Come on Commander fans....come in here...


Bill's Waterboy
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I want to know what you think of your hero Joe Gibbs after that game.

I have lost all respect for him after that game and I hope his players call him out on it....



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I wouldn't put too much stock in that handshake. He was obviously upset because they had just lost AGAIN and I'm sure he was questioning the timeout issue that ultimately cost them the chance at a field goal try and also the controversial calls.

I don't think he and Parcells were big buddies anyway just competitors respectful of the other.

One limp wristed handshake isn't going to take away the fact that Gibbs is a very good coach with a storied past. If Bill had done that we'd all be saying "oh well that's just Bill being pissy as usual. "


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OldButDeadly said:
I want to know what you think of your hero Joe Gibbs after that game.

I have lost all respect for him after that game and I hope his players call him out on it....


How many threads are you going to post this same content on? Get over it. This is yesterdays thread of the day. Even your fellow members on this site recognize that it was blown out of proportion.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Monte51Coleman said:
How many threads are you going to post this same content on? Get over it. This is yesterdays thread of the day. Even your fellow members on this site recognize that it was blown out of proportion.

Yep that is why they keep getting moved to the smack section.

Funny thing is that only a few skins fans came in this time before the game to talk smack.

Of those most have been back except for one who nobody has seen hide nor hair from since.

One came back and actually had the nerve to talk smack and troll and got banned...even though we gave him a fair chance after coming in using the name CowboysSuckAzz....somehow I doubt anyone would have been given a chance to post on the skins site if they had the name SkinsSuckAzz...but that is another story all together. ;)


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BrAinPaiNt said:
Yep that is why they keep getting moved to the smack section.

Funny thing is that only a few skins fans came in this time before the game to talk smack.

Of those most have been back except for one who nobody has seen hide nor hair from since.

One came back and actually had the nerve to talk smack and troll and got banned...even though we gave him a fair chance after coming in using the name CowboysSuckAzz....somehow I doubt anyone would have been given a chance to post on the skins site if they had the name SkinsSuckAzz...but that is another story all together. ;)

Is was wondering why it got moved. Makes sense. I didn't know the operation.

I know exactly who you are referring to and agree with your method of handling it. There are members on both sides of our fence that either don't understand how to behave when they are visiting someone elses "house", or are just too ignorant to care. Especially after a hard fought game when one side is going to be deeply disappointed. I am sure that you ban for a purpose and so do we. Anyone who comes back and cries that they got unjustly banned should be looked at closely. As a matter of fact, since screen names are being used, our mods have been unusually lenient as of late. This sites Calico posted a message that was so profane that even I thought he must be deeply disturbed and felt sorry for him. To feel that much hatred coming through the computer screen was disconcerting. Hopefully he finds the help that he so desperately needs and learns to deal with the anger inside. Amazingly he has not beem banned, yet. Your #1 posting rule (I think) deals with the use of profanity and the fact that women and children who view the board should not be subjected to it. I agree wholeheartedly. That should be the rule no matter who's board you are on.

Cheers :)


The Duke
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Monte51Coleman said:
Is was wondering why it got moved. Makes sense. I didn't know the operation.

I know exactly who you are referring to and agree with your method of handling it. There are members on both sides of our fence that either don't understand how to behave when they are visiting someone elses "house", or are just too ignorant to care. Especially after a hard fought game when one side is going to be deeply disappointed. I am sure that you ban for a purpose and so do we. Anyone who comes back and cries that they got unjustly banned should be looked at closely. As a matter of fact, since screen names are being used, our mods have been unusually lenient as of late. This sites Calico posted a message that was so profane that even I thought he must be deeply disturbed and felt sorry for him. To feel that much hatred coming through the computer screen was disconcerting. Hopefully he finds the help that he so desperately needs and learns to deal with the anger inside. Amazingly he has not beem banned, yet. Your #1 posting rule (I think) deals with the use of profanity and the fact that women and children who view the board should not be subjected to it. I agree wholeheartedly. That should be the rule no matter who's board you are on.

Cheers :)
I agree with a lot of what you have to say. I don't agree with all of it.

I completely agree that both sides have hot headed fans who make life miserable for everyone else. On that, I agree with you 100%.

My personal experience with your site was garbage and I was nowhere near offensive. By all means feel free to look up my username there and see all 4 of my posts for reference.

I will never go back there to post despite my deep respect for Om, Henry, and Bufford.

What you see in that one thread is nothing even close to the PMs I received on our previous site from the Mod in question.

