That's defines the case with MCU content with me quantity burnout. .. .
It would be entirely different if it was much a flood of quality content.
But it's been more of an over- flooding quantity number of suspect/questionable " quality' content.
She Hulk, Hawkeye, Ms Marvel, Captain Marvel, The Eternals, Shang Chi, Ant man, Moon Knight, ..Loki
Shazam, Shazam 2 Fury of the Gods, Blue Beetle, etc.
And I was already was not in fan at all of Capt. Marvel,.. but from looking at the trailers for the Marvels, .
Frankly I just find myself not being able to take it serious. It's something about that gives me the feeling it
gonna be a " bad corny" .... not a guilty pleasure " fun-corny" .
I think there are a lot of reasons of varying degrees. They've removed too many pillars of the MCU that fans have grown to love, Black Widow, Iron Man, Capt. America, Thor (sorta), Back Panther(no choice there), even Hawkeye all too close together and are trying to replace them with watered down copies. Giving Falcon a shield doesn't make him Captain America, the same way being able to build a suit of armor doesn't make them Tony Stark. They tried replacing too many characters too close together.
The problem gets compounded by the fact the MCU is becoming so big and bloated and trying to interconnect so many moving parts that fans won't get to see the newly introduced characters for a long time. When is the next Shang-Chi appearance? For example, fans loved Agatha Harkness, but it will be what 4 years before she reappears in a 6 episode streaming series? Turnaround shouldn't take that long for 6 TV episodes.
They have become so big and bloated, kinda like trying to turnaround and oil tanker and too enslaved to their own timeline to make adjustments. Maybe it's arrogance or overconfidence that they could just make a bunch of stuff and people would love it.
They just haven't figured out how to make TV episodes, seems like they try to make mini movies instead of embracing the medium and lean into the story telling, Marvel has decades worth of material to work with. It's OK to have a stand alone series with a character that doesn't have to tie into a movie plot line. A re-occurring series for a character would be great, focus on that character and their journey, it doesn't have to tie into a movie. Quantity is fine if you understand how to use the medium, instead their TV series feel like homework for the next movie. No one likes homework.
Not all fans will like every character or story, it's not like even comics readers read every title, but they put so many eggs into a basket. They spend so much to hit homeruns that they lose sight that getting those those base hits and doubles will also keep fan interest also. While it seems counterintuitive, making more series may make more sense. Budget friendly type series, that focus on the story and not SFX. Approach the medium similar to the way Netflix tackled it, you don't need big budget SFX to hook fans. You can have even more content instead of those big ebb and flows between the wait for the next series, which make people even more impatient, waiting for the characters they actually want to see.
Disney has owned the rights for X-Men,one of the most popular comics titles ever, for 4 years, but the next X-Men movie is still years away..........why? We mustn't disturb the Sacred Timeline? This should have been one of their top priorities, they are spending too much time trying to introduce new characters but they don't use characters that need no introduction. Most people would would rather see Wolverine, (at least Ryan Reynolds understands this), Storm, Phoenix, Cyclops etc than Ms. Marvel, Echo or Iron Heart. This isn't a concert where we need to sit through the opening act to get to the headliners. To make it worse they are trying to treat the opening acts like headliners.
The interconnected stories and world of the MCU is great when a story works, but the Multiverse story, at least for me, seems tiresome and already worn out. Marvel has used it several times but so have other franchises, TV and movies. It would have been fine if it were only a couple or small handful, but they wanted to stretch it out, Ant-Man, Wanda, Dr. Strange, Loki, Marvels etc and there is no end in sight. I don't know how much is super hero fatigue, at least for me, than fatigue for this overall story arc. Enough of the Multiverse concept already, just give me a stand alone, fun, action super hero movie/show. Unfortunately, they have already committed so much time and resources to this idea, they have trapped themselves. Again this MCU concept is great when it works, but when it doesn't they don't have an easy out. Watching these movies/shows feels like homework for the next movie.
Despite their past success, it seems like the MCU is being mismanaged in a number of ways.