So stop your grinnin' and drop your linen. Here is another of my crazy What Ifs.
The original Avengers were:
--with a 4-to-1 male/female ratio.
Fifty years later, the MCU's Avengers were:
--with an extra male character increasing the ratio 5:1. Arguably, Ant-Man and Wasp were replace by Hawkeye and Black Widow, respectively. In a way, Steve Rogers was the addition to the MCU group--just as Marvel added the character to the group later on in the 60s.
Despite some its audience's reservations, Disney and Marvel are introducing more female characters into the MCU. The
*cough* movement may birth a female dominated super team.
In the comics, A-Force was one such team. It's founding members were:
Methinks Disney/Marvel would keep the team's membership at six members max like the original MCU Avengers. However, the general audience's relationship with the comic title's characters is practically non-existent. Quick notes on the book's roster:
- Captain Marvel - already well-established in the MCU.
- She-Hulk - will be established soon once her series begins this August.
Those two characters are strong contenders for an MCU version of the team. Everyone else? Not so much.
- Dazzler and Singularity - both have zero past movie or television exposure and are complete unknowns. Dazzler could get an intro via the new X-Men franchise but that is a big if. The character was not (or used to not be) a big team member in the main comic title. Not sure why the MCU X-Men would feature her any differently, at least not in its beginning. Personally, I cannot see Singularity being inserted into the MCU.
- Medusa - the Inhuman has exposure from the character's television series. However, the show was so stupid that any member of the general audience would be confused at what they remember and how the character would be accurately presented in the MCU I think.
- Nico Minoru - incredibly this character might be the most known of the four. The Hulu Runaways series was not great but fair-to-good with a strong first season. And the character was translated from the title to the small screen fairly well. Unfortunately, her series, like The Inhumans, were outside the MCU and does not make her a strong future candidate.
Four slots need filling. Here are the possibilities, who have been featured in the A-Force title, which I believe have a better than average chance:
- Gamora - well-established as one of the MCU's Guardians of the Galaxy.
- Ms Marvel - will get her MCU foothole with next month's series premiere.
- Miss America - has gotten her MCU introduction with Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness.
Finally, rounding out a 6:0 ratio (no guys in A-Force) that would reverse previous male/female majority in team composition:
Bet someone thought I would say Kate Bishop/Hawkeye.

Nope. Loki but
not Thor Odinson's adopted brother.
Sylvie. Here is where I tie the incredibly thin threads together.
The female version of the character has already been established in the MCU via the Disney+ series. She is a character from a
different multiverse, which the MCU has also established during the past year. In the comic, a female Loki
fought A-Force and was an enemy but the series invented an anti-hero version of the character. Anti-heroes have a history with MCU super teams (i.e. Gamora, etc.).
As a teammate, the current Sylvie would not be a stretch for Marvel writers, who have reference material of a very similar character from the A-Force title, to convert from villain to anti-hero. Heck, Sylvie did just that in
Loki already, lol.
Whew! TL; DR. I'm done.