We are Mods in private (via PM) here. We don't feel the need to thump our chests and flex our muscles for the whole forum to witness.

I got threatened with a ban without ever saying one thing derogatory. Not a single solitary offensive word. In front of your whole forum no less.

One of your posters came over here with an offensive username. I let him keep posting after I changed his username to something less offensive and invited him to talk football here. I even allowed him to keep an offensive avatar picture. For a while he posted some good stuff, but he just couldn't keep it about football and he got banned. The point is, he was given a fair chance to prove himself.

The treatment of opposing team's fans is always a touchy subject. One of our best posters here received a temporary ban for the word "bimbo." Chopper Dave did not even receive a warning after he called this lady (that's right lady) a piece of s***. Where I come from, that's backwards. We especially don't talk that way to ladies.

I'm sorry I don't think the treatment is equitable at all.


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I'm just curious, Hos: what would you guys do if you didn't have a "smack" board to routinely sweep this kind of thread to? Looks like about a half dozen threads at the top of this forum right now that wouldn't play on our main board any more than they do yours.

Fact is, we don't have a Smack board, and never will. So we deal with disruptive posts and posters---be they fans of other teams OR Skins fans---by either asking their creators to back off, making the posts go away, or, depending how they react to those efforts, making them go away.

But we've had over 120 new members sign up since Tuesday morning. Many of them---MANY of them---people openly identifying themselves as Cowboy fans and who I'm absolutely certain, could you see their user profiles and initial posts, you would recognize as classic trolls just as quickly as we do. So I'm seriously asking ... given that we don't institutionalize smack, or particularly wish to spend 24/7 trying to kindly approach and cajole and mold people who are clearly there to agitate and agitate alone ... what would you do?


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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An admin over there could easily make a smack have PLENTY of different sections over there so I do not see why one could not be made by pushing a few buttons.

Also in the past posts WERE moved from your main forum to different forums as I remember someone made a stink about it...I would say 2-3 years ago but not sure about the exact time of it.

Furthermore I do not care if they ban trolls....they should ban them...however I do find it funny how a specific mod over there handles himself in situations and there have been some that are just flat out wrong by him, never have I seen him admit that he is wrong when dealing with some, when he clearly has been....but to be fair maybe I have just missed it.

However after seeing a pic of him I can understand why he has a problem with people that challenge him.


New Member
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We CHOOSE not to have a Smack Board, BP. It would end up looking too much like this one.

As to the rest of your post, it wasn't responsive in any way to what I said, so I'll assume it was just smack and move on.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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-Om- said:
We CHOOSE not to have a Smack Board, BP. It would end up looking too much like this one.

As to the rest of your post, it wasn't responsive in any way to what I said, so I'll assume it was just smack and move on.

So you CHOOSE not to have a smack board because it would look like this one....INSTEAD of taking it off the main forum?

Also the rest of my post, with the last line as an exception, was NOT was an honest observation and I have even seen some of the Commanders fans talk about how that mod behaves.

Do YOU get treated unfairly on this board by mods?
Does Bufford get treated unfairly here by mods?

Have either of you been banned or threatened by a mod just because we do not agree with your posts?

That HAS happened to cowboys members going to extreme skins...some of which is deserved...some not.


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Fact is, we don't have a Smack board, and never will.
Why not?? I'm a moderator of a fairly new Cowboys forum where we don't allow ANY FLAMING at all, even between Cowboys fans... if you flame, you're gone (after a carefully spelled out process, it's not arbitrary)... IOW, we are REAL serious about creating a flame-free environment...

And even we have a Smack board, where the rules are relaxed a bit... it hasn't brought the board down at all, perhaps because most of the posters never wander in there... so, what are you guys afraid of??

So we deal with disruptive posts and posters---be they fans of other teams OR Skins fans---by either asking their creators to back off, making the posts go away, or, depending how they react to those efforts, making them go away.

As I've said before, I've never banned a poster, I prefer to use the edit tool to completely change their posts... after a few dozen shots of that, most trolls figure out they can't win, and wander on... and the regulars get a real kick out of the way I edit...

However, I accept and respect that sometimes, banning is in the best interest of the board... however, you guys seem to do it at the first sign of mischief, and I just think that's heavy-handed censorship... a case in point would be the way you dealt with LaTunaNostra earlier this week... who knows, maybe if you lightened up a little, you'd find that your board harbors a few regulars who are REAL good at dealing with trolls... and some of your other regulars might find amusement in watching them smack the trolls around...

For the record, I don't care for ANY troll, even if he happens to root for the Boys...

