~slowly exhales~ Okay.
10. Everything Needs To Be Funny - Agree but do not agree with the implication that it is a problem for many of the MCU films. For me, it was a problem with both Taika Waititi movies. However, the majority of the films have a good mix of humor and drama. And the few that have been intentionally humorous like the
Guardians and
Spider-Man movies have been done either well or extremely well.
Moon Knight is the only television series that has tried too hard and stumbled with misused humor.
9. Every Movie Needs To Be A 3-Hour Epic - Pure exaggeration that is likely due to personal attention spans. 29 MCU films so far.
Eternals clocks in between 2 1/2 and 3 hours. 20 movies are between 2 and 2 1/2 hours long. Seven movies are under 2 hours.
Avengers: Endgame runs over three hours. By a minute. Yes. It is long but does it need to be three hours? In hindsight, I would say no. In fact, I would have preferred it be fleshed out more. For example, more detail could have been assigned to:
- Captain Marvel's space rescue. Space is infinitely vast. Exactly how did Danvers locate Stark & Crew and return them to Earth?
- Soul Stone importance. The Hawkeye/Black Widow fight seemed too brief (wonder if their fight in The Avengers was longer).
- Captain America's returning of the Infinity Stones. Just one sequence of him returning A stone to its proper place in the timeline would have been sufficient AND would not have disturbed the Steve/Peggy reunion at the end.
8. The Multiverse Of Cameos - Disagree. The Illuminati cameos reinforced the multiverse plot, not weaken it. It is regrettable that some of the audience does not know the characters represented by cameos but that is not the films' problem UNLESS the characters are not explained (no matter how briefly) to the audience.
7. MCU Films Always Kill The Villain - Mostly disagree. Phases 1 through 3 were about
Thanos. Loved Ultron but there was no need for the character afterwards. Pick a movie from that stretch. Are there any deceased villains anyone wanted to see again? Also, Loki was a villain. He survived for more appearances. Speaking of cameos, Ronan the Accuser got *****slapped in
Guardians Vol I. He showed up again in
Captain Marvel. There are holes in the always kill the villain exaggeration.
6. Keep The Heroes Alive At All Costs - Should I agree or disagree? I want comic book movie adaptations. I have read thousands of comics. Heroes deaths and rebirths are the norm for most comics.
The Walking Dead is based on a comic. "Heroes" die in it and do not come back unless zombiefied. I don't know what to think. ERROR! ERROR! DOES NOT COMPUTE! ERROR!!!
Frak it. I agree but the writer is stupid (kinda kidding).
5. Everyone Gets A Disney Plus Series - First, that is another exaggeration. Second, not every comic book character is lead solo movie material BUT an arguably large portion of all characters are worthy of a television series. How each series is presented determines whether it was a good choice to give a character a tv show. Third, I think this a premature assumption by the writer. There have not been THAT many Disney+ MCU series to date.
4. The Six Episode Season - Completely agree. Disney's penny pinching is one of my major issues with the streaming service concerning ALL their hubs.
3. Just Shoot It In The Volume - Agree. However, I think any technical issues like shadows in filming quality is a mainly a director problem to clean up.
2. Big CGI Villains -

Moving on. Do not want to get myself banned.
1. The Characters Take Detours Instead Of Journeys -
Just who the <expletive> do you want them to be at the end of a movie or series? Peter Pan?
I'm done.