Comics and Movies

I think personally, if they'd done it that way, I would have been expecting to see her sober up and return to a normal state. I would have ended up disappointed.

I wouldn't have expected it.... it was a profound experience that left her bitter and jaded. I think that's sort of what happened to her in the comic (however short the initial enthusiastic, naive, young superheroine phase was). She was one way, something really bad screwed her over big time (I think the Purple Man? I'm not sure) and then she became the Jessica Jones that we see now.
I wouldn't have expected it.... it was a profound experience that left her bitter and jaded. I think that's sort of what happened to her in the comic (however short the initial enthusiastic, naive, young superheroine phase was). She was one way, something really bad screwed her over big time (I think the Purple Man? I'm not sure) and then she became the Jessica Jones that we see now.
The show is the first I'd ever heard of her. Once she slayed the demon that possessed her (figuratively speaking) I would have expected that to fix her.
The show is the first I'd ever heard of her. Once she slayed the demon that possessed her (figuratively speaking) I would have expected that to fix her.

That maybe be true in comics and movies sometimes, but it would have been more realistic for it to have helped her a little but her remain screwed up...especially if she was predisposed toward alcoholism anyway.
That maybe be true in comics and movies sometimes, but it would have been more realistic for it to have helped her a little but her remain screwed up...especially if she was predisposed toward alcoholism anyway.
I agree, but since it's a TV show, I'm glad they didn't show the "before" Jessica. As it is, I was hoping she'd brighten up some. Lol
‘Daredevil’ Disney+ Series in the Works at Marvel
By Borys Kit | The Hollywood Reporter
May 19, 2022


The Man Without Fear is back as a series.

After several teases of characters from Netflix’s Daredevil show in its own content, Marvel Studios is finally moving forward with a Daredevil series for Disney+.

Matt Corman and Chris Ord have been tapped to write and exec produce a series that will be notable for being the first of the Netflix Marvel shows to get a new but continued series, sources tell The Hollywood Reporter.

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I'm excited to hear it's coming back, but very apprehensive on how Disney is going to present the character and tell the stories. I'm halfway thru re-watching the series and it just reinforces that Disney cannot tell this story without whitewashing many of the elements that made that series great. I feel like it's gonna feel like a parody of the original series.
I wouldn't have expected it.... it was a profound experience that left her bitter and jaded. I think that's sort of what happened to her in the comic (however short the initial enthusiastic, naive, young superheroine phase was). She was one way, something really bad screwed her over big time (I think the Purple Man? I'm not sure) and then she became the Jessica Jones that we see now.

From season 2, we got to see and know of Jessica's mom, Alisa Jones, who was really kinda screwed up, upstairs, insane in the membrane as a result of both accident (that killed
Jessica's dad and brother) and a diabolic genetic experiment that Both Jessica and her mom went thru- and thus Both gained them superhuman powers.

i wonder if Jessica's mental imbalance and Post Dramatic Syndrome could have been a result of both her genetic experiment gone wrong and
the mental influence of Killgrave the Purple man.
I'm excited to hear it's coming back, but very apprehensive on how Disney is going to present the character and tell the stories. I'm halfway thru re-watching the series and it just reinforces that Disney cannot tell this story without whitewashing many of the elements that made that series great. I feel like it's gonna feel like a parody of the original series.

Will Disney decide to give Matt Murdock the " Radar Senses " , that was seen in Ben Afflick's DD film .?

Or will they choose to keep that radar element out, just as directors/writer for the Netflix' DD series did ?

Should they include the DD's Radar Sense in this Disney series ?