But we've had over 120 new members sign up since Tuesday morning. Many of them---MANY of them---people openly identifying themselves as Cowboy fans and who I'm absolutely certain, could you see their user profiles and initial posts, you would recognize as classic trolls just as quickly as we do.

And a certain percentage of them are doing that in pursuit of the trolls from YOUR board who spent all last week making ***** of themselves on this and other Cowboys boards... naturally, virtually all of them disappeared right after the game... so essentially, you mods are providing sanctuary for your trolls, which of course encourages them to troll more... they go out and stir up the fecal matter, then when it gets too hot for them, retreat to the safety of your board, where they know you won't allow anybody to get after them...
So I'm seriously asking ... given that we don't institutionalize smack, or particularly wish to spend 24/7 trying to kindly approach and cajole and mold people who are clearly there to agitate and agitate alone ... what would you do?

I'd be a little less heavy-handed when it comes to wielding the ban... or alternatively, I'd work to create an environment where your regulars understood that you do not condone their trolling of other boards...

I understand that you don't want your board flooded with flame wars, and after talking with you, I appreciate that you're doing the best you can in good conscience... but in real-world application, you're sanctioning trolling by your members...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Also the rest of my post, with the last line as an exception, was NOT was an honest observation and I have even seen some of the Commanders fans talk about how that mod behaves.

I assume you're talking about Art here, BP, and I agree with you... how can that board praise him for claiming to have acted like a thug in the game (even if the claim is patently laughable??)... if I was an admin over there, and he really is a moderator, he wouldn't be for long after that post...

Have either of you been banned or threatened by a mod just because we do not agree with your posts?

That HAS happened to cowboys members going to extreme skins...some of which is deserved...some not.

Exactamundo... while it is legitimate to use the ban as a weapon to keep troublemakers in line, over at extremeskins they use it for the most frivolous reasons...


Respected Opponent
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Hostile said:
I'm sorry I don't think the treatment is equitable at all.

Hostile- thanks for taking the time to respond. I will be honest with you when I say that I usually don't follow a lot of our threads very closely after they are taken over by moronic posters of any team, ours included. The sole basis of my view of recent leniency was the fact that Calico had not been banned. I can't give you a link to his post because it was taken down. I can paraphrase it for you easily though. Start with the word Your, insert a verb that describes a carnal act, add any noun of your choice such as mother, team, players, coach, fans, etc, and then compare them to cats but use a term that starts with a p. Now repeat. Again and again and again, and again. If you saw it YOU would probably ban him.

I am going to assume that you are refering to Art and the dime bet thread from some time ago. You ran smack into him and his "style". I think that was unfortunate. Because I enjoy my time there I can not embellish any further. I can say that I have been treated far better than I expected over here by many and my contact with one of your mods (BP) has been both helpfull and extremely civil.

Thanks again.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Monte51Coleman said:
Hostile- thanks for taking the time to respond. I will be honest with you when I say that I usually don't follow a lot of our threads very closely after they are taken over by moronic posters of any team, ours included. The sole basis of my view of recent leniency was the fact that Calico had not been banned. I can't give you a link to his post because it was taken down. I can paraphrase it for you easily though. Start with the word Your, insert a verb that describes a carnal act, add any noun of your choice such as mother, team, players, coach, fans, etc, and then compare them to a cats but use a term that starts with a p. Now repeat. Again and again and again, and again. If you saw it YOU would probably ban him.

I am going to assume that you are refering to Art and the dime bet thread from some time ago. You ran smack into him and his "style". I think that was unfortunate. Because I enjoy my time there I can not embellish any further. I can say that I have been treated far better than I expected over here by many and my contact with one of your mods (BP) has been both helpfull and extremely civil.

Thanks again.

I have never seen Calico act like that on this board...but if he did that on your board...then he flat out should have been banned.

Also...thanks for the kind words :cool:


New Member
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Silverbear, how many members at the site you're moderating?

My reason for being in this thread is the question I asked Hostile about how this board would deal with the kind of massive influx of posters we've had this week, and the countless flat-out trolls and troll posts, if it did not have a smack board.

The kinds of things you're talking about to control flaming are fine with a manageable amount of traffic. We longer have that luxury. With 20,000-plus members, we spend more and more of our time simply stamping out the hottest fires.

Here, with a fraction of the membership/traffic, they simply sweep the stuff to a smack board. There, where we'd rather not have the mindless drivel at all, we either handle it behind the scenes where we think the poster might actually have something to add to the conversation, or, if they prove to be the classic trolls they look like at first blush, we simply make them go away.

