Comics and Movies


I was stupid in believing FOX would have continued their X-Men Origins series beyond Wolverine. Ororo should have had an opportunity to shine alone in that format as far as I am concerned.

It would have been interesting how The Flight would have been presented. One thing is certain. A movie or series would have captured the Canadian market, lol.
Every God Gorr The God Butcher Has Butchered In The Comics
By Mayra Garcia | CBR
May 29, 2022


Thor: God of Thunder #1 through #11 features one of the darkest passages in Thor history, the God Butcher saga. This arc, by Jason Aaron and Esad Ribić, depicts Thor's battle through time against Gorr the God Butcher. As a god-hater, Gorr is a central character to Thor's fall from grace in the following Jason Aaron's runs. Additionally, he's one of the most prolific murderers in the Thor comics.

Throughout Thor: God of Thunder, Gorr enslaves dozens of Gods to create the Godbomb, an artifact that will allow him to eradicate all gods through time and space. However, before this, he spends centuries murdering them in many gruesome ways, no matter how powerful they are. With Gorr as the main villain in Thor: Love and Thunder, it's a good time to remember his victims.

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8 Books and Comics to Read Before The 'Obi-Wan' Series
By Kevin Hohenberger | Collider
May 30, 2022


Hello there! The famed Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, has been a staple in the Star Wars universe since the beginning. Being the first to guide Luke Skywalker (and the world) on his first steps into the larger world of the Force. A mentor, a warrior, a negotiator, a friend, Kenobi has seen and done it all in the galaxy far, far away.

This fan-favorite character has had plenty of daring adventures and devastating heartbreaks over his life, from his exploits in the Clone Wars to the tragic fall of his padawan, Anakin Skywalker. Though through all the tragedy and hardships Obi-Wan never lost his way and continued to serve the Light Side being the perfect example to what it means to be a Jedi.

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Marvel's Most Experimental Comics, Ranked
By David Harth | CBR
May 29, 2022


Marvel has been the top name in comics for years now. However, calling them innovative in the industry would be a bit of a misnomer. While the publisher has been revolutionary several times over the years, Marvel is a superhero company, first and foremost, and has rarely moved out of that wheelhouse. That doesn't mean they haven't tried to experiment with their formula, though.

Marvel has put out some rather experimental comics, testing new ideas to see just how well they'll work. While they're still noticeably Marvel comics, they've represented an attempted change to the system. Some of them have paid off and some have failed, but that's the nature of experimentation.

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DC Comics launches ‘Batman: Failsafe’ trailer
By David Brooke | AIPT
May 29, 2022


The much anticipated new creative team behind Batman has gotten a motion trailer to kick off their new run. Courtesy of DC Comics, the trailer features the exceptional art by Jorge Jiménez and a few hints at what is to come. Are those multiple Joker characters I see? There’s also a Clayface appearance in the trailer too. Whatever we’re in for, Robin appears to be a prominent figure in the series and it also seems to have a much darker and edgier tone.

Launching with Batman #125, the first story arc titled “Failsafe” features Bruce Wayne at a turning point, haunted by dreams of a dark future, while Gotham City billionaires are being gruesomely murdered. With the discovery of an archenemy’s involvement and a tragedy unfolding, the Dark Knight’s nightmares are just beginning. Batman has a plan for everything, but can even he plan for the horror that is Failsafe?

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Milestone Comics: Every Weapon In Hardware's Arsenal, Ranked
By Scoot Allan | CBR
May 29, 2022


Curtis Metcalf became one of Milestone Comics’ first heroes as the armored Hardware. He stole the resources of Alva Industries to create the Hardware armor so he could bring down the company’s criminal operations. Metcalf designed a few different versions of his armor, improving Hardware’s arsenal with each new model.

Hardware used an advanced shell made of polarized liquid metal that served as the foundation for the external armor components. He had a powerful jet pack and a flying car known as the Skylark, all operated by an onboard computer system known as DOBIE. However, Hardware really stood out in the Dakotaverse due to the firepower and various weaponry built into his armor.

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10 Forgotten Marvel Teams That Are Cooler Than The Avengers

Given how long the Marvel comic universe has been active, there are many extraordinary teams that have been forgotten through the years.
While the Avengers have reigned supreme with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it's becoming apparent that the movies are starting to move away from the iconic group as the franchise moves into Phase 5. But who are they going to be replaced with?

What other Super Hero character you would love to see made into Live Action movie or series ?
Here's my wish list:



















DC's Warlord could be fun....


I want to see a proper Conan series done, something closer to the original source material. Style wise, a cross between "Game of Thrones" and the Starz series "Spartacus" would be awesome.
10 Forgotten Marvel Teams That Are Cooler Than The Avengers

Given how long the Marvel comic universe has been active, there are many extraordinary teams that have been forgotten through the years.
While the Avengers have reigned supreme with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it's becoming apparent that the movies are starting to move away from the iconic group as the franchise moves into Phase 5. But who are they going to be replaced with?