Will they choose a different Elektra actress for the role ? ... Or will they choose another ?
Ditto with Stick, who was both Murdock and Elektra's fighting trainer ?
".. In 2011, Conan the Barbarian was rebooted as a film starring Jason Momoa but did not develop into the hoped-for franchise.... "

Of course Momoa's Conan reboot bombed and did not developed as hoped. That movie was horrible ! :D

Seemed like an off beat mockery tribute to the Arnold's Conan movies.
I hated that i got suckered and hood-winked by both Momoa's Conan re-boot and Hercules re-boot movies.
As a huge Conan/ Robert E Howard fan, I really wanted to like this movie. It was trying way too hard and just too over the top, trying to make it a sword and sorcery movie and not a Conan movie if that makes any sense. Just a fantasy movie about a guy that happened to be named Conan.
Will Disney decide to give Matt Murdock the " Radar Senses " , that was seen in Ben Afflick's DD film .?

Or will they choose to keep that radar element out, just as directors/writer for the Netflix' DD series did ?

Should they include the DD's Radar Sense in this Disney series ?

Will they choose a different Elektra actress for the role ? ... Or will they choose another ?
Ditto with Stick, who was both Murdock and Elektra's fighting trainer ?
I think it's already there, they never mention it overtly but there are subtleties that suggest it. When he throws his truncheon and it deflects back to him, he has to have some type of echolocation/radar to bounce it off inanimate objects back to him. When he leaps off a building and grabs a ledge or rail or just simply avoids objects when he walks, etc suggest he has some type of radar, not thinking it could all be associated to only his hyper smell, hearing or air pressure/heat variations, etc. There is one scene where he tells Stick the men are armed with MP7s, I don't remember any of them racking a gun so couldn't have been by sound,.... smell? doesn't seem quite plausible, but some type of radar would have given him a shape.

I hope they have the same cast, very well cast on down the line.
Doctor Strange Is More Twisted Than the Punisher (And It's Not Close)
By Nicholas Hunter | ScreenRant
May 20, 2022


Among Marvel Comics' most ruthless killers, The Punisher is often seen as king, but Doctor Strange has recently used his own brand of magical punishment to deliver fates far worse than a swift and bloody death. Stephen Strange has access to endless dimensions and spells that can make any fantasy a reality, and while he's used that power to save the universe countless times, he has also exacted revenge in some truly twisted ways.

Doctor Strange and Baron Karl Mordo have been rivals from their earliest encounters. Both sorcerers vied for the title of Sorcerer Supreme under the tutelage of the Ancient One, and Strange's success has driven his rival to madness. Mordo has long sworn to become Sorcerer Supreme at all costs, often wielding dark magic and enlisting dangerous inter-dimensional allies in his cause. Strange has not shied away from using the demonic spell book the Darkhold in his own heroic pursuits, and while the master of mystic arts does fight for good in his realm, recent events have shown the iconic hero to be much more brutal than fans might expect.
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Kamala Khan geeks out over Captain Marvel in new Ms. Marvel promo videos
By Katie Chow | AV Club
May 20, 2022


With the premiere of Ms. Marvel just a few weeks away, Marvel Studios has offered up a couple of fresh looks at how the new character will fit into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

A behind-the-scenes featurette opens with the June 2020 Zoom call that saw series star Iman Vellani landing her first-ever acting job as the titular hero.

“It was a unanimous decision,” Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige says, alongside casting director Sarah Halley Finn and directors Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah.

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Marvel Finally Announces a Mandalorian Comic, But There’s a Catch
By Jesse Schedeen | IGN
May 19, 2022


Nearly two years after Lucasfilm Press first teased new comics and novels tied to The Mandalorian, the Disney+ series is finally getting a comic book tie-in. There's just one catch. Marvel's Star Wars: The Mandalorian is an adaptation of the show rather than a new story starring Din Djarin and Grogu.

Star Wars: The Mandalorian is an eight-issue limited series, which presumably means each issue will adapt one episode of The Mandalorian: Season 1. The series is written by Rodney Barnes (Everybody Hates Chris) and drawn by Georges Jeanty (Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 8). The creative team also includes inker Karl Story, colorist Rachelle Rosenberg and main cover artist Adi Granov.

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Kamala Khan geeks out over Captain Marvel in new Ms. Marvel promo videos
By Katie Chow | AV Club
May 20, 2022


With the premiere of Ms. Marvel just a few weeks away, Marvel Studios has offered up a couple of fresh looks at how the new character will fit into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

A behind-the-scenes featurette opens with the June 2020 Zoom call that saw series star Iman Vellani landing her first-ever acting job as the titular hero.

