Come on Commander fans....come in here...

Monte51Coleman said:
Hey Double H- If there is only one thing that I have learned it is that every poster needs to be judged only on the merits of their contributions,period. Yeah we have our share of knuckleheads and so do you. I feel that I have the right to act any way that I want while at home except for INITIATING flame wars. I purposely meant to highlight that word because I would certainly not hold back if a flame war is brought to my house by a fan of any other team. In fact I would, and do, fire away with both barrels in that instance. At the same time I would never come to your house and act like a horses a**. Beyond the fact that it is not my style, it would show a lack of respect to those who's house I am visiting. There are members of both of our sites who do not understand that concept and act as they see fit. Perhaps it is simply a sign of our times. I am old enough to understand the word respect and all that it entails. I enjoy the time I spend here and I respect most of those that I have had contact with. I hope that continues.

Dont get me wrong, I completely agree, its just that some unruley fans discourage others from visiting. While I was on Extremeskins, I found my self several times having to defend myself in a corner from fans who seemed to ignite not because of my statements, but because I was acCowboys fan. Then yeah, I got defensive at that point. No, not to say there arent those like that here, I know there are, but its a problem that shouldnt be this bad.
LaTunaNostra said:
Well I found these two threads about the most entertaining in months. Simple minds must be easy to please, but to see SilverBear talking such hilarious smack to folks from a site he has never visited, well, you gotta love it.

You crack me up, SB.

I live to amuse, milady... jus' tryin' to live up to my "Semi-Official Loose Cannon" title...

This was therapeutic for me, generally the only place I can get into a spirited smack war is over on the Cowboys' newsgroup, but these days the board is so clogged with political crap (some of which I have participated in), that even the trolls aren't hanging out there...

The smack was backin' up in me... LOL...
I'd also like to take this chance to say that I've really enjoyed getting to know Om, and Henry, and in particular Monte.. they all seem to be good guys, and Monte is quite funny...

I certainly understand why BP and Hostile express such respect for them... and I strongly suspect that extremeskins is better for their efforts...
OldButDeadly said:
I want to know what you think of your hero Joe Gibbs after that game.

I have lost all respect for him after that game and I hope his players call him out on it....


I posted the day after the game, here to take my lumps. We are not going anywhere, someday this streak will turn around baby!!!!
HOLD YOUR TONGUE you bunch of filthy Knaves or I will be forced to throttle all of you.





Ok...You may carry on now. :p
OldButDeadly said:
I want to know what you think of your hero Joe Gibbs after that game.

I have lost all respect for him after that game and I hope his players call him out on it....


Hand shake?! we talking about a handshake?! Get over it, Geez, you beat us ok rub that in all you want, but this handskake talk is ridiculous! He was pissed! Oh shnaps! joe Gibbs is human!!! At least Joe dont have players swinging at him.
rdskn4eva said:
Hand shake?! we talking about a handshake?! Get over it, Geez, you beat us ok rub that in all you want, but this handskake talk is ridiculous! He was pissed! Oh shnaps! joe Gibbs is human!!! At least Joe dont have players swinging at him.

Fair enough, we get over the handshake, you get over the penaties, the ridiculous claim of Roy Williams "excessive hit", and the fact that we have beaten you 13 of the last 14 times weve played you. :cool:

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