10 Forgotten Marvel Teams That Are Cooler Than The Avengers

Given how long the Marvel comic universe has been active, there are many extraordinary teams that have been forgotten through the years.
While the Avengers have reigned supreme with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it's becoming apparent that the movies are starting to move away from the iconic group as the franchise moves into Phase 5. But who are they going to be replaced with?

Starjammers! :thumbup:

It is still interesting to me how Logan gradually grew in height from his initial appearance to the present. The growth spurt had nothing to do with his mutant healing ability. :laugh:
Starjammers! :thumbup:

It is still interesting to me how Logan gradually grew in height from his initial appearance to the present. The growth spurt had nothing to do with his mutant healing ability. :laugh:
I'm a big fan of the movie "Cool Hand Luke" and there's an actor that plays a small part, Buck Kartalian, that I always thought that looked like he could play the part of Wolverine. He was in the Planet of the Ape movies, but mostly played in small parts, but he was in a lot of stuff. I think he was also a body builder/wrestler when he was young, so he was pretty jacked. Logan was supposed to be short, stocky and hairy.



Just lengthen those sideburns and slap some claws on him..... that's Wolverine right there! :laugh:
I'm a big fan of the movie "Cool Hand Luke" and there's an actor that plays a small part, Buck Kartalian, that I always thought that looked like he could play the part of Wolverine. He was in the Planet of the Ape movies, but mostly played in small parts, but he was in a lot of stuff. I think he was also a body builder/wrestler when he was young, so he was pretty jacked. Logan was supposed to be short, stocky and hairy.



Just lengthen those sideburns and slap some claws on him..... that's Wolverine right there! :laugh:
Agreed. Wolverine's first appearance was in 1974, only seven years after Cool Hand Luke was released. Perhaps some folks at Marvel were inspired by Kartalian's looks. :grin:
Starjammers! :thumbup:

It is still interesting to me how Logan gradually grew in height from his initial appearance to the present. The growth spurt had nothing to do with his mutant healing ability. :laugh:

10 Forgotten Marvel Teams That Are Cooler Than The Avengers

Given how long the Marvel comic universe has been active, there are many extraordinary teams that have been forgotten through the years.
While the Avengers have reigned supreme with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it's becoming apparent that the movies are starting to move away from the iconic group as the franchise moves into Phase 5. But who are they going to be replaced with?



Agreed. Wolverine's first appearance was in 1974, only seven years after Cool Hand Luke was released. Perhaps some folks at Marvel were inspired by Kartalian's looks. :grin:

- Supposedly Kurt Russell was in consideration for the role of Wolverine ...

- Wesley Snipes was in consideration for Black Panther movie over a decade ago but the project never received a green light approval and never got off the ground.
- Supposedly Kurt Russell was in consideration for the role of Wolverine ...

- Wesley Snipes was in consideration for Black Panther movie over a decade ago but the project never received a green light approval and never got off the ground.
Was there a second effort made towards a Black Panther movie featuring Wesley Snipes? He tried getting the movie picked up before his first Blade movie, nearly thirty years ago.
Was there a second effort made towards a Black Panther movie featuring Wesley Snipes? He tried getting the movie picked up before his first Blade movie, nearly thirty years ago.

Good question.
i only heard/read about the first thought of Black Panther project with Wesley.
Thank goodness for the Russo bruthas' ..for introducing BP in Civil War ... the demand seemed to be really screaming for a BP solo film then on..

- Also the studios thought about doing a reboot film of Charleston Heston's Omega Man ... with Arnold Schwarzenegger being the new Heston.
But that was another that never materialized.

So stop your grinnin' and drop your linen. Here is another of my crazy What Ifs.


The original Avengers were:


--with a 4-to-1 male/female ratio.


Fifty years later, the MCU's Avengers became:


--with an extra male character increasing the ratio 5:1. Arguably, Ant-Man and Wasp were replace by Hawkeye and Black Widow, respectively. In a way, Steve Rogers was the addition to the MCU group--just as Marvel added the character to the group later on in the 60s.

Despite some of its audience's reservations, Disney and Marvel are introducing more female characters into the MCU. The *cough* movement may birth a female dominated super team.


In the comics, A-Force was one such team. It's founding members were:


Methinks Disney/Marvel would keep the team's membership at six members max like the original MCU Avengers. However, the general audience's relationship with the comic title's characters is practically non-existent. Quick notes on the book's roster:

  • Captain Marvel - already well-established in the MCU.
  • She-Hulk - will be established soon once her series begins this August.

Those two characters are strong contenders for an MCU version of the team. Everyone else? Not so much.

  • Dazzler and Singularity - both have zero past movie or television exposure and are complete unknowns. Dazzler could get an intro via the new X-Men franchise but that is a big if. The character was not (or used to not be) a big team member in the main comic title. Not sure why the MCU X-Men would feature her any differently, at least not in its beginning. Personally, I cannot see Singularity being inserted into the MCU.
  • Medusa - the Inhuman has exposure from the character's television series. However, the show was so stupid that any member of the general audience would be confused at what they remember and how the character would be accurately presented in the MCU I think.
  • Nico Minoru - incredibly this character might be the most familiar of the four. The Hulu Runaways series was not great but fair-to-good with a strong first season. And the character was translated from the title to the small screen fairly well. Unfortunately, her series, like The Inhumans, were outside the MCU and does not make her a strong future candidate.