“It was a unanimous decision,” Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige says, alongside casting director Sarah Halley Finn and directors Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah.

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I hope it's better than the Saturday morning kids' show it looks like here.
Box Office: ‘Doctor Strange 2’ Tops Friday As ‘Firestarter’ Drops 65%
By Scott Mendelson | Forbes
May 21, 2022


In holdover news that isn’t about Everything, Everywhere All at Once (which passed $50 million yesterday and will become A24’s biggest domestic earner today), Walt Disney’s Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness earned another $8.5 million (-50%) on Friday. That brings its domestic cume up to $319 million, just above Thor: Ragnarök ($315 million) and Iron Man 2 ($312 million). Sam Raimi and Michael Waldron’s MCU sequel should earn around $30.4 million (-51%) in its third weekend to end day 17 with $337 million.

That will be past the likes of (sans inflation) Iron Man ($318 million), Deadpool 2 ($324 million), Guardians of the Galaxy ($333 million), Aquaman ($334 million), Joker ($335 million) and Spider-Man 3 ($336 million). No, it (probably) won’t crack $400 million domestic, but yes, it’s still a huge hit. That's especially true for a film that’s (pre-release hype aside) “just” a Doctor Strange sequel.

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With the exception of The Punisher, Claire Temple was an interconnecting character across Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist and The Defenders on Netflix. Ahsoka Tano's character is slated to premiere in 2020 in her own series.

Marvel and Disney+ are bringing back Daredevil. I wonder if Rosario Dawson will also be returning as Claire? If so, she will be a VERY busy actress (although her Netflix role was minor) for two productions under the streaming service's umbrella.
The Most Powerful Characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Villains
By Matt Fowler | IGN
May 21, 2022


When we dropped a Top 10 list of the most powerful heroes in the MCU, we took popularity, heart, and other factors out of the equation, and were just looking for the strongest. The ones who could whoop your butt and send you packing in a blink. Now it's the villains' turn.

This is a ranking of MCU baddies based on their supreme ability to annihilate and devastate. It's not a list of the best foes, with the most interesting angles or arcs, but of superior might and menace. And just as it was for the heroes list, Marvel's What If...?, which is MCU multiverse canon, plays a role here.

The first three phases of the MCU led up to the arrival of Thanos and the havoc he wreaked on the entire universe. But was that enough to gain Thanos the top spot here? Could there be others out there more powerful than him? Let's check in with the Top 10 Most Powerful Villains in the MCU!

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Marvel: These Are the Different Gods of the MCU (So Far)
By Matthew Kang | MovieWeb
May 21, 2022


The Marvel Cinematic Universe has always been full of powerful supervillains and superheroes. Aliens, androids, and wizards, the MCU has proved time and again that it is a large place. Yet, regardless of how many new characters have been introduced, they never came anywhere near a god's level of power. This seems to be changing, as Phase Four of the MCU has prominently featured higher beings, more so than any phase of the Infinity Saga.

Loki introduced the Time Variance Authority (TVA) that existed outside of space and time, but the TVA were still comprised of human beings who did not have any superpowers. The MCU has gods that are immortal, standing over any Avenger, Master of the Mystic Arts, or Guardian of the Galaxy. Here are the gods that have been featured in the Marvel Cinematic Universe thus far.
A perfect example for why I extremely dislike "concept" teasers:

Slap on a streaming service logo, grab 25 seconds of anything (Power Rangers) that remotely looks similar, toss in 12 seconds of one movie (Captain Marvel), snatch 16 seconds from another movie (Guardians of the Galaxy), insert 4 seconds of official branding (Marvel Studios intro), outright steal 4 seconds of someone else's graphic artwork and PRESTO! YouTube crap that initially got me excited for two seconds before checking whether it was posted by Marvel Entertainment. :banghead: