Colin Cowherd Calls Out NFL Tweeter By Name


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You have freedom of speech but that does not give you freedom from consequences.

amen brother. far too often i hear people shout out about THEIR FREEDOM which to me totally misses the fact the freedoms WE ALL SHARE are in fact, shared freedoms. and as you say, just because you *can* say something does not protect you from the responsibility of saying it.


Through Pain Comes Clarity
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Stop for just a second, and take all this in.

A guy TWEETED on an open-air broadcasted digital forum to make fun of an NFL quarterback for getting his casino event in Las Vegas cancelled, which was based on a make-believe general manager game where fans play each other with NFL players from different teams on drafted pretend rosters commonly known by the likes of "Billy's Frontal Lobotomy Boys", "The Jordy Nelson Mandelas", "My Ball Zach Ertz", and "Kardashian's To-do List".

Have you seen the movie Idiocracy?

We're there.

This is about professionalism, nothing else. The guy was the unofficial spokesman for the NFL on social media. If you don't think that was unprofessional, your are nuts. It's not a big deal and he shouldn't be fired but it should never happen in the first place.


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amen brother. far too often i hear people shout out about THEIR FREEDOM which to me totally misses the fact the freedoms WE ALL SHARE are in fact, shared freedoms. and as you say, just because you *can* say something does not protect you from the responsibility of saying it.

You have the right to say something threatening towards the POTUS, doesn't mean they won't throw your butt in jail for doing it though. People are so out of touch now that they honestly think they can say whatever they want with no repercussions. "The constitution, and 97th amendment or some such thing like that says I can say whatever idiotic thing that pops in my head. Wait, what do you mean there's consequences?"


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
For a tweet saying,"Hi, Tony!"

If this was a player on any other team everyone here would be applauding it. We have a little success and suddenly we are untouchable? Give me a break.

When you are tweeting from the NFL's official twitter account, you have a huge responsibility to be professional. It it was from hie personal account, it would be different.

The primary issue is that it shows people in the NFL office are biased.


Through Pain Comes Clarity
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What in the blue heck fire is this thread even about? :huh:

The guy who was in charge of the NFL's official Twitter account posted a picture of Tony and added "Hi Tony" to it. Essentially mocking Tony because his fantasy football event in Vegas that was cancelled.

If you didn't see yesterday or the day before, Tony went on a rant on Cowherd's radio show against the NFL for cancelling the event.


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Me too, I have no idea what this is all about.

It is unprofessional to use the "official" shield of the NFL to mock a player, especially a star player.

The League was involved in a small controversy with said player and after shutting down a potentially lucrative business opportunity, they should not then mock him publicly.

The basically stuck their hands over their nose and said "nana nana boo boo", " we win,you lose"


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When you are tweeting from the NFL's official twitter account, you have a huge responsibility to be professional. It it was from hie personal account, it would be different.

The primary issue is that it shows people in the NFL office are biased.

No, it shows one guy chose to mock Tony Romo.


rock music matters
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You have the right to say something threatening towards the POTUS, doesn't mean they won't throw your butt in jail for doing it though. People are so out of touch now that they honestly think they can say whatever they want with no repercussions. "The constitution, and 97th amendment or some such thing like that says I can say whatever idiotic thing that pops in my head. Wait, what do you mean there's consequences?"

it's all me on a bloated ID trip. people are so concerned about THEIR rights THEIR problems and THEIR issues that they pretend no one else has any or that theirs means more than the next persons.

but another discussion for another place.


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Stop for just a second, and take all this in.

A guy TWEETED on an open-air broadcasted digital forum to make fun of an NFL quarterback for getting his casino event in Las Vegas cancelled, which was based on a make-believe general manager game where fans play each other with NFL players from different teams on drafted pretend rosters commonly known by the likes of "Billy's Frontal Lobotomy Boys", "The Jordy Nelson Mandelas", "My Ball Zach Ertz", and "Kardashian's To-do List".

Have you seen the movie Idiocracy?

We're there.

Extrapolate that argument out...."we root for laundry" - J. Seinfeld.

Adults, chatting away anonymously on the internet about a game where the value hierarchy is clothes and how fast someone can run, or accurately throw a ball or tackle another person. In that context, what makes a derivative of the game where you can be more involved in a make believe game even less illogical.

Yet here we all are.

Oh, and the tweet wasn't his personal account.


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I'm with you. Apparently the trophies for the losers crowd has invaded CZ.

It's not that at all.

They shut down Tony's event very abruptly. He then complained about it on a radio show and the NFL's official response was a mocking Tweet telling him to take his complaints and shove them.

If you can't see that as completely inappropriate because you don't understand technology, don't try to insult those that get it.


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The guy who was in charge of the NFL's official Twitter account posted a picture of Tony and added "Hi Tony" to it. Essentially mocking Tony because his fantasy football event in Vegas that was cancelled.

If you didn't see yesterday or the day before, Tony went on a rant on Cowherd's radio show against the NFL for cancelling the event.

Ah okay, been out sick and have missed things recently. Thanks

The Natural

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I didnt read all 4 pages so I'm hoping someone can do me a solid and quote me with the context behind the Hi Tony tweet, i dont get it.


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While it was a dumb thing to do, since he was logged in under the official NFL twitter account, I don't think he deserved to be called out(name being revealed) by CC on the radio.
The picture was deleted in ten minutes. Who knows if he got a warning from someone higher up.


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The guy who was in charge of the NFL's official Twitter account posted a picture of Tony and added "Hi Tony" to it. Essentially mocking Tony because his fantasy football event in Vegas that was cancelled.

If you didn't see yesterday or the day before, Tony went on a rant on Cowherd's radio show against the NFL for cancelling the event.

Good for Tony! I'm glad he speaking out.


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amen brother. far too often i hear people shout out about THEIR FREEDOM which to me totally misses the fact the freedoms WE ALL SHARE are in fact, shared freedoms. and as you say, just because you *can* say something does not protect you from the responsibility of saying it.

Also your freedom of speech protection is from gov't infringement not 3rd party infringement.


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Our family of newspapers ran into this issue with a police chief who decided to take pot shots on Facebook at a reporter for the local newspaper and the newspaper itself. His defense of his decision is that freedom of speech gives him the right to say whatever he wants on his personal account.

No one ever denied that, but freedom of speech does not make you immune from the consequences of the choices you make and he was fired by the city.

freedom of speech has nothing to do with this. That is a right you have pertaining to government action, not private sector relationships.

You don't have freedom of speech while working for someone else...unless you are employed by government