Four slots need filling. Here are the possibilities, who have been featured in the A-Force title, which I believe have a better than average chance:


  • Gamora - well-established as one of the MCU's Guardians of the Galaxy.
  • Ms Marvel - will get her MCU foothole with next month's series premiere.
  • Miss America - has gotten her MCU introduction with Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness.

Finally, rounding out a 6:0 ratio (no guys in A-Force) that would reverse previous male/female majority in team composition:

  • Loki

Bet someone thought I would say Kate Bishop/Hawkeye. ;) Nope. Loki but not Thor Odinson's adopted brother. Sylvie. Here is where I tie the incredibly thin threads together.

The female version of the character has already been established in the MCU via the Disney+ series. She is a character from a different universe, which the MCU has also established during the past year. In the comic, a female Loki fought A-Force and was an enemy but the series invented an anti-hero version of the character. Anti-heroes have a history with MCU super teams (i.e. Gamora, etc.).

As a teammate, the current Sylvie would not be a stretch for Marvel writers, who have reference material of a very similar character from the A-Force title, to convert from villain to anti-hero. Heck, Sylvie did just that in Loki already, lol.

Whew! TL; DR. I'm done. :laugh:
Last edited:

So stop your grinnin' and drop your linen. Here is another of my crazy What Ifs.


The original Avengers were:


--with a 4-to-1 male/female ratio.


Fifty years later, the MCU's Avengers were:


--with an extra male character increasing the ratio 5:1. Arguably, Ant-Man and Wasp were replace by Hawkeye and Black Widow, respectively. In a way, Steve Rogers was the addition to the MCU group--just as Marvel added the character to the group later on in the 60s.

Despite some its audience's reservations, Disney and Marvel are introducing more female characters into the MCU. The *cough* movement may birth a female dominated super team.


In the comics, A-Force was one such team. It's founding members were:


Methinks Disney/Marvel would keep the team's membership at six members max like the original MCU Avengers. However, the general audience's relationship with the comic title's characters is practically non-existent. Quick notes on the book's roster:

  • Captain Marvel - already well-established in the MCU.
  • She-Hulk - will be established soon once her series begins this August.

Those two characters are strong contenders for an MCU version of the team. Everyone else? Not so much.

  • Dazzler and Singularity - both have zero past movie or television exposure and are complete unknowns. Dazzler could get an intro via the new X-Men franchise but that is a big if. The character was not (or used to not be) a big team member in the main comic title. Not sure why the MCU X-Men would feature her any differently, at least not in its beginning. Personally, I cannot see Singularity being inserted into the MCU.
  • Medusa - the Inhuman has exposure from the character's television series. However, the show was so stupid that any member of the general audience would be confused at what they remember and how the character would be accurately presented in the MCU I think.
  • Nico Minoru - incredibly this character might be the most known of the four. The Hulu Runaways series was not great but fair-to-good with a strong first season. And the character was translated from the title to the small screen fairly well. Unfortunately, her series, like The Inhumans, were outside the MCU and does not make her a strong future candidate.

Four slots need filling. Here are the possibilities, who have been featured in the A-Force title, which I believe have a better than average chance:


  • Gamora - well-established as one of the MCU's Guardians of the Galaxy.
  • Ms Marvel - will get her MCU foothole with next month's series premiere.
  • Miss America - has gotten her MCU introduction with Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness.

Finally, rounding out a 6:0 ratio (no guys in A-Force) that would reverse previous male/female majority in team composition:

  • Loki

Bet someone thought I would say Kate Bishop/Hawkeye. ;) Nope. Loki but not Thor Odinson's adopted brother. Sylvie. Here is where I tie the incredibly thin threads together.

The female version of the character has already been established in the MCU via the Disney+ series. She is a character from a different multiverse, which the MCU has also established during the past year. In the comic, a female Loki fought A-Force and was an enemy but the series invented an anti-hero version of the character. Anti-heroes have a history with MCU super teams (i.e. Gamora, etc.).

As a teammate, the current Sylvie would not be a stretch for Marvel writers, who have reference material of a very similar character from the A-Force title, to convert from villain to anti-hero. Heck, Sylvie did just that in Loki already, lol.

Whew! TL; DR. I'm done. :laugh:

Thanks for sharing ..

is that Loki ..? ... or the Enchantress ?
is that Loki ..? ... or the Enchantress ?
From Marvel's perspective? I say it is both. Go to Sylvie Laufeydottir's page:

It is the character from the Loki series with actress Sophia Di Martino's picture, etc. Now, click on the character's IN COMICS PROFILE link to the bottom left of Di Martino's picture:

It switches to Sylvie Lushton, a.k.a. Enchantress.

Marvel has linked the comics book bio of Sylvie Lushton/Enchantress with Sylvie Laufeydottir, who is a Loki variant, in the MCU. Essentially, they are both the same character now. ;)

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