I don't expect other boards to do things our way, but I would like to think people who run other boards can appreciate the realities of trying to run one that's exploded in size over a very short period of time. We are actively working out new protocols for handling hundreds of new members a week and sorting the wheat from the chaffe.

I'd ask some consideration while we do that, if only from people who have a sense of what is involved.


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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-Om- said:
Silverbear, how many members at the site you're moderating?

At the new board, we just went over 600 members about 2 weeks ago... over on the Rantatorium, I don't really have a clue...

My reason for being in this thread is the question I asked Hostile about how this board would deal with the kind of massive influx of posters we've had this week, and the countless flat-out trolls and troll posts, if it did not have a smack board.

But we DO have a smack board... if you guys had one too, it might make your job a bit easier...

The kinds of things you're talking about to control flaming are fine with a manageable amount of traffic. We longer have that luxury. With 20,000-plus members, we spend more and more of our time simply stamping out the hottest fires.

I take your point... the only response I have is that maybe you should think about some more moderators... surely you have some good, level-headed posters in there that could help manage things??

Here, with a fraction of the membership/traffic, they simply sweep the stuff to a smack board. There, where we'd rather not have the mindless drivel at all, we either handle it behind the scenes where we think the poster might actually have something to add to the conversation, or, if they prove to be the classic trolls they look like at first blush, we simply make them go away.

All of that smacks of good moderation, but it doesn't explain why you're so quick on the trigger with relatively innocuous posts... trying to be constructive here, it looks to this outsider like you guys make a semi-regular habit of nuking anything you don't much approve of, and some innocent posters get burned along the way...

I didn't jump in on this to support the trolls who came back here woofing about how they'd "made" you ban them, those clowns got exactly what they deserved... but from what I can see, LTN just made a post sticking up for CowboysPrincess, after RedskinsBlondie came in here and started up with our Princess... she posted that CP was blonde, brainy and no bimbo (clearly working on her alliteration that day), and apparently some of your folks went postal at that remark, assuming she was calling Blondie a bimbo... and next thing you know, LTN was banned...

I ask you, does that seem right to you?? I know LTN, she's the one who convinced me to start hanging out in here, and I know for a certainty that she is not a troll... this is the main basis of my claim that you guys wield a heavy hand when it comes to banning people... of course, I may be guilty of stereotyping y'all based on one incident, and maybe it was an honest mistake on your part (not you personally, the board) banning her... but when I read the juvenile bragging by Art, one of your moderators, about how he'd punked out a Cowboys fan at FedEx on Sunday, it struck me that he in particular shows the mindset that would ban anybody who dared to get in his face...

My comments about the cowardly nature of your board were made in that context... perhaps I just stumbled into a bit of an anomaly for your board, but it's all I have to judge you on...

I don't expect other boards to do things our way, but I would like to think people who run other boards can appreciate the realities of trying to run one that's exploded in size over a very short period of time. We are actively working out new protocols for handling hundreds of new members a week and sorting the wheat from the chaffe.

I'd ask some consideration while we do that, if only from people who have a sense of what is involved.

I have a full appreciation of that, I even got "defrocked" as a mod on another board because they thought I was too heavy-handed dealing with the trolls (and I just deleted or edited offensive posts)...

I've also developed a healthy respect for both you and Henry, this being the first time I've run across either of you... I find you both to be intelligent and articulate, and sincere in your attempts to do right by your board... so I'd ask a little consideration of my own-- that you think about my criticisms about how heavy-handed your board has been in the recent past dealing with some fans of other teams, and that you maybe make a point on your board that you don't appreciate your members trolling other boards, if only because it draws trolls to yours, looking for retaliation... when I first voiced these opinions, I was troll baiting, but now I'm offering these criticism constructively... an outsider's perspective, if you will...

A pox on every troll everywhere... you have my solemn assurances that I will never, ever pollute your board with that kind of juvenile nonsense...

Oh, and you really should do something about that jagoff Art, he gives your board a bad name... it would be one thing if he was just a regular, but for a MODERATOR to act like that?? Having gotten to know you a little, I'll bet you cringe every time you read that garbage from him...


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Eric_Boyer said:
Hey moderators, make him apologize or ban him.

That would be pretty equitable.

I get your point...not sure if Om will, but I do.

However I do not wish to lower myself to the levels of the mod on that site who used that line.

I may have made mistakes in the past and may do so in the future, but I just can not or would not do something like that.

For the record I take you joke in jest but that was a good point being made.