Come on Commander fans....come in here...

BrAinPaiNt said:
I just figure since they gave you a similar title on extremeskins that you might enjoy it here.
lol. I knew what you meant. I was taking the name literally.

My wife isn't into that kind of thing.
Eric_Boyer said:
lol. I knew what you meant. I was taking the name literally.

My wife isn't into that kind of thing.

We all have our little let downs in life :( ;)
Best things about these threads today....

1. Big time eater...nothing like getting into some of these threads to make a boring day at work go by quickly.

2. Some things got straightened out.

3. Maybe we all learned a few things.

4. We found out Eric's wife is mean...but then again she would have to be mean to put up with his cranky butt. ;)
After all is said and done...

It's a good thing for you EB that a wager was never consumated, huh? :)
Monte51Coleman said:
After all is said and done...

It's a good thing for you EB that a wager was never consumated, huh? :)

Yes it was ...and I think he has said that before when we rehashed this topic on the old board if memory serves.
Monte51Coleman said:
After all is said and done...

It's a good thing for you EB that a wager was never consumated, huh? :)
not really. In good fun, their is nothing wrong with coming out on the losing side of a bet. I'm a grown man with a family, I don't sweat being wrong from time to time.

Do you remember Bufford with a Tex Schram sig pic for several months? That was thanks to me. :D
Monte51Coleman said:
Did Om reinstate your privledges? Good, now behave yourself.
I never behaved bad.

And since I was reinstated without an apology, somebody must agree. :D
BrAinPaiNt said:
Looks like someone was trying to sink you before you got your sails out.

But it also appears from what little I have read that Art and others are being very civil about the situation, which is cool IMO.
ya, what's with that?

Art being civil? :confused:
Monte51Coleman said:
Hostile- thanks for taking the time to respond. I will be honest with you when I say that I usually don't follow a lot of our threads very closely after they are taken over by moronic posters of any team, ours included. The sole basis of my view of recent leniency was the fact that Calico had not been banned. I can't give you a link to his post because it was taken down. I can paraphrase it for you easily though. Start with the word Your, insert a verb that describes a carnal act, add any noun of your choice such as mother, team, players, coach, fans, etc, and then compare them to cats but use a term that starts with a p. Now repeat. Again and again and again, and again. If you saw it YOU would probably ban him.

I am going to assume that you are refering to Art and the dime bet thread from some time ago. You ran smack into him and his "style". I think that was unfortunate. Because I enjoy my time there I can not embellish any further. I can say that I have been treated far better than I expected over here by many and my contact with one of your mods (BP) has been both helpfull and extremely civil.

Thanks again.
Hi Monty. I saw Calico's thread. I did not agree with it. I am not saying all Cowboys fans get treated poorly there. Many of them deserve to get banned.

I don't think Eric_Boyer did.

I don't think LaTunaNostra (TunaIsGod) did. Especially when what Chopper Dave said to her was far more offensive.

I know for a fact that I was not offensive. Yet Art told me that if my next post was not word for word what he told me to say...I was banned. That will not ever happen here period.

We do not Moderate in front of the forum. In other words I am not going to reply to an offensive post with a warning that everyone can read. That simply allows people to jump on that person and push them over the edge and into a banning.

I really am not going to threaten to ban someone just because they don't agree with me. That's just being petty and insecure. You wouldn't believe the PMs I got from him on our previous site. He actually tried to coerce me into posting what he wanted me to say and "in return I will use all my powers of persuasion to get Eric unbanned." In other words, go back there, make him look good and all is forgiven.

All of that over a dime vs. a donut silly bet? If you tell me that I should have been banned or warned in front of the whole forum for what I posted over there I will be shocked.

Word to the wise, never demand a dime. ;)
-Om- said:
I'm just curious, Hos: what would you guys do if you didn't have a "smack" board to routinely sweep this kind of thread to? Looks like about a half dozen threads at the top of this forum right now that wouldn't play on our main board any more than they do yours.
I think you're missing my point, but I get yours.

I think this forum usually serves one purpose, it allows thug-like or troll-like threads to die while good football discussions, which is what most of us want, can go on. If a poster sees that his childishness is not getting the attention he/she craves quite often they go away without our having to be heavy handed.

You can criticize the existence of this forum, but I think it allows us an advantage. Simply put, that good football discussions can remain out front.

This forum has seen it's share of activity. A lot of our QB wars threads ended up here. I think some good has resulted from these back and forths with the Skins fans. Maybe you'll agree, maybe you won't. My level of respect for Monte51Coleman went up several notches because of the half dozen threads you speak of and the rationale he has brought here.

