Come on Commander fans....come in here...

BrAinPaiNt said:
so already art is being a smart arse to eric and no it was not because he thought eric questioned his integrity about a bet before hand.

Right out of the box, Art started flaming, and taunting Eric with an incredibly juvenile "put up or shut up"...

I would also like to add...that putting "Another*sspoker" under someone's avatar/title is pathetic action by a mod IMO.

While it's clearly not your style, I've done similar things in the past... changed an offending poster's title to "Village Idiot", or posted some sort of offensive avatar in place of the one he selected...

But let's get one thing straight...ART started the whole p1ssing contest from the get go with that lame bet post.

Precisely... if I had been Eric in that situation, I would have simply said "naw, I don't have 500 bucks that I can afford to have laying around", and offered a sig bet or some such...

However, that doesn't change the truth, which is that Art started gratuitously insulting Eric... there was no need for it, he was just showing off for the class, much like he did with that infamous post woofing about how bad he was throwing that Cowboys fan out of FedEx...

So that is how it all started out...with art acting like a punk from the get go, and for him to be a mod and act like that FROM THE START says really is no wonder Eric got mad after was clearly trying to get him mad.

Why DO you guys over at Extremeskins put up with that jagoff?? Aren't you embarrassed by him??

I am simply incredulous that you'd choose such a juvenile/fascist to be a moderator on your board... then again, your admin Blade is a junior grade fascist his own self, isn't he??
BrAinPaiNt said:
You are quite right...However he does make a point that the personal attacks (name calling) should stop.

OM is not the bad guy in that is.
I lump all the moderators together, you know that :p

Seriously, if you want me to stop calling him names on the smack talk forum, I will. I find it funny that he expects me to do what he is unable to do himself. Art sought me out in that forum and I eventually returned in kind.

I do the same to him here and he doesn't turn the other cheeck. As a pompous windbag, he trys to pretty it up, but it is still smack nonetheless.
BrAinPaiNt said:
You are quite right...However he does make a point that the personal attacks (name calling) should stop.

OM is not the bad guy in that is.

Om doesn't seem like a bad guy at all, just blind to what an *** one of his brother mods is...

Or perhaps he's just uncommonly loyal, and feels like he has to defend Art, even while he realizes the guy's a jerk...

I read your invitation to us to come over and check you out, Om, but I believe I'm gonna have to pass... I have this annoying tendency to speak my mind, and I ALWAYS return flame for flame...

I wouldn't last 3 days over there, and I wouldn't do any trolling at all... but FWIW, I do accept that there's probably all kinds of good football talk to be had in there; even the thread you linked me to was lively and interesting, until Art the Putz had to crap on it...
Om is a class act, with cajones to boot.

He'll live to fight another day.

silverbear said:
I wouldn't last 3 days over there, and I wouldn't do any trolling at all... but FWIW, I do accept that there's probably all kinds of good football talk to be had in there; even the thread you linked me to was lively and interesting, until Art the Putz had to crap on it...
even his own brothers were begging him to move it to IM or something.

I suppose it is all just an act, but Art is truly one of a kind.
Eric_Boyer said:
I lump all the moderators together, you know that :p

Seriously, if you want me to stop calling him names on the smack talk forum, I will. I find it funny that he expects me to do what he is unable to do himself. Art sought me out in that forum and I eventually returned in kind.

I do the same to him here and he doesn't turn the other cheeck. As a pompous windbag, he trys to pretty it up, but it is still smack nonetheless.

Yes let's leave the names out of it please.

That should go for myself as well when speaking of art.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Yes let's leave the names out of it please.

That should go for myself as well when speaking of art.
consider it done.....jerk :D
Eric_Boyer said:
even his own brothers were begging him to move it to IM or something.

I suppose it is all just an act, but Art is truly one of a kind.

Yes I found that pretty bad as soon as one of those guys said to take it to PMs he shot them you did as well, but then again you are not a mod on that board...which once again says volumns about art.

Furthermore even Henry tried to bring some objectivity to the situation with art,eric and TooHostile. feels the need to say the following to TooHostile...

art said:
Ok, Hostile, now you're rope has run out.

First, you won't avoid discussions with me. I'm a mod here. You will respond when spoken to. That's what you do here. I won't ignore you on your board. If you have something you need to address with me, I can't ignore it there.

Your NEXT post will have THESE words.

