I abhor speaking on the topic of diversity, especially since it can potentially and easily de-evolve into a site rule (or two) violation. However, I thought it necessary to clarify a couple of things, completely for selfish reasons, and not discuss anything else afterwards.
Marvel Cinematic Universe stands for any-and-all Marvel Comics content adapted for films and television--plus other entertainment ventures such as video games, etc. When I previously stated, "
Marvel has made a strong push for including female characters in the MCU."--it most definitely alluded to diversity usage. I immediately followed my statement with, "
I have little-to-zero problem with that directive." I did so to emphasize it was important to me any-and-all Marvel Comics content application was done smartly and correctly solely from my own personal comic book nerd perspective.
I have not sat down and done an exhaustive recollection of character usage to-date for the MCU but I can think of a few examples for what I will say next. Characters like Shuri and Shalla-Bal, as they have been used or (seemingly) shall be used in the MCU, predate the MCU within the pages of Marvel Comics.
A character like the current Captain Marvel originated in 2012 after
Iron Man kicked off the MCU in 2008. It may be true forethought had been assigned to the latest incarnation of the character being included one day into the MCU. I could not corroborate that assumption during a quick internet search, lol. However, the Carol Danvers character was created in 1968. Marvel edited her character as Ms. Marvel in 1975. The publisher killed off the Mar-Vell character with cancer in 1982 and exchanged his moniker a couple of times in order to keep their trademark fight with DC Comics alive. And while it may not have played as a primary factor, comic fans had been vocal in having Danvers succeed Mar-Vell for decades--well before Tony Stark's superhero origin was re-told in the MCU's first movie.
Finally, I wanted to re-iterate my irritation with the Shalla-Bal news by restating something I have said several times in the past within this thread or the
Rate The Last Movie thread. Basically, I have no problem with adaptations of practically any comic book character into films or television. I favor tons of them over the minority that I do not care for (I may stroke out if any future Fantastic Four project introduces The Impossible Man!!!

). My problem with Shalla-Bal is this.
There is a strong argument Disney/Marvel is strictly sticking with its multi-verse strategy by snatching this particular character from previous comic book material based on an alternate reality. In my opinion, it is not necessary to be that strict (if true) because the bulk of the general audience does not have a clue who Shalla-Ball is (heck, I did not know of this alternate version myself)
and 'enough' actual comic book fans would not care if there was a slight alteration. My own personal alternative would be the use of Frankie Raye as a Galactus herald instead of Shalla-Bal. She would not be a substitute Norrid Radd. There would be a stronger, more 'natural' connection with the Fantastic Four. Shoot. Johnny Storm and Frankie were LOVERS in the comics! And would it really matter if Frankie's origin was tweaked by placing her into another alternate reality? Let's face it. Marvel has created a loooooooooooooooooooooot of heralds for Galactus over the decades. Tweaking one would not undermine continuity.
This rant is not an attempt to change any fellow member's stance on female character usage in the MCU or any other type of film or television series. Please know. I read, respect and fully comprehend what my fellow members' thoughts on the topic for a while now.