony!" was mocking Romo?


NFL cancels a Romo event in Vegas at last minute (apparently knowing for many months) costing promoters and fans time and money.

Romo said it is unfortunate the NFL canceled like that and that the "NFL rule prohibiting players from being at an event sponsored by a Casino" (or on the propoerty etc) was hypocritical when the Lions and MGM are sponsoring something and the Saints and another Casino have a deal. some other issues about the NFL contacting players parents.

NFL tweets a pic of Romo (in cowboy uni) looking like he is waving with the caption "Hi Tony" after his comments
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Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Well since you mention it, he actually has done something very similar to another team. The exact same guy who is a Jets fan (and I don't know why people are saying he is a Giants fan when his Facebook image is a picture of the Jets locker room) trolled Tom Brady in the wake of Brady's suspension being announced. No one outside New England gave a rat's behind - in fact, it looks like no one outside New England even knew about it. Oh sure, it got mentioned on a couple radio shows and Kornheiser said something about it on PTI, but it certainly didn't rile up fan bases from sea to sea.

I agree it is unprofessional. Problem is, no one gives a rat's behind outside the fandom of the impacted team. The guy trolls Tom Brady and no one outside New England cares (as I said, it's obvious that not all that many people outside New England even knew about it). Now he trolls Tony Romo and really no one outside Dallas cares. If anything, fans of other teams got a nice laugh over it.
Is he trolling on his personal time or while he's on the clock for the League? He is just another critic if it is the former. If it's the latter, he's acting unprofessionally. And just because "no one cares" does not make an act any less wrong. It would simply reflect a lack of empathy. Humans have been indifferent to right and wrong far longer than the existence of toilet paper (which is why indifference probably originated the word oh heck family forum).


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NFL cancels a Romo event in Vegas at last minute (apparently knowing for many months) costing promoters and fans time and money.

Romo said it is unfortunate the NFL canceled like that and that the "NFL rule prohibiting players from being at an event sponsored by a Casino" (or on the propoerty etc) was hypocritical when the Lions and MGM are sporing something and the Saints and another Casino have a deal. some other issues about the NFL contacting players parents.

NFL tweets a pic of Romo (in cowboy uni) looking like he is waving with the caption "Hi Tony" after his comments

Haha, uhhh.... hmmm.


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NFL cancels a Romo event in Vegas at last minute (apparently knowing for many months) costing promoters and fans time and money.

Romo said it is unfortunate the NFL canceled like that and that the "NFL rule prohibiting players from being at an event sponsored by a Casino" (or on the propoerty etc) was hypocritical when the Lions and MGM are sporing something and the Saints and another Casino have a deal. some other issues about the NFL contacting players parents.

NFL tweets a pic of Romo (in cowboy uni) looking like he is waving with the caption "Hi Tony" after his comments

Thank you. :clap:


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Is he trolling on his personal time or while he's on the clock for the League?
To clarify: Like the Romo trolling, the Brady trolling took place on the official Twitter feed of the NFL, not his own personal facebook page or twitter account.