Art, I realize you DID say, "Sure. Let's bet $1,000. You feel the Commanders will be 25th or worse in run defense. I'll happily bet a grand that we'll be better than that." I realize this is a clear indication that you NEVER ONCE accepted my whichever is closest terms. I'm sorry for stating otherwise, repeatedly.

Eric_Boyer said:
Art is truly one of a kind.

Actually, Art's a cliche-- the internet tough guy... you WILL do what I say, or else... bragging about how bad he was, getting rid of that dirty ol' Cowboys fan...

Of course, guys who have to talk that way online are trying to convince themselves they're not cowards... deep down, he knows he is...
I want to say this for the record.

I like both OM and Henry and respect both, I just differ in how that whole thing went down and I truly can not understand how anyone can see how art operates and not question him.

Furthermore I think OM knows how I feel about him as I have expressed some things in PMs that shall remain private but still shows that I do respect him.

We may not agree with everything, but in some things I know how hard it can be as a mod when people do not see everything behind the scenes.

Furthermore I think it is a great thing that OM said he would help out getting anyone into the skins site if he can, and it would appear that has helped out in this case if eric is indeed unbanned.

Take care OM and know that I do respect you, even though we may differ in opinions concerning art and the situation of erics ban.
Here is the worst part about that entire thread, I was the only one trying to end it.

The thread itself fell off page 1 several times with Art dragging it back to the front.

I even stated : I don' believe this.

For the sake of the forum though, I will allow you to have last word on this ridiculous topic.

This is when the white knight comes to the rescue and bans me. That is the ridiculousness of it. I was trying to end the ridiculous pissing match that Art starts, yet the mods want nothing but to keep it going endlessly. They were trolling their own forum.
Eric_Boyer said:
Here is the worst part about that entire thread, I was the only one trying to end it.

The thread itself fell off page 1 several times with Art dragging it back to the front.

I even stated : I don' believe this.

For the sake of the forum though, I will allow you to have last word on this ridiculous topic.

This is when the white knight comes to the rescue and bans me. That is the ridiculousness of it. I was trying to end the ridiculous pissing match that Art starts, yet the mods want nothing but to keep it going endlessly. They were trolling their own forum.

You are correct...but let me say DID have the chance to leave it alone, yet you did come back to speak again.

That is a fair statement.

When I was having fun over there a year or so ago I basically said they could ban me or do what they want as I was done with the situation and I walked away from it and did not return until right before this MNF game...I think it was around a year or so later.
BrAinPaiNt said:
You are correct...but let me say DID have the chance to leave it alone, yet you did come back to speak again.

That is a fair statement.

When I was having fun over there a year or so ago I basically said they could ban me or do what they want as I was done with the situation and I walked away from it and did not return until right before this MNF game...I think it was around a year or so later.
how do you figure?

I didn't speak to Art again. I responded to a post from the site owner saying my next post would be an apology or else. I took the "or else".
Eric_Boyer said:
how do you figure?

I didn't speak to Art again. I responded to a post from the site owner saying my next post would be an apology or else. I took the "or else".

Ah...It is I taking a general when you had a specific.

I took it as you not posting in the thread again...and who knows maybe you would not have if blade did not come back in.
Eric_Boyer said:
consider it done.....jerk :D

Oh..I just seen this...missed it earlier.

Hmm...Punishment Punishment...what to do?

How would you like the ***poker title. ;)
BrAinPaiNt said:
Ah...It is I taking a general when you had a specific.

I took it as you not posting in the thread again...and who knows maybe you would not have if blade did not come back in.
I wouldn't post on that subject again.

If I were to of simply ignored Blade and posted in another thread, what do you think would of happened.

I chose to reply to Blade as graciously as possible. Then I got banned.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Oh..I just seen this...missed it earlier.

Hmm...Punishment Punishment...what to do?

How would you like the ***poker title. ;)
why? what did you hear? :eek:
Eric_Boyer said:
I wouldn't post on that subject again.

If I were to of simply ignored Blade and posted in another thread, what do you think would of happened.

I chose to reply to Blade as graciously as possible. Then I got banned.

I gotcha...I just took it wrong.

My mistake.

I love you man. ;)
Eric_Boyer said:
why? what did you hear? :eek:

I just figure since they gave you a similar title on extremeskins that you might enjoy it here.

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