Fact is, we don't have a Smack board, and never will. So we deal with disruptive posts and posters---be they fans of other teams OR Skins fans---by either asking their creators to back off, making the posts go away, or, depending how they react to those efforts, making them go away.
Occasionally we have to do this too.

You could easily have a Smack Forum. I think it helps our board run cleaner with less Moderation needed. If you don't see the benefit that's cool.

Let me tell you another forum we have that the members here don't even see. It is called the "Deleted Zone." You know the threads that just disappear? Well, they don't just disappear here. They go to a separate forum where the Moderators have access so that if it comes time to ban someone the evidence is not lost forever.

I totally agree with you and Monte about the need to ban trolls. I don't care what team they root for, I don't like trolls. I've banned dozens of Cowboys trolls. There's no favoritism shown here.

My complaint stems from the Draconian measures when someone is not a troll. Did I troll your forum with my 4 posts? If so, please show me how.

I disagreed with Art and refused to budge from what I know to be right. Is that worthy of a ban? That is exactly what my options were/are.

I've brought up LTN's situation and I will again. Why was Chopper Dave not banned? What he said was far more offensive than bimbo. Or do you disagree with that?

But we've had over 120 new members sign up since Tuesday morning. Many of them---MANY of them---people openly identifying themselves as Cowboy fans and who I'm absolutely certain, could you see their user profiles and initial posts, you would recognize as classic trolls just as quickly as we do. So I'm seriously asking ... given that we don't institutionalize smack, or particularly wish to spend 24/7 trying to kindly approach and cajole and mold people who are clearly there to agitate and agitate alone ... what would you do?
Like I already said, I totally agree with you guys banning people who are trolls. On that point I agreed with Monte, and I agree with you. I don't know how I can make it any clearer. When they are obvious trolls ban them. They deserve it. I have no use for them. I don't care what colors they wave.

Where I disagree is in the dichotomy that arises from my treatment there versus how I treated "CowboysSuckAzz" when he arrived here.

Wide chasm there Om. I saw evidence of the same kind with regards to LTN and Chopper Dave.

That's all I am saying. I hope you understand the difference.
LaTunaNostra said:
Om is a class act, with cajones to boot.

He'll live to fight another day.

I could not agree more. I have more respect for Om and Henry than they will ever know, and I've developed it for Monte51Coleman.
Hostile said:
I could not agree more. I have more respect for Om and Henry than they will ever know, and I've developed it for Monte51Coleman.

Thank you for the kind words. I appreciate it. Your not so bad yourself.
Well its unfortunate that there are so many unruley fans of the Skins that make you good posters look bad. When I was at Extremeskins, many pople were decent, but others arguments consisted of Cowboys suck, Commanders rule, leave you homer.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Well its unfortunate that there are so many unruley fans of the Skins that make you good posters look bad. When I was at Extremeskins, many pople were decent, but others arguments consisted of Cowboys suck, Commanders rule, leave you homer.

Hey Double H- If there is only one thing that I have learned it is that every poster needs to be judged only on the merits of their contributions,period. Yeah we have our share of knuckleheads and so do you. I feel that I have the right to act any way that I want while at home except for INITIATING flame wars. I purposely meant to highlight that word because I would certainly not hold back if a flame war is brought to my house by a fan of any other team. In fact I would, and do, fire away with both barrels in that instance. At the same time I would never come to your house and act like a horses a**. Beyond the fact that it is not my style, it would show a lack of respect to those who's house I am visiting. There are members of both of our sites who do not understand that concept and act as they see fit. Perhaps it is simply a sign of our times. I am old enough to understand the word respect and all that it entails. I enjoy the time I spend here and I respect most of those that I have had contact with. I hope that continues.
Well I found these two threads about the most entertaining in months. Simple minds must be easy to please, but to see SilverBear talking such hilarious smack to folks from a site he has never visited, well, you gotta love it.

You crack me up, SB.
Monte51Coleman said:
Hey Double H- If there is only one thing that I have learned it is that every poster needs to be judged only on the merits of their contributions,period. Yeah we have our share of knuckleheads and so do you. I feel that I have the right to act any way that I want while at home except for INITIATING flame wars. I purposely meant to highlight that word because I would certainly not hold back if a flame war is brought to my house by a fan of any other team. In fact I would, and do, fire away with both barrels in that instance. At the same time I would never come to your house and act like a horses a**. Beyond the fact that it is not my style, it would show a lack of respect to those who's house I am visiting. There are members of both of our sites who do not understand that concept and act as they see fit. Perhaps it is simply a sign of our times. I am old enough to understand the word respect and all that it entails. I enjoy the time I spend here and I respect most of those that I have had contact with. I hope that continues.
Very well said.

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